Not a land whale

>Not a land whale
>Not a whore
>Not a druggie or alcoholic
>Not into degenerate behaviour like body mods

Are these standards too high for women?

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I'll take not a landwhale I don't mind the other things, I do hate alcoholism though as far as addictions go.

>Not a whore
define this one please

gladly, It doesn't mean i only want a virgin because i know that is already an impossible standard nowadays.
To me whores are women who enjoy having one night stands weekly, have been in a willing gangbang or orgy, Fuck strangers at parties, have cheated while in a relationship, or take part in polyamourous/cuck relationships.

what about having unrealistic sexual fantasies? it's not like I can just ignore it

>Are these standards too high for women?
Apparently. This is why I stopped caring about ever getting a gf. Beggars can't be choosers, and I certainly am not begging.

To most women, guys having standards at all is misogynistic.

depends whether its tangible or not

You'll have to be more specific. If it involves fetish stuff there's a line somewhere when it's too disgusting even for me.

I wouldn't describe this stuff in public like that, but it's nothing special really, I just feel guilty having any sort of sexual drive I guess

why can men do this stuff i dont understand

First one is acceptable if you're not a land whale yourself.

Second one is somewhat acceptable. I get not wanting an alcoholic, but what if she vapes or smokes weed occasionally? Is that really that awful to you?

This one is just retarded. You're projecting onto her. Learn to appreciate someone's individuality and not be bitter user.

why are body mods degenerate? as long as it doesn't stop someone from getting a proper job, and doesn't look like shit, i think it's fairly normal. what kind of mods do you mean, like split tongue? that i agree is degenerate and signals attention seeking extreme narcissist or psychopath behaviors

No body like fat guys,
Women who sleep around can't be trusted to bare their bf's/husband's kids but men who managed to sleep around lots of women is demonstration of higher value,
arguably men get more flack for being a druggie/alcoholic,
guys who are into body mods used to stand out and a sign of toughness, now it's not only normalized (boring), most of the time it's ugly.

>I wouldn't describe this stuff in public
>an anonymous forum is too public for me
This is why you should stay in your fucking containment board you cancerous piece of shit
Fuck off back to wherever you came

Why did this Voc retard draw an anime babe as Rick Evans in this meme picture? To what end?

No of those things I mentioned apply to me currently. I'm wouldn't be stupid enough to say i don't want fat women if i was fat myself. So I do expect to apply my standards of women to myself too.
Druggie is someone who is addicted tho. Recreational weed wouldn't be bad to me but some people go too far in my view. And personally i don't like smoking cigarettes.
Yeah i mean the terrible shit like spliting toungues or just going too far with modifications in general. Ear, navel, eybrow, toungue peircings individually would be fine but having all of them at once just shows a personality type i wouldn't trust to be in a relationship with.

>>Not a land whale

The problem is that the complete and utter loss of the last two generations of women to obesity means that this requirement restricts you to such a small pool of women that you have to be in the top 20% of men to have any chance of dating one for even a little while.

There's no such thing as "I just want an average girl...who's thin" because all thin girls are now above average by definition.

Get a nazi tranny maybe and they might have some of these prerequisites

>Not a whore
this is the only unrealistic one. if you want to date women you need to come to terms with the fact that they're pretty much all used goods. you're never going to be special to her. you'll always be just another cock in a long line of cocks.

>you're never going to be special to her. you'll always be just another cock in a long line of cocks.
god that one is just painful to accept, but you might be right

Yeah man
This shit hurts and is too real

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I am none of these. If you have hot hands please be my bf.

>none of these
Youre either a nazi tranny or just some faggot larper

Maybe this is why you can not get a gf. Whenever a girl is interested you call them a tranny/larp.

for someone who posts here yes they are

all im saying is some body modifications arent even that serious like ear piercings or nose or lip its not that serious why is that a red flag to some people .

That's not me. I would be interested but it's pointless if you don't live in the UK

It depends if you have anything of value to offer those women. Why should they choose you and not some chad with a marriage proposal?

Robots, you find a girl who meets all of these requirements but shes a NEET with no life due to crippling mental illness. In fact, its a miracle you found her in the first place because she only leaves her home twice per month.
Would you still want her?

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So I guess simply by posting here I deserve all of this in a partner?
If we go by that prequisite I could give them a stable place to live but everything else would just be about having someone who loves and appreciates you.