>math monday >anxiety disorder getting so bad i'm seeking therapy >unplugged gaming pc so i only have my old laptop so no games >still not a foxgirl
got 2 chapters of problem sets done this weekend! started working out again! there's only a few more days of this month left, let's try and get shit done! move on to the next stage of humanity
i really shouldn't be on Zig Forums, though. this place gives me way too much anxiety
Think of it this way user. If you become good at math and engineering and computers etc, you can help work on augmented reality technology. And once we have augmented reality, you can finally be the fox girl you always dreamed of being.
Blake Taylor
That's the whole point. I seriously do want to be a scientist of some sort or at least be useful to them. The advancement of technology is the only way I'm going to become a cute foxgirl. Unironically the hope that one day I can be a cute anime kemono girl is one of the only reasons I care about self improvement. If it wasn't this delusional dream, I would literally be happy with being a part time wagie living with my parents playing video games in my spare time nonstop.
By augmented reality I mean like next level VR. Like all 5 senses. Imagine the matrix where you cannot tell it apart from reality. I think thats the best way to become a foxgirl. Trying to do it with genetic mods or surgery would probably just end in disaster.
Honestly user, devoting yourself to science to turn yourself into a foxgirl is based. A weaker person would have gotten on HRT and chopped their dick off. But not you. I think you're unironically going to make it.
Ethan Peterson
>By augmented reality I mean like next level VR. Like all 5 senses. Imagine the matrix where you cannot tell it apart from reality. I think thats the best way to become a foxgirl. Do you mean full dive vr? That kind of stuff scares me a lot.
>Trying to do it with genetic mods or surgery would probably just end in disaster. You really think so?
Oh. I didn't even realize! I'm so dumb! How is your tuesday?
>I really like these threads Don't expect too many, really trying to reorganize my life and discipline myself. I'm about to do some stretches after I finish my coffee!
I doubt the science will ever advance far enough for me to actually make it. Even if it does, what could I even contribute to any of this? All my self stoodying is probably meaningless. Even if I know basic undergrad math what the fuck am I going to do with it?
>Trying to reorganise my life and discipline myself
Good on you. I thought that's where you went. Zig Forums is so time consuming for not that much gain...
Honestly it takes a very strong person to transition. It's still very hard being trans and the process isn't great still. You get a lot of bigotry directed at you and a lot of hate in general.
That said I really think OP should at least HRT and boymode in the mean time. It's never to early to start. I think it has a real chance if helping them
I don't think HRT is for me even though it's actually ridiculously easy to get estrogen from a doctor. However, I think my mental illnesses would be made even worse if I were using primitive hormone fuckery to try and chase something impossible that HRT wouldn't get me.
For me, I just think there's too many downsides compared to the realistic results I'd get from being a tranny.
I'm trying! I just finished my daily stretches. I'm so inflexible I can barely do even a single stretch on the beginner's routine with good form!
>You really think so? Yeah, look at how cute they look as 2d. Now imagine trying to create that in 3d. Not only that, but to be able to transform a man into that. It would definitely look off and weird. Even with great leaps in technology I think things would go wrong and it wouldn't be satisfying. Plus what if I want to be a foxgirl one day but be a catboy the next day? Augmented reality is so much safer and so much more flexible. Nothing is permanent. You can live in a fantasy world and fight dragons as a foxgirl paladin. Sure it's terrifying, but whats there left to live for at this point? If it fries my brain or turns me into a working drone, so be it. At least I gave it a shot and tried to escape this hellscape.
Thomas Mitchell
No. We must be strong and disciplined to march our progress forward. I work out every day and eat healthy and do my best to emulate a strongheaded masculine man as I continue my research into computer science so I can help free us from reality. But the moment the first oculus rift bodysuit comes out, I'm diving in to become a catgirl and never coming back.
Josiah King
>Now imagine trying to create that in 3d. If you look at cosplayers in good photos and lighting, they don't look uncanny, so I do believe there is a good sweetspot somewhere.
>Not only that, but to be able to transform a man into that Yeah, it's a pretty insane delusion of mine. But I want what I want.
>Augmented reality is so much safer and so much more flexible. But with only AR you still have a biological body that needs to be addressed.
>research into computer science Like, actual CS research?
Kevin Stewart
Look I don't want to be to a girl. I'm happy as a man so I'm not going to do that.
But for people who are not happy as men and want to be women, the "toughen up" advice never works. It generally just makes them more miserable.
