>All citizens must apply for a license to have a child and be a parent. >You musy prove that you can adequately raise your child to be a successful member of a society, socially, physically, and emotionally. >This will include 1 months worth of courses and training in able to be certified to raise children properly and efficiently. >The goal is to create a generation of people who won't end up like fucking failures >You must then prove that you and your spouse can financially care for a child till they reach the age of 17, (being a single parent is prohibited) >If you have a child while unlicensed you will serve a minimum of 1 year community service and a maximum of 5 years in prison depending on the term of the pregnancy or the age of the child. >All children who are born under unlicensed parents will be taken by the state and given to orphanages, any and all people who apply for parenthood can be assigned a child. >If your child is showing signs of being mistreated, abused, or having their emotional and mental health stunted, they will be recovered and you will be banned from having a child. >Abortion is legalized and encouraged for people who are not fit to take care of a child, with the subsequent punishment of jail time.
Either everyone stops having kids and we all die in anarchy or everyone conforms.
I couldn't agree much user. I am tired of seeing retarded children with retarded parents. It's not at all the kid's guilt, It's the fucking retardo gaynigger parents' problem.
>less unwanted kids >more happy kids >people with adequate money can have kids, albeit no more than 2.
My law would be that race mixing is illegal. Race mixed children must be aborted. If a race-mixed child is born, it and its parents will be punished by death. t. race-mixed spic
I completely end the Social Security and Medicare programs, immediately. fuck boomers.
Camden Wright
$2k a month for everyone.
Jeremiah Cox
Each day, and irreversibly from this point onwards, every state and territory east of the Appalachian mountains and every state and territory west of the Rockies will permit murder with no consequence. There shall be no laws against murder in these states.
Henry Kelly
Make paternity tests mandatory. If the child is found to be not related to the man who the mother claims is the father, then the man will not have to pay children support, alimony, his biological children goes into his custody (unless he has a history of offence), and all payments of divorce (if he decides for separation) goes to the woman after 2yrs of his knowledge (privately he has to sign a paper in a governmental facility that he knows the results of the test).
Jacob Gutierrez
All females must have a bmi over 40 No exceptions
Kevin Howard
women must follow all of my orders
Jackson Scott
>all Abrahamic religious practices are punishable by death
Cooper Hernandez
Every female is forced to take governmental breasts growth supplements, til they reach an acceptable size. Failure to comply will result in imprisonment and forced breast growth. Any destruction towards the breasts will be deem destruction to governmental property and will be punished so.