How can people work full-time and still have time for all their hobbies, games, self-improvement and socializing?
How can people work full-time and still have time for all their hobbies, games, self-improvement and socializing?
It's easier for them because they dont spend 14+ hours a day watching anime and browsing Zig Forums
Wage slaving is shit but you get through it. Having cash to spend when you go out with mates is nice and honestly coworkers are a laugh, most of the time you get a fun team. The wageslave meme is mostly exaggerated by NEETS who's moms just want them to get jobs.
I work from home and do absolutely nothing, NEETs seethe
They don't that's why normals fucking suck at everything
my pre-rona schedule
>wake up at 5
>go to gym
>done by 6:30
>eat breakfast
>head to work, rush hour hasn't started
>work from 7:30-3:30
>head home
>it's now 5:30
>have until 9 to do whatever I want
fortunately for me one of my hobbies is cooking. Sometimes I don't have to cook for 3-4 days of the week which gives me an extra 2 hours on those days. I also make 1/24 scale models.
socializing is done on weekends or if I play games online with my friends.
Jesus, 14 hours? I have 4 hours at best.
>and still have time for all their hobbies, games, self-improvement and socializing?
they dont
wageslaving drains all creativity/motivation/drive from you, so you're left with generic hobbies like traveling (aka just getting away from your job for a few days) or watching shows, getting drunk a few nights a months with equally miserable wageslaves
I can get through it but every day I question if this is what life is supposed to be.
My evening is usually cooking and watching something, going for a walk, cleaning up and then on the computer for a couple of hours before bed. Don't have time for much else, certainly not a "real" hobby.
I consider myself to have no hobbies and all the time I find myself better than normalfags at their hobbies when it's just some random thing I do but they are still listing all those random things as their hobbies. Slave coping is real, granted some work is more akin to neeting than slaving.
Like look at this guy who thinks cooking is a hobby of his when he prepares all his meals in advance
that's like 3 hours a day of actual free time
pre-corona I had like 4-5 hours, now a bit more - but only at the cost of my sleep schedule (5-6 hours a night)
this sucks. wageslaving sucks. there's nothing left to spend the money on that's worth anything, because it's either spent maintaing shit you dont actually want/need (house, car, clothes...) or trying to forget your job for a time (for example traveling)
cooking can be a hobby and you can know what you're preparing for. Obviously I'm not one of those meal prep sloppa eating faggots.
I know what I'm going to eat every meal 14 days in advance.
shit before i had to wageslave i had so much fun playing vidya, you know getting really into it. Id read tons of books, I used to draw and sometimes paint, both with acryl colors and on my pc... and much more.
Now I've basically turned into a brainless couch potato because honestly I neither do I have the motivation nor the energy to do any of that stuff anymore.
To truly be immersed in a book or video game it requires me 1-2 days off so I can only do that in the weekends. I can't relax knowing I have to go to work soon or go to bed soon.
ah and dont forget all the money spent eating in restaurants or ordering food because you dont have time to cook anymore because of your fucking job.
I used to live very happy on a 300 bucks budget ... rent not included.
truth is: wageslaving actually costs a ton of money too.
yeah me neither and it's incredibly frustrating.
I'm really missing that too...
I'm considering asking my boss to go down to 75% work hours but I don't know how to put it. Should I just tell her I don't need the money and would prefer more free time? Might be stupid during Corona but I think my employment is safe either way.
6-8am workout & food
9-5pm work & food
6-9pm friends/bjj/boxing & food
9-11pm nut in gf, watch a movie, make traveling plans
6-9am bjj & food
10-8pm projects & food
9-12 gf
you have to make time but you also have to save your energy while at work like by taking breaks or not giving a shit all the time
>coworkers are a laugh, most of the time you get a fun team
True. This is why home office is shit. In office I spent half a day laughing with the team and other half pretending to work. Working from home I have to do something.
Even if this schedule seems like the most normie shit and you probably don't even live by it, it doesn't even make me jealous for some reason. I just hate this rat-race routine life, everything has to be scheduled in and it's the same things over and over.
You're a fake corporate person get out of here faggot
>it doesn't even make me jealous for some reason.
it shouldnt make you jealous because it's shit.
>I just hate this rat-race routine life, everything has to be scheduled in and it's the same things over and over.
i do too and I dont understand that most people seem to be enjoying it so much... like how?! if I have to do this for the next 40 years I'd rather just an hero desu
You fucks are doing it all wrong. Being a neet sucks ass and the only people who enjoy that lifestyle are actual losers. I was one for almost two years and I hated every second of that. It felt like decay, stagnation. They say they work on their hobbies but consuming media isn't a fucking hobby. It's rotting away as a person. I also worked a full-time job and that sucked even worse, it's just working and going home too tired to do anything. Part-time jobs are where it's at. I work 20 hours a week in two ten hour shifts and it's awesome, Its two days of security work at a graveyard shift where I just watch suicidal people sleep and open doors basically while reading manga on my phone. Then 5 full days to do whatever the fuck I want, smoke with my roommates and paint miniatures, work improving my game development skills. Or just vegging out playing Vidya and anime. By the time work comes around again I'm almost looking forward to it as a break from what I was doing and it's just enough to make me look forward to my next 5 days of whatever. Play the system anons, life doesn't have to be a struggle
Idc if you don't believe me user but it's really easy if you don't have depression
Probably my long term plan but working 50% is not possible for every job or career
You're just a born slave desu, nothing sadder than someone who is satisfied by a hard days work
>all their hobbies, games, self-improvement and socializing?
Most normies just sit around on their phones and socialize, so that knocks out three of the four.
Those are for driven normalfags who care about unimportant bullshit. I didn't ask to be born and I'll be damned if I'm not going to live comfortably doing whatever the fuck I want. If you're not prepared to work 40 hours a week then you shouldn't be thinking about having an actual career. There's so much other shit you can make money from. For a good two year period I made all my money by selling my blood plasma, sperm, and growing mushrooms and weed in my closet and I made more money than I do now. I use foodstamps to pay for food and poor people healthcare to fake an anxiety disorder where I sell my klonopin and xanax. After everything is paid in a month I net about $600 bucks that I put into savings. About 15k so far and I'm saving it to buy a modular home in bumfuck nowhere to do drugs in and farm sunflowers and adopt a femboy.
Do none of you abominations have children? You all sound like genetic dead ends.
I wfh and only report directly to the CEO of our company, it's pretty great, plus I have a nice stash of 50k just lying around.
Lmao shut the fuck up loser, you didn't even read anything in my post bc you got your panties in a twist about me calling you pathetic. Imagine being such a frail human being that working two days out of the week is "too hard' for you. Enjoy the rest of your life living at the poverty line
>he thinks actual careers only demand 40 hour weeks
More like 50 hours
I did read your whole post and you're sad. Bet you only played single player video "games" too.
It's energy that's more important. Time you can find if you really want it. It's energy that isn't left over.
Holy fuck who would sign up for that? That's some boomer shit, humans werent made to work hard like that. We evolved to work in short bursts with long rests in between and making the women do everything tedious