I want to date a cute girl but I am bald
I want to date a cute girl but I am bald
I also know this original feeling.
wow, look at all that attractiveness go all the way down in the right picture. rip.
If you are white then get fit and youll be fine
I am bald and brown also weird skull weak chin and jew nose. Lmao im fucked
Left looks like a boy
Right looks like a man
There are a lot of people with the same hairstyle crossposting between r9k and /soc/
Only scores above 5 they get are from other dudes. Makes you think.
College age girls like feminine looking men, or at least that seems to be the case online
Just date a bald girl
That's why God invented wigs
It sucks because I am only 20 and I like cute girls my age, but they will never want me ;-;
No one wants a guy in a wig
brutal. went from having a long hair/blue eyes halo to having just got out of jail halo.
the difference between getting college girls and hood rats. lol
Beta males fear baldchads. Try wearing a hat or something.
he's still attractive
Ge's too fat/chubby cheeked to be bald. He looks like a fucking idiot lol. Never take your hair for granted, only hairlets say men with medium+ length hair look bad.
Not their fault you began balding at 15 with your trash genetics.
This actually made me cry. I haven't cried since I was a kid. Balding is the worst thing that can happen to a young can barring massive health complications. I want to kill myself
I know this additional feeling as well. Life sure is miserable, isn't it. Maybe it wouldn't be as repulsive to be bald(ing) if I was a confident dudebro or something rather than a shy introverted autist.
I want to date a fembot but there all normalfags
also i have a decent chance of going bald unless it stops at where it's at now.
he is? my face looks somewhat like his
you can have great genetics besides the balding part you faggot.
my hair used to mogg nice girl hair even.
the dude in the picture is not even bald, he just shaved his head. If you look at the top of the head, the grey/green coloring is his hair, and it's fairly obvious he isnt balding.
Bald guys are so fucking hot desu
>Bald guys are so fucking hot desu
Relevant comic.
Is your dad bald toooo?
Yeah he is, wish he never had kids
Yep, and he still goes from like an 8.5-9 to a 6.5
>Beta males fear baldchads
Cope of the century
I will never understand the meme about "get a haircut and shave bro"
I look considerably better with medium length hair and a beard than I do looking like a shaved rat
that guy looks better bald. if you have facial hair some can pull it off but it depends
Don't even think most girls find bald jacked guys "hot", they just become passable
Grow that beard further. Become the Chad lumberjack daddy
tfw bald and fucking hate beards
anyone else?
Yeah I do. I think bald with beard looks so overdone its almost nauseating
Definitely not ready to accept the baldpill but the buzzpill is badass