How's /uni/ going lads? I just failed my Calculus 3 Exam...

How's /uni/ going lads? I just failed my Calculus 3 Exam. I'll still probably get by with a C in the class but I still feel like shit.

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my Roomate failed calc 2 four times. ur good m8.

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I hope so. Unfortunately you still can't cheat even with remote learning. You either know it or you don't.

the only way to get good grades in calculus is to practice a lot. have you given yourself time to practice user?

>calculus 3
gross why are you taking calc?
I had to do remedial math freshman year, currently cheating my way through stats.
good luck though user, at least you passed. dont worry too much

>I'll still probably get by with a C in the class but I still feel like shit.
Cs get degrees. Idk how you got through the harder calcs though

Physics major. My other classes are going fine, but Calc 3 hasbeen fucking me since the beginning of the month

You guys can't cheat? Everyone cheats here, even the teachers know it

Doing calculus was always pretty comfy and satisfied my autism well. Now I've graduated and have to do things that are useful for a living and it sucks.

I gotta take differential equstions next semester (which is basically Calc 4). Supposedly it's not as hard. After that im done with my math requirements

what do you plan on doing with a physics degree user? hopefully smth in grad school....right? right?

Well, no...
My student loans will be less than 20k (average is like 33k in my state).

i wish you luck then user, I dont know what kind of job you get with a BS in physics...

What do you learn in Calculus 3? My cc that I was in before I transferred split calc 3 into calc III and IV so I had to take both to get Calc 3 when I transferred.
>Calc I: derivatives
>Calc II: integrals
>Calc III: Series, polar coords, parametric eqs
>Calc IV: Multivariable calc (gradient, partials, vector valued functions, other coord systems)
That's how my cc set up their calc series. Not sure how a conventional uni does it.

You're certainly employable but you may not be working in the field. A lot become engineers, lab assistants, teachers

Doing an accounting and finance conversion course. it's going fine, i'm passing and doing barely any work. told myself I would try and ace everything but it quickly changed into just worry about passing

I'm fucked for the final exams if I continue to procrastinate and do no work though

Calc 3 is hard. Engineering major?

got into the engineering course ive wanted to do since i was 14 and ive done probably a total of 5 hours of study and have hardly gone to any lectures and am probably going to drop out soon

Waiting for results, hope I graduate.

First year here, english philology. Finna be a english, lets gooo.

i start uni next year after spending 2020 aa a gap year, running from my past, moving cities and cutting ties with people

Nice, what's the math like? I'm also a business student I'm not sure what to major in although I've been jugling between supply chain management, accounting, finance, or just becoming lawyer down the road

Boston University
Com Major
I dont know i just do the work whats the end goal ahhhh

You've wanted it for so long - why drop out?

I did communications. I ended up working as a freelance video editor. No benefits, no health insurance, no stock options or 401k. Gotta find a new job every 6 months. Shit sucks.

I am happy with the B I got from Algebra. Granted I was a History major.

I'm on a maths degree in the UK, what is Calc 3. I'm second year doing Intro to Real Analysis, Multivariable Calculus, and Linear Algebra

Freelance video editing sounds like a rough job even going into it, I mean Freelance sounds scary to me. Good luck to you though brotha I hope your situation improves. Think I'm going to look for a career more where I can use my writing ability.

Dropped out and never finished my degree. This was almost 2 years ago. Now I work a comfy third shift IT job from home. Literally haven't left the house in over a week.

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Thanks, but I quit it after a few years of jumping from job to job. Made good money at the end, but it wasn't worth it. Now I'm NEET.

As for writing, I know a few copywriters. That seems more stable, but I know a guy who still had to freelance a little in between companies.

What do you need for an IT job? Do you just need to get certs?

> dropped out years ago
> need to go back to finish my degree or I will never have a good salary on my field

I know I have to do it, but I dont have the will to go back to that hell

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Chem post-grad in an east European shithole with no chem jobs and no money to leave the country. Need to waste years of my life on irrelevant jobs only to maybe work in my field someday.

You do have the will, you have it deep inside of you and you need to do what you have to do, you know it deep down too, imagine how good you'll feel, imagine what a change it will bring. JUST DO IT

I just took my last final, my intro to programming class. it looks like I'm going to get a 3.9 GPA this semester; I got a A- in a gened because I fucked up one of the essays, oops.

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Thanks user, I appreciate the energy

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