Secret santa thread 9

Ignore trolls edition

>How does it work?
People will post their Amazon wishlist link according to the instructions below. People who enter the thread may post their list, and it is your decision to gift who you want.
>Does my address get shown?
Your city and state, and shipping name. Refer to the instruction image below. Shipping name can be anything you want.
>How will I know if something has been bought for me?
Items disappear off your list after being purchased. You can also go to your list, press Filter and Sort, then select Purchased.
>Will the information of the gifter be shown to the recipient?
Your first name maybe shown. Amazon by default doesn't share but third party items may.
>Why should I gift something? I'm not gonna get anything in return!
This is a different take on a Secret Santa, where anyone can gift or get from anyone. If you're feeling generous, please do consider giving back to others.
>Last year people bought stuff for others and then cancelled them to epic fucking troll us!
And they did that the previous year, and the year before that too. It happens when you have amazon wishlists, it's disappointing to lose out on a gift, but the item will just go back on your list like they never screwed with you at all.
>How often should I post my list?
Once a day or thread depending on the speed of the general
>Can I post multiple lists?
No. Only 1.
>I am a Roastie/Tranny/Faggot/It's for my sex doll

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hey Grass. What a coincidence that the spreadsheet is gone. Don't worry, I'll fix that for you.
SPREADSHEET spreadsheet.

That is the old spreadsheet and it says as much at the top. The new spreadsheet is linked at the top of the old one. Are you dense?

Fake spreadsheet run by trolls. Real one is at is spreadsheet anons list.

If it's fake why does the real one link to it?

>OP pic is coomershit
really nigger?

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>no christmas image
The fuck is this gay shit?

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Trolls have derailed the last 2 threads. Made the last thread with a fake spreadsheet and the original user gave up because of the drama.



I got a couple extra bucks this month, any of you fags need a book or something to read during these chilly months? I can help a nigga out.

tomboy gf edition

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You have to understand his position: If he didn't rush to find an image then someone else might have posted the correct spreadsheet and we can't have that.

Hi, 35 mm old spreadsheet Mexicanon here.

Hopefully this thread has less retardation

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May I see some of your photography? Why do you like analogue photography?

El em mayo. These threads are fucked. What chaos.

Be comfy lads.

Only if the books I want aren't over your budget lad.

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Sailor Moon is a year round treasure Megumin, you wouldn't understand.

>not 10 posts in
>already drama
You just keep fucking up, don't you champ?

>nooooo you can't just blacklist be for being a bad boy you have to do what I say noooooooooooo



Report the trolls and when their post history is deleted it will be obvious who is doing what.

Proof was posted last thread.

Mostly just music and guitar shit, a few albums that'd be nice to own in a physical format, couple of books, etc.

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He was in such a hurry to get a thread out he fucked up 3 times. That or he doesn't want anyone seeing a thread filled with him getting destroyed

Please just ignore grass user so the thread isnt full of retarded shit.
Anyways, Merry Christmas anons and Happy Thanksgiving

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>there are giant tit femcels lurking right now
>they are selfish bitches and wont send timestamped pics

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Reply to this post with your list and a pic of your favorite /cm/ character(s) and I'll gift a couple of people today
Comfy winter themed ones preferred

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Proof of trolls lies.
Yes i am black

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My molecular gastronomy wishlist. Every little bit helps me improve my abilities (even though a true artist doesn't blame their tools).

I'll provide chef secrets to anyone who gifts.

>realizing there's no physical things you want, not even a little
I'm the antagonist to the consumer. Early merry christmas to everyone here.

Attached: me on the right realizing happiness is something that will most likely forever be out of my grasp.jpg (960x683, 303.85K)

I was tempted to grab up a bunch of those minis for you since I do 40k tabletop but there ya go man, should be there sometime in december. Merry Christmas bro.

Don't know if posting my ig is a good idea, but I'll gladly show you some of my negatives.

I started doing digital photography a while ago, and my school offered a course in analog photography, so I took it.

I mainly like the fact that it's fun, because you have to develop your own photos, and printing involves being in the dark room, which is relaxing and chill as fuck.

Unfortunately, I don't have a dark room of my own, and I can't access to the school one either, so I settled with digital for a bit, but now I want to go back to analog again.

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Proof of grass lies:
Dude, the very same spreadsheet you posted contradicts what you said. You're trying to gaslight the entire thread.

We need to ignore this troll or this grinc will ruin christmas.

still a frenchfag

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Can't you make a darkroom in your closet? I only ever used crank-style cameras as a consumer back when they were a thing. I never actually developed film. What is so special about a darkroom?

Which Blizzard game do black ppl play

Oh my God dude thank you so much user! Bless you, you are awesome. Thank you! Merry Christmas robot~

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They're all genji mains

Any anons here have a milk truck sister?

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Saw your post about owls user. I also love them, was working on a cozy winter image but architecture isn't my strongest subject so I can take a break from it for such since I can do nature. I can churn out that out faster anyway.

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>Can't you make a darkroom in your closet?

Yes, you can, but you need basic equipment to make a dark room, depending if you're shooting color or B&N, like a security light, enlargers, chemicals and running water.

Also, the space limit is an issue, since I live with my parents in a 70 m^2 home. But for developing film, you only need a canister with a reel and the respective chemicals.

IIRC from when we went bra shopping when I was my sister is a size DD or DDD or something but I can't remember exactly.
Total bitch though.

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Lists out for the teacher

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What's it like to cum 10ml?

This seems like the coom version of "delete system32"

Ever sniff her bras or grab her when she was asleep?

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I remember something on mythbusters about developing film in a trash bag (Jamie did it, not the raping blob, so you know it works). Why not try that?

only milk posting will save Christmas!

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>Ever incest
No, eww.

Fuck the grinches.

Here's proof of gifting last year. Hope you enjoyed the vidya Lanchaster user.

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You're very very welcome user, enjoy. And keep warm.

I would try it, my teacher even told us that it's possible to develop with coffee as well, but you get maximum quality if you develop with the proper stuff.

>developing film in a trash bag

To develop film you need to place it somewhere and be able to put and take out chemicals in there. We use a canister with a reel to do that. As long as you have a container that doesn't allow the film to stick to itself and that doesn't allow light to come in, it should work.

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This link is on the blacklist!! Do not buy for this user!

Oops was in 2018 folder not 2019. Doesn't matter though. Next post I can do 2019.

You could use sheet pans in the trash bag I think