Why do some men like to pretend that they arent attracted to sluts, or that they hate them and want nothing to do with them? Every man likes fapping to sluts and pretending you hate them makes you look dumb because its obvious you cant stop paying attention to them, and also contradicting yourself.
Why do some men like to pretend that they arent attracted to sluts...
Every man will get his dick wet to a whore, but he will never love or respect her. All the slags in my town get shamed pretty harshly.
There's a difference between real-life and fiction. Many women can't seem to comprehend that.
>tfw women think they're in movies
are women really this retarded or is it just the braindead druggie roasties on r9k
Just because I beat my dick to something doesn't mean I don't hate it. Sluts are disgusting, but I like the visual stimulus, and non-sluts don't make jerk-off material. Simple as. Hentai is better than both though.
Even if you claim to hate them as people, you are still giving them your time and attention. By doing this you validate them and reinforce their behavior, this is why nobody takes guys who claim to hate sluts seriously anymore.
So sluts irl get no attention from regular men? Doubt.
should I try to pretend to be sexually promiscuous? is this really a reliable way to get attention?
>getting aroused by something you hate
Male sexuality is weird, what a pathological mess.
Men literally ruin their marriages and become estranged from their kids over this stuff. It definitely affects reality. Porn addiction is the second biggest reason for divorce.
has this image ever been attached to a non-bait post
>porn while in a relationship
literally the woman not putting out enough
Plenty of men watch porn in a relationship while getting regular sex. Due to their constant need for novelty and the Coolidge effect. Another reason to take the lezpill.
>creating more single moms and broken homes because you couldnt resist the urge to COOM
good job moids, you deserve the shit society we are in
I get aroused to things I hate, being made to feel lesser, being abused (verbally and physically), and the list goes on. I also like vanilla shit like handholding and hugs and cuddling. Female attention and acknowledgement in any form is my fetish.
what's enough for most men? once a day? twice?
Literally everything bad in the world is mens fault tbqh. All men should be chemically castrated and all women should be given a drug that turns them into lesbians (if they arent already).
it's the male version of a woman's materialism. not judging just how it is.
marry me I'd abandon porn forever for a consistent woman I know and trust. why would I rather be alone in the dark with my cock in my hand?
been there done that, it never works out long term
>Male sexuality is weird, what a pathological mess.
says the gender who has rape fantasies lol
depends on how long they've been in a relationship. veteran couples should hopefully still pull at least twice a month. would want once a week earlier on.
I like sluts as long as they're classy and not trashy but I wouldn't date one out of sanitary concerns and I demand fidelity from a partner regardless of how slutty. Hope that answer your questions.
no it hasn't
Madonna-whore complex, simple as that. So many men have it.
The best thing for the woman living in a world of coomers and ruined men is to milk them for all their worth in your 20's and then do whatever you want later, be it settling down with a beta and having kids eventually, or devoting your life to your hobbies.
sounds fine to me, I figured male arousal was a daily urge since most of them seems to be masturbating this often
threads like these are depressing bc they remind me that men are literally garbage but i also feel glad to be volcel after reading them. the only way you can win such a rigged game in such a rigged society is not to play at all.
thankfully im bi but i have no interest in relationships at all anymore
could argue that you weren't willing to satisfy your partner despite him doing everything for you
hmmmm I can only imagine what the first is
great selection there
100% of men have fantasized about raping someone. that also counts as a rape fantasy yknow, and a more depraved one at that. disgusting.
Lol nah. What do men contribute to a relationship these days that women dont already have? Money? Most women earn their own. Stability? Good luck with your finding a stable man in 2020.
>Porn addiction is the second biggest reason for divorce
74% of divorce cases are filed by women
The first biggest reason is girls think they have to "figure themselves out" while in a marriage thus destroying whatever the man has built for himself
>a woman not even liking me in a fantasy setting
no that would just make me even more sad
women love me in fantasy land
blame pornography, most women are fantasizing about similar degeneracy because of the internet
The idea of a slut settling down for me seems flattering and strangely romantic. I'd let her camwhore every now and then as long as I get my fill
I want to beat sluts to death
would you rather be living alone?
Actually conflict, arguments and stress is the biggest reason for divorce, with addiction, abuse or infidelity as runners up. Some studies say upwards of 70% of men admit to cheating in their marriage.
Initiation of divorce is irrelevant, if someone is being abusive, cheating, or has an addiction that they refuse to get help for, women have every right to file for divorce from such shit tier men.
Nice try but youre not a woman, tranny. You cant be lesbian, youre a man.
>100% of men have fantasized about raping someone
cope. 54% of them have once and 11% do it regurarly.60% of women fantasize about it at least once and 23% fantasize about it often.Twice as much as men
>have to kill or die for you
>always satisfying your needs despite expecting to usually get nothing in return
>putting up with your nagging without twisting your head off
>pretending to listen when you whine about your coworkers or things we have no control over fixing
>have to do everything in the bedroom and if anything goes wrong we get blamed
>if any chad gives you the time of day we're absolutely fucked because women value upgrading over a track record of loyalty while I'd rather not play bitch roulette with a stacy I don't know
>yes money or else you would date men that make less you fucking liar
>is eating a bowl of shit preferable to starving
what do you think