Or joining a combat job in the military?
I've had urges to fight in a war since I was a kid but I know it's wrong to feel that way. What do?
Have you ever considered becoming a mercenary?
yes I have, but now i'm 27 and have cast off childish desires like this because i'm not chad
No, I don't want to die for other people's retarded ideals.
How did you get rid of them? I'm 22 now and they still won't go away. I know it's childish as fuck and actual combat is not enjoyable, but sometimes I feel like a pussy for not fighting idk
ive definitely considered it, but i dont perform well under stress so i can defo picture how well i would do in a combat situation
until i was like 19, i thought for sure i was gonna join the army and die for israel like a good goy, and i honestly still kinda want to just because it seems infinitely better than living where i do, but dying for this dystopia eventually became less appealing to me than living in it
>die for israel like a good goy
This is the only thing stopping me. However I have no direction in life, and desk jobs seem like hell to me.
you get brutally ego destroyed and realize you're a subhuman and if you really wanted to do it you would have been in the military at 17 or something like the other non manchildren
Ouch. Well fuck me then
4 years infantry, 2 years deploying as a civilian
bin there dun that
How was it? Do you regret it?
You do realize you basically need to be ex-military to become a mercenary and most robots here wouldn't even qualify to join the military?
The fuck is former military doing on this sad board? Unless you had problems adapting to life after the military.
hell no, i would never joing anything like french foreign legion
how do you really cope? some sort of meditation, the dark energy in your body and mind can be endured, the humiliation of your inferiority, cowardice and loss of purpose and means to get somewhere in life will always be there to attack you, but you must remember to have dominion over it.
Thanks for the advice user. I wish I didn't have these borderline psycho urges. I don't want to kill people, but I'd rather die for something than have a boring wagie job for 50 years
Nope, I used to be some weeb faggot that hated the world. Made friends with some marines when I was young, lost weight got fit
Signed up as infantry, unfortunately never deployed to a combat zone in the military -- just training. Signed up for government work, after 2 years decided to go into an operational role.
3 back-to-back tours in a combat zone over 2 years. Mainly with marines and SF types, taught me to grow the fuck up.
Left being a government contractor, went to work as a sort-of government contractor in a different role. Did that for 4 years, started a company and is now successful because of the maturity/friends I made back then.
Decided to browse on Zig Forums after 12 years to see if shits the same....nothings changed.
Let's not kid ourselves about being weak fatasses. You're all lazy, weak and pathetic, and make up constant excuses about your lives.
All you want is friends, a sense of belonging and some bullshit right of passage. That's exactly what combat roles do to you.
I'm doing what ever I like, as a grown up I have that ability.
I'm not asking about your ability, I'm asking why here. People don't come here unless they have problems.
idk for me personally i just sort of remind myself of why i'm not a normie and then everything else falls into place as to why i never did anything really with my life, for instance i was homeschooled and this guy from the military said they had a homeschooled person in their unit or something and they made fun of him constantly and how much he hated him for being an autist so there's that
Is the combat as bad as people say? I know it makes me a psycho but I've always wanted to do it. Also is 22 too old?
Autistic people can't join the military. You know that, right, OP?
Dude I've been on Zig Forums since...2004ish.
Zig Forums didn't even exist back then. Zig Forums is full of tranny porn and retards, Zig Forums is full of tranny porn and trump, Zig Forums is full of tranny porn and tranny porn.
If I want to lurk I will lurk. I pop back in from time to time.
when i was 19 i tried to join the marines but because of my homeschool my ged wasn't from a place they approved as well so then i went to college and got some credits but at that point i didn't know what i wanted to do so i just got a job and then I got diagnosed with mental illness and neetbux
Security guards are pretty much PMCs, so yeah.
>got diagnosed with mental illness and neetbux
Absolutely based. How can i do this?
How is it? do you enjoy your work?
Sounds like you were always a normalfag and the supposed transformation you went through in the military was just you telling yourself you had to do it to become a man. In reality you were always ready for it or else you wouldn't have done it. This board doesn't care about the typical normalfag guide to becoming an efficient NPC
I'll give you an honest answer.
It really depends who you are, I've never been someone to care about death or killing/being involved with killing. I've probably got Zig Forums to thank for that.
Combat is a rush, it's scary, funny and enjoyable all at the same time. But that's not what fucks you up.
Being so highly strung/wired for months on end is what fucks you up. For example, looking at someone the wrong way might get you killed, forgetting to lock a door behind you might get you kidnapped, stepping on an IED might blow your legs off -- but you never know.
The constant anticipation and your reaction to it messes with your head.
- Sleeping in the safety of your home and someone breaks in
- Being attacked while in your safe compound without any weapons
- Walking down the street at home and being robbed
When you're strapped up and ready for a fight, you're expecting it. It's the unknown that terrifies you.
But you do see some fucked up stuff which stays with your forever, never against the enemy -- more to do with the civilians/your friends/team mates.
Well the only difference is between people that have grown up and people that are growing up.
Some people never grow up, some people grow up young.
Thanks for the honestly. The rush you described is probably what is drawing me to it.
>Being so highly strung/wired for months on end is what fucks you up.
This is kind of what I assumed would mess me up. The idea of shooting at people doesn't really bother me for some reason, but being super tense 24/7 seems like it would get to me.
Also the other thing that scares me is coming home injured or paralyzed or something. If I die while I'm fighting that's one thing because I really don't want a boring desk job, but living forever with a horrible injury seems worse than dying
just have a crazy family
I tried to get religious again as well but everything was too late and depressing at some point, the ship had sailed on my existence, a real sense of powerlessness crept in, and my endless night reigned. Self doubt kills
>I know what right and wrong is
Textbook normalfag, you went through no transformation, you were always a fucking normie
and despite everyone's moral projecting, when you don't have your potential for money or power then they turn on you, because we're just slaves in the end, the only reason to join the military is to get rid of some insecurity complex other people enforce.
>I tried to get religious again as well but everything was too late and depressing
Fuck me I have the same thing. Should have indoctrinated myself at a young age, it feels to late now
most of you guys arent even competent enough to work at a gas station, nobody would pay you to be a mercenary lmao
>Have you ever considered becoming a mercenary?
>Or joining a combat job in the military?
I am a pacifist
I don't exclusively recommend signing up. It really depends on what you need in life.
If you want to mature, make some excellent friends and share experiences no one else can understand -- then sign up. I suspect most people on this board can benefit from an experience like that.
If that sounds like something you need, or want. Then just walk into the recruiting office and out your name down for marines, rangers or SEALs.
That's literally all you need to do, take the first step.
I had a "bottoming out" stage where I realized there was nothing keeping me safe and I was naked existentially and socially, it's a loss of innocence.
Do not join the military you bloody idiot.
at some point i started getting intrusive thoughts and that was when i really dropped the idea of joining the military and just went for neetbux
Thanks for the advice user, The maturing part is what really appeals to me. I might do a non combat MOS to learn something and currently joining infantry seems like being a janitor that has to stay in shape.
What kind of thoughts? I don't qualify for neetbux unfortunately