mfw im cuddling with my robot bf
tf are you doing with your lives, fembots?? get a robot bf today!
mfw im cuddling with my robot bf
tf are you doing with your lives, fembots?? get a robot bf today!
i have a robot bf but i cant cuddle him because we are in lockdown :(
hope he stabs you to death in your sleep like a true robot
he would never! he's a very sweet boy, user
Fembots do not exist. You are a larping whore that deserves nothing. I hope your "bf" leaves you for the slut that you are. End of. Saged
I want a fembot, but still too autistic to spontaneously talk to anybody. How could I meet a sweet fembot out there?
Cuddled him this morning, seeing him again later. Life is comfy with a robot bf
im a bigger robot than you, buddy
ta ta there, retard!
How did you met? I'm curious.
we met here! i gave him my discord and we started DMing a lot and then met up because he was close
Thats so cute omg. I should try getting one ._.
tmw no fembot gf I can bake for and send cute pics of animals and flowers to.
girls like baking and animals, you'll find one user!
I hope so user.
>be barely functioning fembot
>live inside my head my whole life
>pretend to live in fantasy world when I'm in my room alone (almost all the time)
>pretend to be elf queen with flowing dress and cute ears
>call upon my favored knight, a young gentleman from a far away human kingdom
>he holds my hand and bows everytime
>kisses my finger and makes me shiver in front of my courtier with a big blush
>fantasize about being unqueenly and calling him into my bed chambers for a romantic night
>decide that's enough fantasizing one day and try to get me a robot bf
>find someone
>"Can I see your tits?"
>Get "You can at least tell me if you're not interested" after going to get a snack for five minutes
>"How many guys you fucked"
>"Would you suck my cock, I'm so hard rn"
>"Write my name on your body while you do the splits so I know your real"
I want to try again but I have this fear now that robots are actually just very shallow and mean normies
kek thats funny as fuck even though that is probably bullshit
you just need to find the right guy, user
not all guys are like that, you need a sweet robot who understands where you're coming from or accepts it like my robot bf does
i spent a long time living in my own head too
if you want we can talk :3
i have a fembot gf but I cant stop cheating on her, wat do? :(
>>pretend to be elf queen with flowing dress and cute ears
>>call upon my favored knight, a young gentleman from a far away human kingdom
>>he holds my hand and bows everytime
>>kisses my finger and makes me shiver in front of my courtier with a big blush
>>fantasize about being unqueenly and calling him into my bed chambers for a romantic night
larping or not that shit is fucking adorable.
>tfw fantasize about being an evil sorceress' knight that insists/begs for her to not do outright evil things like burning innocent villages to the ground
>tfw even though she's infinitely stronger than me she's (sometimes) acquiesces to my pleads because she doesn't want to see me sad
>She later demands I return the favor by using my mouth on her in her chambers
What you just met is probably a subhuman, there are a few, and are the most ravenous of the bunch.
After this said, i'm in my mid 20s from europe, kind of a sperg virgin, but not clueless, any femanon around that's interested?
Can you do the splits though
that's really sweet. I'm from the east coast US if you want to talk user.
kill yourself, fembots are saints and deserve to be treated right
not compatible
nice bait faggotttttttttry
Would a fembot be happy with my cooking?
looks good, user! would eat
I just want the elusive European gf
I'm from the midwest but we can talk.
No bullshit, I've spent a lot of time making maps of my world and kingdom. It's very taxing work trying to maintain a small kingdom between two regional powers that what to annex you one way or another but my best knight is a blessing.
You sound adorkable let's be friends
i'm not talking about your fantasies, i'm saying your experience with robots is probably bullshit and exaggerated but its pretty funny to imagine someone being that unaware and coomer
my discord is Arisu#0930
Forgot to tag discord
My robot bf is sweet to me and comments on my real quirks, keep looking.