>she has a literally perfect vagina despite being a ho
it's over for us femcels, even slut stacies have better vaginas than us.
She has a literally perfect vagina despite being a ho
You can get your roast beef sliced off.
I know you're memeing but they do have surgery procedures for this.
Is this even real? Saw this pic appear around the time she announced her porn date.
>you do realise this isnt her vagina and someone photoshopped this on
Men are retarded
that doesn't look real at all, looks photoshopped
that shit is just cope like jelqing and other genital mutilation. If you're not born with a perfect dick/vagina what is literally even the point?
>skin around anus is slightly darker than the rest
instant turn off. does she even wipe?
the vag and anus are too high up, someone fix that shit
let's see your anus, bud
This has got to be a larp.
State of you virgins.
Cute butthole desu. Would lick
it's real famalam
can't wait to torrent her BLACKED.COM debute
i have butthole envy
the fuck? this legit?
You do realize that female porn stars sometimes have bi-annual vaginoplasty to get rid of the roast beef look, right
ever seen a pussy looking at you dead straight when you look at it from an angle in real life? who am i kidding, of course you haven't.
some old dude on grindr would be delighted to lick your butthole non
that is not helping at all
why not, you probably have a decent butthole for a middle aged slightly overweight man
get banned retard lol
i have constipation complications
olive oil helps with that I've heard
you mean drinking it or rubbing it on my asshole?
Sure, why not, make a webm of it
drinking a few tea spoons a day yes but rubbing it on the asshole is probably not bad either, good for the skin at the least
im not gonna post my scared over asshole on the internet
idk, i had a friend who loved drinking oil, sounds kinda nasty ngl. rubbing it on the skin i could see have benefits but it id imagine its also really messy
her boyfriend is a huge fucking cuck. why would you let your girlfriend do this shit? what the fuck?
>her boyfriend is a huge fucking cuck.
He spends the money her cuck orbiters give her together with her while putting his cock in every of her orifices while they lay in bed and laugh in the sexual afterglow about the stories about her pathetic cuck orbiters she tells him, seems pretty based desu
he fucks that pussy, you dont. I assure you he has a better deal then you
You don't have a vagina, you're a trap.