So frens how has it affected you? And how bad is it/how much do you want it gone?
The autism
I don't have it, i wish i had though
I grew out of it and got social anxiety instead
I can't even tell you how it has affected me. I feel normal. People seem like the retards to me. They don't really like me but why would I care about that? They're all so caught up in image and pleasure, I don't know why I would bother wasting my time on people like that
It didnt effect me, nts did
It didnt make it bad, nts did
I dont want it gone, i want nts gone
not that badly aside from the fact that i have a lot of embarrassing memories from when i was younger, some that i cant get over
now my schizophrenia, on the other hand...
this desu, maybe it's just the people i happen to associate with but so many people seem to be so stupid
rip, got the double dose then. How do you deal with it fren?
well ive never taken meds and i never will, so ill let you use your imagination
This. I have ASPERGERS most normies don't think.
It's a part of me now so I don't notice until after I analyze my last social interaction. I'd need someone to live with me and observe my behavior.
pretty much this
Normies are all the same to me. Simple creatures, driven by emotions. They only care about social status and self image. They're all so shallow
Why do so many people on here claim to be autistic? Is this place for autist and fags? If so I think I'm ready to stop coming on here I'm just about sick of it all.
>observe my behaviour through made up normie eyes
>make scripts for what i will say when it is important
>have to flap hands or chew nails when nervous, and i'm often nervous, sometimes start doing it in public
>i still anger people, especially women, without knowing why
>too afraid to use autistic superpowers because when i am lost in something, the whole day is gone
>hard to make friends because people feel that i am different and therefore worthless in their eyes
>try to compensate by being fit, people still assume i am stuck up
>my interests are niche and weird to normies
>hard to concentrate on things, i have too many thoughts
>conversations move on quick before i add something, if i don't i am labelled quiet, if i do, weird
fuck i want it gone very badly but i don't want social anxiety. mainly want it gone to make studying easier. i don't like normies, they are boring and disappointing to me. too hard to please and not interesting or honest enough
You're a moron.
>People seem like the retards to me
That's because you're too dumb to realize you're the dumb one.
>Simple creatures
You're the simple one.
It's the shame of knowing that I'll always have to mask my tism to fit in with normies.
I often wish I wasn't autistic, or at times I wish I was lower functioning; then I wouldn't give a fuck about anything.
If you aren't diagnosed you can fuck off this thread and also fuck off this board forever. I am a real diagnosed autist here ama. Ive never been loved by another person beyond familial obligation.
the ol' classic "no u"
>why do people who are fucked in the head come to an anonymous image board that allows near consequence free social interaction
Maybe its the colors
I can relate. Not only that I had to be born an autist I also got diagnosed with schizophrenia when I was 16. Our social lives were over the moment we were born.
Fucking retard. Autism only gives you a big advantage if you have a genius-level IQ, it helps especially in physics fields, but not then you are average and can be replaced by more qualified people with better social skills.
Diagnosed autist since 4 and schizo since 16. Fuck me.
Would give literally anything for it gone. Just being able to do shit like read facial expressions, and not being a cringy, obsessive weirdo that will never have normal children would be worth almost any cost. So many opportunities would open up for me if I was cured.
But i'm stuck in this defective brain until I die.
It sucks, I hate it, I would much rather be a braindead NPC than continue to live as an autist. I just want to be normal and see the world as a normal person does.
I've got it and with learning disabilities.
Question for you however do you have a wifu for the lack of a gf then?
At least you're not one of these autists that desparately wants kids, despite the high risk of spreading their disability and their likely ineptitude at being a parent to a child in the first place
To be honest I want to have a family but only if I can reduce the chances of passing on the autism. Like gene therapy or some self augmentation to reduce the chance.
>tfw having a family would also cure the loneliness issue
>Just being able to do shit like read facial expressions, and not being a cringy, obsessive weirdo
Cant even imagine at this point
It's like theres an entire layer of human experience that people claim to have that you cant even see
I think my recent asperger diagnosis explains my life up till now (27).
I guess I'm finally embracing who I truly am instead of trying to be someone else.
And damn does it feel good.
It affects me horribly, but I don't want to have it gone as it impacts every part of me and to remove it would make me a different person entirely
But basically;
>Intense sensetivity to all stimuli, such as lights, sounds, texture (for example of clothing), to touch.
>This means I can get overwhelmed quickly, even when doing something as simple as going to work as outside is filled with these things
>I do not properly understand the concept of "Theory of mind".
>Awful social skills. I don't think I have an ounce of charisma, monotone voice. Can't look people in the eyes when speaking to them.
>Can't focus on one sound or voice, always get overwhelmed by any collection of noises, can't focus on what is going on when multiple conversations are going on.
>I will always have a problem with relating to people and sometimes they don't feel real because I cannot really imagine anything from their perspectives
>I don't know how to connect and actually retain any relationships.
>Things bring me more joy than people.
>I get really obsessive over my hobbies, they are too specific to get to share and discuss them with people, or the hobby is over-filled with normalfags who don't know how to discuss it properly or have a surface level of understanding it which doesn't satisfy my autism
>Suffer from big social anxiety due to my bad experiences with people which I can't ever forget.
>Many studies say that people with autism are very highly prone to depression and I guess they are right.
>The only reason why I managed to land a job at all is that I work at the same place where my mom does, I've never been to a job interview yet, but I know I would fuck it up and never actually manage to land a job.
I do actually enjoy life but I am scared of my future, I don't feel like I can do this alone, I feel like I should have maybe received proper treatment for it which I never got. I am saving up money right now and will see whatever will happen next to me.
That's the thing, I DO want them. But I can't in good conscience inflict this life on an innocent soul. School taught me that my 'kind' will never be welcome in this world.
This shit sucks, man. I do wish I wasn't born with it and knew how it feels to be normal.