He talks enthusiastically about his favourite things and hobbies for ages

>he talks enthusiastically about his favourite things and hobbies for ages
What are your hobbies user?

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browsing Zig Forums and uuh uuhm uuh

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Gunpla, vidya, anime, sci-fi and fantasy books.

I just applied for a pistol permit too, so dipping my toes into the gun world.

Me? I like sleeping.


I'm a big nerd about classical music, especially 17th century composers and opera.

I play a lot of instruments since I want to compose music for video games. I recently got this guitar so i can play casiopea on it.

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>yfw no gf that enjoys listening me to talk about my hobbies for hours

>What are your hobbies user?
video games

Whoops that was to be a tfw

Dude I could sit and listen to my bf talk about stuff he likes for days, it's so fun seeing people light up.

You're nice and your bf is a lucky man. Does he also listen to you talk about your hobbies? Or are you more of a listener than a talker? Talking about something you love is really fun

I just like to listen, my hobbies aren't that interesting! I don't have a bf though I didn't word my post very well gomen user.

oh shit what have you done you BPD slut, youre gonna turn this thread into an orbiting shitshow now

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you ever prattle off about something that interests you only to then realize too late that the person you were talking to does not give a shit

everyone dos that retard, its a matter of how you deal with it that makes the difference

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paintball, gunpla, anime, fighting games

i have a hobby in finance and also writing literature.

You dont have to get me talking about my hobbies for me to light up. That will happen whenever I see your face, user.

>baroque music
>plays multiple instruments
>casiopea enjoyer
holy shit are you me

video games, music, voice stuff
my fetish
I love being excitable and enthusiastic if only it could be ever returned

Dangerously based. What are your favorites?

Hey if they're interesting enough for you to do them I'm sure they are interesting enough to talk about
But maybe you have some reason that you don't want to talk about them.
If that's not the case would you like to tell me about your hobbies?

I like birdwatching and a whole bunch of domestic stuff like cooking and cleaning, it makes me feel really happy!
And I really like trains but probably cause it's the only mode of transport I don't get travel sickness on tbdesu.
I think I'll get a train set soon!

you will never be a real girl tbhdesu

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Classical is based, I'd like to know more about it. Any recommendations?
I really like the Lt. Kije Suite and played the bass solo for it's 2nd mvmt in hs

When did I say i was a girl user?

you know what? i dont fucking like listening to some nerd drone on about his boring hobbies. nothing could be duller, in fact, hearing how much this shutin obsesses over space marines and their worthless activities nor a bordering-on-the-edge-of-trannydom gushing about sewerslvt as if it isn't just horrible noise. i dont want to autistically ramble to anyone. i want to have a fucking conversation

oh shit youre right, excuse me gaybro, carry on desu

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Thank you user, now tell me about your hobbies while I suck your penis.

dont get my hopes up, im sad enough already

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>type out long paragraph on hobby
>realize no one fucking cares and that people are more likely to laugh at me
>delete it all
This always happens

Ohh I get motion sick on all kinds of transportation including trains (and first person shooting games too) But I think trains are really cool even though I feel sick. More than trains though I like subways. Being dark also helps me not feel sick. What do you think about that?

I don't know anything about birdwatching. How does that work? Can you identify the birds by their sound? What is your favorite kind of bird?

music, manga, martial arts, fighting games, mmos, motorcycles
I got really into mahjong at some point but I suck major shit at it so I kinda quit

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>type out long paragraph on hobby
>realize no one fucking cares and that people are more likely to laugh at me
Tell me tell me tell me