What does help is stuff like HRT and that's just the science of the matter and there is nothing wrong with treating your body how you want. Just because you were born with testicles doesn't mean you gotta die with them.
And that could, if it helps, serve as a band aid to the whole wanting to be a girl issue until your VR or fox anons gene modding becomes a reality
Andrew Stewart
Just wait till they regret that and then suicide because they can't detransition properly.
Jayden Cooper
>Estrogen Wouldn't be taking birth control pills just as efficient?
Eli Gray
>But with only AR you still have a biological body that needs to be addressed. But you're pretty much unaware of it as long as you're plugged in.
Bentley Williams
No, HRT will not serve as a band aid. What serves as a band aid is being recognized as the gender you want to be which, unsurprisingly, fucking up your hormones and being a pale sickly freak will not do.
What it will do is chemically castrate you so that you can't reverse the damage you've done to yourself after you realize that being a "dysphoric" man is better than being a depressed, suicidal, broken tranny that only derives joy from shilling HRT to other impressionable losers.
Levi Russell
Look, I agree with you that coming out and socially transitioning helps but that's an insanely large step to many trans people especially when they dont pass.
HRT has been shown to have postive effects in the treatment of trans people overall. There are negative effects to it but the reality is that it helps lots more people more than it hurts.
Also a dysphoric man is depressed, sucidial and broken. I don't suggest taking it lightly
Hudson Davis
I think it'd be pretty difficult to create/make people fox girls organically since there are probably many problems that come up genetically and ethically with research. Augmented reality, in the sense of layering a hologram over reality (like Augma in SAO: Ordinal Scale) is more feasible imo. If everybody used it with unique "avatars", the world would look more interesting for sure. Full dive vr doesn't really sit right with me either, not sure why though. While it provides better escapism, you'd still have to support your real self somehow if you want to stay in a virtual world. People probably wouldn't want to pay to support your vegetated body while they know you're just fucking off to live in a fantasy world. Also, what math books do you recommend/use?
Luke Howard
>Like, actual CS research? I have a degree in computer science and work for a small gaming company right now. I'm trying to look into finding a company that's actually working on vr/ar. Also continuing to work on my own projects at home and learning as much C# and C++ as possible. My entire life is dedicated to hopefully seeing AR in my lifetime and if not that, at least future generations will be able to have what I never could.
Owen Ramirez
>While it provides better escapism, you'd still have to support your real self somehow if you want to stay in a virtual world. People probably wouldn't want to pay to support your vegetated body while they know you're just fucking off to live in a fantasy world. With automation increasing and changes in our industry, more and more jobs are simple desk work that can be done through phone calls and computers. So many people would be able to work their weekly work shifts while still plunged into full dive VR.
Blake Peterson
I don't think so? I think birth control would be dangerous in the amounts needed to completely replace male hormones?
But you probably can't always be plugged in, right?
>Augmented reality, in the sense of layering a hologram over reality (like Augma in SAO: Ordinal Scale) is more feasible imo That seems like even more difficult and cumbersome than anything else. >While it provides better escapism, you'd still have to support your real self somehow if you want to stay in a virtual world.
>Also, what math books do you recommend/use? For math? I'm reading very basic stuff. Currently reading "mathematics for machine learning" which is a review of linear algebra, calc 1-3 and basic statistics.
I feel like I'll never contribute to any real science because I'm not very smart. Genomics is a growing field, and I think the pandemic forced a lot of advancements in computational biology, but like everything else touched by entrepreneurs, startups and software engineers it's looking like a really shit field full of buzzwords and empty promises. It feels like I'm just going all over the place, not actually focusing on any focus or specialization at all...I don't know the first thing about becoming a foxgirl!
>I'm trying to look into finding a company that's actually working on vr/ar. Besides the people who make games or the actual headsets, I don't know how many there are.
> learning as much C# and C++ as possible What do you work with now?
How do you feel about the hypothetical idea of outright getting a new body by brain transplant instead of transforming current one into a foxgirl? Also thoughts on cryogenic preservation?
>How do you feel about the hypothetical idea of outright getting a new body by brain transplant instead of transforming current one into a foxgirl? Whatever has the highest chance of success. Literal magic would be the best way, and I would prefer the process to be as minimally invasive as possible. Why do you ask?
>Also thoughts on cryogenic preservation? Seems like a last resort for eccentric billionaires.