Why do people always talk about manchildren and how men aren't growing up, but never talk about womenchildren and how like 70% of the female population is worse? Could it be that women get a pass in life?
Why do people always talk about manchildren and how men aren't growing up...
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It just isn't as obvious, cause childish woman are playing on some fetishes (CUTE princess, pink dresses, CUTE!!!), while childish men are not, and fall short of the strong, provider they're required to be.
Blame toxic masculinity
because females are permanently in a child like state
they don't really grow up like we do user
its just human nature
Women are children, there is literally no difference between talking to a vagina and a child
Women are weak and inferior creatures, it's wrong to expect of them.
Women are expected to act like children.
So we as men are literally biologically condemned to have to betabux for a grown child? Maybe this wouldn't be so crushing if women didn't compete with us for job openings nowadays.
Yes, people have massively low expectations for women which they complain about endlessly
Women have been robbed of their virtue by this society. As they are, women are nothing.
This is not to say you should pity them, but understand your own position isn't so bad.
Based. Women often have adult sex with black men.
You mean the fact that they can work/vote or the fact that they can have sex whenever they want because of the Sexual Revolution? In either case I have no pity for women, they have it easy as fuck and they can make money with OnlyFans when I can't
it's not about childish hobbies. it's about all consuming childish hobbies and behaviours to the detriment of one's own independence.
women are people, retard
>Could it be that women get a pass in life?
You know the answer
So you want to do the kind of demeaning work which is fit for a woman? Do you want to be an object to be sold?
Sex without reproductive intent is a violent and humiliating act which inevitably cultivates degeneracy.
Your envy is pathetic because it is directed at those who are fundamentally lesser.
I guess to answer your question I'm not conservative enough to care about sexual decency, really what I care about is how fuckers never address how easy women have it
>boohoo degeneracy
>im on Zig Forums btw
This board is for gay men you stupid roastie
No it's not you faggot all of you need to find somewhere else to be fags
Contraceptive technology, separating sex from reproduction, has made more women into exceedingly immature and blown out degenerates. Favoring them in careers has not helped either. What did the changes implemented by feminism really help out? It certainly was not women.
Then you start to see that everything is fucked. There are already superfluous NEETs who live for no purpose. It's no longer enough to stoically accept life as one should. One must consoom and be a good cattle. youtu.be
Global "progress" is not a conscious entity. It only seeks to optimize itself at ANY cost, outlasting any government or lifespan. It is unable to compromise with anything other than itself. The only solution is to destroy any notion of it.
Not him but as lons as i don't get some deadly std and get a solid amount of money i am willing to do quite a lot.
I have a feeling that you already knew this, but yeah.
Then you are letting your greed make you less than men. Develop some respect for yourself and have dignity or else nothing else will be worthwhile.
I honestly did and my questions were rhetorical but I don't know how to rectify not being able to tolerate regular facts of life. I feel like most normies never even ask these questions because they're so well-programmed.
Who fucking cares about greed or sexuality, I don't believe in God, and greed and sexuality are victimless "sins".
Womenchildren are just called Karens.
Then you'll destroy yourself like a faggot.
don't come to this board if you don't hate women, heteronormie.
>Why do people always talk about manchildren
they dont, get out more.
So? Cutting off part of your dick and wasting one of your days a week sitting in a building is self destructive but I don't talk about religious people destroying themselves
this. most are karens
Not the normalfag but friendly reminder that incels aren't gay because if they were it is way easier to fuck men than women so they wouldn't be incels. Stop trying to place the faggot flag on this board.
Hating women isn't a good excuse to destroy your body and humiliate yourself with the act of sodomy.
>Cutting off part of your dick and wasting one of your days a week sitting in a building is self destructive
I agree. I have no respect for the Jewish god and I'm very glad to be uncircumcised. However, whataboutism is a pathetic way to justify your self-destruction.
It's not just Karens. The majority of women aren't expected to put forth the same kind of work or maturity in life.
women hate men
men hate women
get over it, retard
its a love/hate relationship
Degeneracy is a good thing, feminism liberated women from the fascist over reach of men.
>>Progressives, and many of the elite push effeminate men, dykes, and trannies.
effeminate men, dykes and trannies are the master race. The further we move away from the psychotic delusion of god belief the closer we get to true freedom, autonomy and control of our own destiny.
>>over God's intent.
christ-kikery of any kind can not be tolerated fren. The days of cave dwelling are over, and any who would move us back towards it must be eliminated. Please rephrase fren.
true robots hate women and only have sex with men
True robots are volcel.
You can't "have sex" with men because your actions have nothing to do with the act of sexual reproduction. Sodomy is the correct term.