ive did my research and each one carries a risk of failure and becoming crippled
tell me a legitimate way to die without these obstacles and ill do it
ive did my research and each one carries a risk of failure and becoming crippled
tell me a legitimate way to die without these obstacles and ill do it
Other urls found in this thread:
Just build a guillotine with a timer, test with pig heads. Get drunk, put head in place, if it fails to activate you wake up with a hangover, if it succeeds you never wake up and go as painlessly as possible.
>test with pig heads
sure. let me go to my pig bag and get a bunch of pig heads
im using sodium nitrite when it comes to my time. the only thing that could cause failure is vomitting it up but theres anti-nausea medication that can mitigate that.
anyways i hear its painless you just get dizzy and pass out then cease to breathe.
There is almost no way that a shotgun blast to the head won't kill you almost immediately
>sodium nitrite
how do you supposed to use it?
i dont have and cant get a gun
How the fuck did you do research and not hear about the exit bag?
You can buy them at any butcher shop
Get a gun, you can 3D print it like myself in minecraft.
You pull the trigger and all your misery is gone
i did
its still not certain
thats definitely not going to take anyones attention
i dont have a 3d printer to print a gun
unless you get the angle wrong and just maim yourself. people have survived gunshots to the head. they're just kinda retarded afterwards. even with a shotgun in the mouth. you just take off your face and leave most of the brain intact. maybe you slowly bleed out before you get to a hospital but it's not impossible to survive. you're just waaaay worse off. you gotta build one of those suicide helmets if you want to be sure to hit the vital spots
you have to jump head first from somewhere really high. and it still might not be instant death. if your life isn't so bad that you can't justify a bit of pain to end it all, then it really isn't bad enough user. try harder to fix your shit if you're too big a pussy to be an hero.
you won't do it bc you're a little bitch. Overdose on Heroin, you can buy that stuff from the darknet. there is actually no excuse for someone like you
lol he seeks for attention and not for a solution for his "problem"
>jump head first from somewhere really high
there are people who survive that
>too big a pussy to be an hero
becoming cripppled would be worse
If I had to guess aiming at the temple is the deadliest way and aiming in the roof of the mouth is a worse idea because you're more likely to survive
>Overdose on Heroin
people survive that and become crippled too
how do you know?
not if you jump from high enough
Nembutal has a 100% success rate if you take enough, the only problem would be getting an impure product but you can send in some of the Nembutal to a lab and have it professionally tested by people that won't rat you out for it, there's plenty of drug harm advocates out there. Heroin can fail and overdosing isn't very pleasant (been there, done that) as you'll most likely vomit and your body will try desperately to keep you alive, it's not some pleasant escape like the media portrays it to be. I sincerely can't think of a better drug to die from then Nembutal. The only cases of people surviving is when they immediately warn someone that they live with they ingested it, otherwise they're knocked out within 15-20 minutes typically (less with alcohol) and dead within the hour. There is a 100% success rate and people report no pain in their final moments. Try out ketamine though, pretty good antidepressant.
actually you gotta get the brain stem if you wanna be sure. so almost straight through the back of the mouth. and that's how people fuck up. because they flinch at the last second and send the bullet too high or off to the side.
the other user's guillotine suggestion is more full proof. but you don't gotta go through all that pig head nonsense. just gotta have a heavy enough weight on the blade or a long enough drop so it can build up speed. as long as it has enough force to get through the vertebrae it oughta work. but still gotta have the stones to pull the lever.
no one has ever survived being hit by a speeding train
sadly :(
yea i know that but idk how to find it
Also, Nembutal has been used in 2 user's suicide livestreams and they seemed at peace in their last moments. Just as an added note, it's not a coincidence that the few drug overdoses here resulting in suicide have all been Nembutal. If you take certain drugs before the Nembutal, you can mitigate a good amount of anxiety about killing yourself, such as valium. Chemically speaking, this is the best way to do it, to lessen that amount of existential dread.
You can get it off the deepweb. Tor -> dark.fail -> check various markets. You sound a little young though, maybe it's the way you type, maybe you're zoinked, one thing I've learned is that it all passes. What you feel right now, even if it's a consistent feeling of emptiness, loneliness, anxiety and pain, will pass, in time. Here's a video I watch when I'm feeling down or just to feel better, whatever you do user, good luck.
how will i know what ive purchased is not fake?
12 gauge Shotgun to the head is the most effective. Painless even.
>it's another fucking "I wanna kill myself buh buh but it's too haaaaaaaaaard :(((" thread
Spoiler alert, faggot: you aren't actually suicidal. You just thought dying is easier than living. You just wanted to take the path of least resistance. Yes, suicide is risky and there's no perfect way to do it. But that doesn't stop people from doing it every day. You just thought you wanted to kill yourself because you thought that was the easiest option, but here you are. You're not suicidal, you're just terminally lazy.
You basically need to know how to woodwork for a guillotine though. If I lived in a noguns country I would just jump off a really high bridge or building
just jump off a bridge fucking retard. i mean everyone knows you dont want to actually die. go fuck yourself
> i mean everyone knows you dont want to actually die
This, if OP was actually suicidal he wouldn't go "buh but too hard" or "buh but what if go rong?" because he just wouldn't care about that anymore, he would just do it.
There are people dying every day from random bullshit that will never get a second chance and you're just going to throw your life away. Cringiest nigger ever
Google Preikestolen or Royal Gorge Bridge and go there and jump. It is a 250+ meter drop at either location with a hard landing. You will die immediately on impact with zero pain and zero chance of survival. Landing will be like pressing the metaphorical button, as you will just instantly die no matter how you land.
If you are concerned that you might be overpowered by your survival instinct, bring anti-anxiety medication and/or booze. Do it at night if you do not want to be seen by others when you do it.
All you need for this is the money to travel to either one of these locations. It should not be much more than ~$100-$200 at the very most if you already live in Europe or North America. Be advised though that this will kill you with certainty and should not be pursued for attention. Once you jump it will be permanently over forever with no chance of going back.
i cant get a shotgun
stupidest post ive seen today
You send it into gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis to get an exact purity % of the drug if you really want to ensure you have decent drugs. Alternatively you can get a simple test kit, confirm it's Nembutal and take 3x more then the dose that kills people to offset for any purity differences. So, to be super safe, take 30g. If for some reason you survive, you won't end up as a vegetable. All of the people that have been reported as survivors (low dosages, impure product, other drugs that work against it's actions i.e, stims) show no noticeable brain damage. So yeah, Nembutal is what you're going for. Hard to fuck up but even on the of chance you do fuck up, you're not permanently retarded.
underage b8
Fertilizer and diesel, try to make it to the moon
>stupidest post ive seen today
Yeah, well I've seen posts like yours a million times. I'm sick of it. If you aren't willing to put any effort into your own suicide, you aren't actually suicidal. You're just lazy. Too lazy to live, too lazy to die.
3 pills of Xanax, 4 oxy 30 pressed with fentanyl and 3 shots of Jameson. If you don't do drugs this mix will give you the most painless and coziest death you could imagine :)