>even on this board people are constantly meeting up and getting together
>meanwhile I'm still a KHHV
>tfw I'm a loser even here
Even on this board people are constantly meeting up and getting together
this board is now literally just mentally ill chads and stacies trying to hook up or bitch about their failed life, where have u been in the last year
Would you like to play vidya with me user
Why don't they just go to /soc/?
>on this board people are constantly meeting up and getting together
Why would anyone want this
You don't need to feel bad about it, because a lot of posters here are teens or early 20s people with teen's mindset, that came here mainly, because of the greentext videos and memes from youtube and they were never meant to be here in the first place. I'm sure lots of lurkers here are KHHV or at least kissless virgins.
This became /soc/ for ugly people lmao.
they go on /soc/ and here
thats what these retards do.
and they lurk and laugh at our misery because they are miserable chads and stacies
I keep forgetting most posters are probably a lot younger than me. It's a weird feeling.
Trying to keep my mind off of things. Obviously it didn't work.
I'm not a girl nor am I cute.
Looking at the data collection threads that's pretty unlikely.
There's so many slutty people, even on this board.
>I'm not a girl nor am I cute.
Why does that matter?
>Looking at the data collection threads that's pretty unlikely.
Elaborate, please.
>This became /soc/ for metally ill people lmao.
fixed that for you user
because /soc/ people have actual social skills probably
That is because the userbase is now changing. Haven't you noticed that most of everyone has stories about an ex or dating some girl? Yesterdays replika threads were bombarded with normalfags saying to just go out and get a real person.
not op but I would user I need friends
Also, go to other boards I guess, but be aware, that most of them are pretty slow.
That's what people are looking for.
You know those
>your age
>your gender
>your body count
>your hobbies
etc threads where people just post a bunch of info about themselves.
Okay, how should we get in touch?
Well, the offer is always there
>etc threads where people just post a bunch of info about themselves.
Ah, I haven't checked on them, ever, but now I understand what you meant, but I guess the only way for me to explain this is that, because it got much more populated by teens and early 20s people, a lot more normies noticed it and started to shit on things like they always do.
I don't see how that's supposed to be comforting...
Not really. A lot of it is trolls making you feel that way on purpose.
Do you sincerely believe that? That's almost as dumb as "everyone who likes things I don't is a paid shill"
what do they do when they meet up? it amazes me that there are so many things robots do when they're not on here. I don't do anything else aside from get high and go for walks outside.
Well, my words never meant to be comforting. We could've done something about it if mods would do something about it, but since it's out of our control, all we can do is just leave other boards with more active mods.
since when and why do you believe this shit?
There's nowhere to go though.
Probably something gey
There is, look around.
I'm not seeing anything that's not a graveyard.