Are there any real robots left?

i can't believe this board got to this point, to actual women posting about their problems, let alone everyone cucking for them. there's no more khhv threads, or interesting threads created by the same homogeneity. it seems the new main demographic is younger zoomers who have made Discord the underlining theme of this board, they come from a background of centralised internet from phoneposting, which is why many of the themes are unoriginal and IQ drop. fags and trannies have their own place on here now. there's tons of fetish posting too, old r9k was not this hypersexualised despite the majority of users were frustrated male virgins..

maybe i'm stuck in limbo being one of the few khhv left, because being a very late millennial(25), and the rest of the robots who are older ended it or somehow moved on. the incel community is not relatable, as it's just spiteful failed normies. the other chans move way too slow. women who try to fit in would have been REEE'd off this place, if they didn't hide their intentions which is just for attention and just post their tits, it's obvious it's women as the bait was easy to see through. how do older robots(male virgins) from pre 2015 r9k(when it wasn't as compromised, still lots of redpills and robots present) feel about nur9k? i don't feel like i can cope anymore bros

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Other urls found in this thread:

What's there to talk about that's interesting and hasn't been said before? It's hard to make conversation about staying home and browsing the net for 9 years.

everything focused on wahmen post 2012 is nu-r9k

dont reply to those threads and if u want to you can trash talk normies in real threads
this board really is riddled with normies and trannies

It might be time to bring back the birds. CAW

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based thread, i know its for normalnigger teenage larpers but do you have discord? ill add you bro i love having online robot bros.

there was a sense of solace knowing people are on the same level as you. however it is now making sense that robots don't complain about the new shifts of this board, as they were always the lonely forgotten ones. the autism memes, chad/stacy and overall the sense of humor was better. contactfagging wasn't as nearly as bad as it is. but seeing total normies larping and women post here truly bothers me.
i browsed here in 2012, and other boards in 2009, so i can't say what thats like. but to imagine it now from even then is a shock. however it was getting more cancerous post 2012 with waves of insufferable newfags, coming from tumblr and reddit as this place became more and more fetishized.

something is coming back to my memory from reading your post.
sorry user i dont have discord. the older i get the harder it is for me to reach out to anyone online.

I just don't see the point in complaining about the state of the board. It's not like they'll listen. So I just ignore that shit like always and try to keep the interesting threads alive. Hopefully it sorts itself out eventually

24 year KHHV here, been lurking since around deletion.
I mostly just ignore many of the threads here, there's still some interesting content being posted here every now and then.

Years ago, robots got fed up about similar stuff popping up on the board and started spamming pictures of birds in normie threads and yelling CAW at people

been on here since 2014 and i even I can see how much this board has changed in only 6 years.
I miss the comfy threads desu

Most Robots are cyborgs that went to Grindr and have sex with other robots get TOPPED suck dick etc so prob not many of us left

>normie threads
You exposed yourself. Why did you use term normie? Are you on twitch or something? Use the fucking proper full term. NORMALFAG.

There are a few of us, yeah. I know how you feel OP. Half of OG r9k was a bunch of young socially awkward guys realizing there were more of them out there, the term "wizard" described a very small group of people who's existence was surprising "holy shit how'd he make it to 30 without even getting laid once". I think most people moved on / grew up. I'm not the same person I was back then either, although I'm still a virgin. I have no idea why there are so many mentally ill normies who made their way to Zig Forums, some of the worst trailer trash people browse Zig Forums now. I'd say at least 10% of the people here are robots though, and at least 40% of the people here were robots and got good at life.

Um, did you just use all caps? That sounds like something a normie would do.

Its about money. Foids have realised this place is an easy hunting ground. They come here now in search of simps for their twitch channels and discord servers. Admitting youre a foid on r9k should lead to a permanent ban, there is literally no excuse or moral justification for trawling the board praying on the wallets of robots.

i agree, we can't make it stop. it's just painful to see sometimes. i was thinking about the older demographic, how they thought. maybe im just sperging but i dont think it will get any better. it truly is within the generations. younger zoomers came from a totally different internet, and it reflects on the content
its good to see another robot, i should filter, but still those threasd will get through. i really should just leave but keep coming back here by habit.
i remember now. everything is but a blur to me now, mostly.
made me kek for some reason
yep 2014 was a much different place, it kept getting worse up until 2016 it seems, which it got exponentially worse. i remember r9k's reaction to elliot roger back in 2014, now when an elliot roger thread is posted i see many reddit tier replies and butthurt females.

how you feeling ? i think i know who you are. You ok ?

Been here for about 10 years and the funny thing is I got introduced to this board by a crazy girl who played on the same TTT server as me. I do miss this board being about original content and not obsessed with sex and women

Robots have gay sex with other Robots now literally gay sex

This unironically became one of the least friendly boards for incels while the rest of the website became filled with incels. Almost every board is Zig Forums now with the exception of Zig Forums.

pretty funny to think desu

I'm still here. 34 hkhv neet. Poor as all hell. Depressed and stressed 24/7. This place now resembles highschool drama so I tend not to post much, if at all. It's all so shallow and devoid of meaning. I click onto this board out of habit, and nothing more. Have sex, incel.

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looking at the catalog its absolute fucking over. not a single robot thread. and with 8ch figuratively gone too id say its the end of the line. we had a great run pals, good times, but nothing lasts forever. over and out comrades, see you in hell.

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It's always amusing seeing the Zig Forums style threads on Zig Forums

I kinda just lurk here now. But yeah its isolating to see the zoomers and normies infest this board. I been here for long...too long. I'm even older than you OP.

just to let you know
that rotting smell i smell around here
it's nowhere near as bad with you
compared to others sticking with "the old ways"
good :)

oh a new one. filtered.

Yeah, OP should just create good threads instead of shitting up the board with complaining ones.

Robot threads make it to the bottom fast, meanwhile fembot, tranny and discord threads get the replies. No one cares about robots anymore