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>I reject both science and religion

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>i believe in both because religion and science complete each other

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>Mythological cosmogonies go hand in hand with scientific methods
Prove god exists and the debate is settled

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>i have my own conclusions that i come to and don't go with a specific side

>"believing" in science

They're both very different philosophies. Religions with a cannon are all about accepting the written scriptures without a shred of doubt.
Science is all about predicting the future with reliable experiments that can be repeated by anyone and produce consistent results. It's basically about figuring out the rules of reality in a demonstrable standardized way that can be mathematically expressed and proved over and over.
The only thing they have in common is that they both try to explain our reality, but the modus operandi are separated by an abyss.
Religion is about blissful willing ignorance.
Science is about unrelenting questioning and inquiring

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>there are people that let others dictate to them what is real and what isn't
Bunch of sheep-minded fools I say.

>There are people who read a 2 thousand year old book and think it's telling the truth


Tho is only applies to the practical / classical god and not a philosophical one
If you define Religion about the believe on "higher" being, there are some arguments that are compatible with science

And there even are arguments for a "god" in a scientific way
I think the one issue understandable for most people is the big bang. You could believe it's caused by a "god" and still be compatible with all our physics

Or more complicated issues, e.g. it looks like our universe is non deterministic, that means you could believe in a higher being controlling the randomness in particle physics

There are even problems more on the surface
For example, in physics we have a lot of unproven hypothesis we "believe" are right
Of course we only believe them because they are the most plausible but still

TL:DR you can't just say Religion is ignorance because it depends on which one you choose. Religion can be as questioning as science and can even incorporate it by filling the gaps science has.

Only a midwit could grasp the vastness and intricacy of the cosmos and not see God within. The midwit is himself sick so that perceiving creation constitutes an attack on his selfish perception.
(((Science))) cultists are superfluous morons who must be annihilated.

some street preacher jelled at people saying that science is a religion and that choosing not to believe in religion is in itself a religion
how do people like that even exist. the cunt has been roaming the same street daily for months. do they get payed for that shit

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ask that shithead to define religion

are pushy street preachers just a thing unique to america? I live in australia and have never seen one throughout my entire life.

"The first sip from the glass of natural science will have you convinced an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass, God is waiting."
~Bertrand Russel

his definition was just that, anything you can believe in is a religion and "believing that you dont believe" is a religion. he also kept asking to be proven wrong and for people to make life in experiements because "muh intelligent design"

not american either and its the only one ive ever seen. what makes it even more retarded is that its a buddhist preacher. i thought they were supposed to be the most accepting

Prove God doesn't exist fedora tipping faggot.

You cannot epistemologically verify the existence of a higher power until you're dead retard.

ill take your bait. what persists into the afterlife?

They just want to seem epic smart and logical cool to others without understanding what science is, science prides itself in its ability to admit when its wrong

There may or may not be an afterlife, but wouldn't life be more pleasant assuming there is one than not?

Mythology is beyond right and wrong.


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so true, he literally called me an uneducated idiot and said he had been studying for over 20 years. i ask for his credentials and he had nothing. all he could do was "prove me wrong"

why would it be? do you need an afterlife to reassure yourself?


"Science" is the new age religion.
Quite disturbing given science's roots in epistemology and verifiable truths.

only religion is about believing, science is about proving that believing something without proof is ultimately degenerate behaviour

Post-truth. Take your meds.

Fuck god fuck science. If god exists he's definitely evil. Science is just endless autism. Fuck all this shit and fuck you turbonormals for shitting up every single safe space for outcasts. Fuck you

Science and religion don't always go hand in hand. Depending on what religion you're talking about, there are religions that are entirely incompatible with science.

No but we can prove that certain religions cant exist or their god is either lying or not all knowing

God loves you, even if you don't believe in Him.

we can also prove their religions are inconsistent with themselfs

I refuse to believe in someone creating me as a complete loser and autist, then requires me to pray for him cause he "gave me my life". He gave me suffering. Fuck him

Science requires a great deal of belief. All "facts" are just interpretations of potentially invalid data.

and when you tell them that theyll always go "he is just testing your faith" fuck that

God doesn't need you to pray to Him. He needs nothing. You pray to show appreciation and to connect with the Holy Spirit.
Also, God didn't create you to suffer. It's people who cause suffering and pain, not God. God gave us a world full of beauty and joy. It's people who twisted it into something God didn't intend.
>inb4 why doesn't God end all suffering
God gave humans free will. If He were to end suffering - which is caused by humans - He would strip us of His gift.

None of that scientism bull shit. Also philosophy is dope!

fuck that, why should appreciate his bullshit?
>didn't create suffering yada yada
Then why did he create people to cause suffering in other people. You won't suffer in hell unless you're catholic, so why should they bother being nice
>world of beauty and joy
Did he laugh while watching the beauty and joy of the Cambodian Autogenocide on his godly TV?

called it
also dont you people say "god has a plan for us all" that means your idea of free will doesnt exist

you will appreciate him like you will appreciate an abusive relationship