Whats that
Your Worst School Memories:
>go to school with the same girl since I'm 6 years old
>we both end up in the same high school
>attracted to her the entire time always wanted to her to be my girlfriend
>turn 13 finally have the courage to tell her how I feel about her
>do it outside of school we were in the park with other friends
>she looks at me with disgust and just says no
>I think ok this is bad but at least I tried there's no harm in that right?
>next day at school, I walk in through the gate and there's lots of people laughing at me
>I don't understand why at all, my friend finally tells me that everyone knows what I did
>everywhere I go people make fun of me and laugh while they all have girlfriends
>decide to ignore the girl from that point because I didn't appreciate her telling everyone
>ignore her for 6 months everyday
>eventually she gets pissed off at me for ignoring her as if I did something
>she didn't even pay me any attention before I ignored her
>goes on a rant about how I'm a cunt and I need to stop ignoring her
>people laugh at me again
This isn't the only reason why I dropped out of school at 14 but it definitely was a major factor, haven't had any friends since.
>Stood completely silent for a minute during a presentation because I felt myself about to stutter and watched as the class stared back at me in deafening silence
>Broke down in front of my 12th grade Math teacher because I was too depressed about being mathematically retarded to attempt to do any of my assignments, especially when I told her that I needed to do well in the subject in order to get my dream degree
>Starved to death during Science in the middle of a dead-silent class and everybody could hear it
>Got more-or-less mocked by my teacher for trying to be a pseudo-intellectual in English because I referred to the Witches in Macbeth as "sodomites" during a monologue because I forgot that it referred to rapist homos
>told my normie gigachad to-be best friend of five years about my depraved deviantart-tier fetish because I was an autistic fuck and he coincidentally moved away to another town a few months later (I really fucking hope he thought I was just joking, or that he's forgotten about it)
>The walk of shame from my 9th grade advanced math class into the druggie reject math class because I kept failing
>The MILF teacher of the druggie reject math class who kept being a massive stuck-up cunt to me for no reason at all for an entire year
>Being an edgy autistic fucking retard manchild cunt cringelord for all of 6th grade and being a pathetic petty cunt to my teacher for no reason
>be me, quiet weird and disliked by the cool kids
>have a crush on a cool boy in my class and I think he knows
>he tries to make my life miserable and messes with me because of it
>one day I walk past him between two desks
>very close and our bodies squeeze past eachother, briefly touching
>instantly shouts to the whole class that I touched his willy, I didn't
>everyone laughs at me and thinks I'm weird
>get nick named willy toucher and have people shout it at me when I walk by
>get pushed down stairs and shit by his friends because they think I groped him