Do Mexican-American girls like white guys at all?

Do Mexican-American girls like white guys at all?

Attached: 1606084323895m.jpg (804x1024, 74.27K)

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>Do Mexican-American girls like white guys at all?

Very much. They're the easiest ones to fuck by far.

Yes its almost criminally easy to get a beaner femoid

Mex-Am girls want to be niggers so bad

So yes

That's not true anymore, we're not in the 90s

They are wannabe blacks which means they hate whites

Just because none wanna fuck you doesn't mean it's hard for anyone else..

Attached: Snapchat-1523234909.jpg (1440x1080, 156.42K)

I mean in general. The younger generation of Latinas does not like white guys at all.

Where do you live? I'm in LA and they still go nuts for the messy hair look.

I mean throughout the whole US.
This is Colorado

>I get my facts from youtube
Feel free to kill yourself

Latinas in LA hate white guys.

Arbitrary question
>do [example] girls like [example, typically white] guys at all?
You can't really generalize this, so uh..fuck off with your shitty thread.

Actual videos>your fake anecdotes

Everyone in LA hates white guys.

But especially Latinas

Everyone hates LA beaners

These videos are always such bullshit.
Yeah, like they're actually going to say that they wouldn't date blacks and be raped and beaten on the spot.
Saying whites or asians is the safe, socially acceptable response.

Lol not true, and actually in LA latins hate blacks and blacks are scared of them

>like they're actually going to say that they wouldn't date blacks and be raped and beaten on the spot.
And you wonder why even sexworkers don't accept black men lol

That's fucking bullshit
The new generation gets along just fine.
"Black love, brown pride and the sets again"

This is mega cope. If they don't like black guys, the safe answer is "I have no preference".

That was never true aside from some Surenos (who have made peace with blacks in recent years)
Black people love Mexicans, that's why they spared them in the 92 LA riots

>"O-oh...I don't have any preference haha..."
>"Nawww but what race wouldn't you date? Answer the damn question"
>"U-um, white guys? I guess? Haha..."
Nice try.

Cope harder Kyle
They literally said "white guys" immediately

You guys are either coping Pedros or ugly white dudes.

Attached: ethnic-preferences2.png (640x726, 54.79K)

>muh okcupid boomer stats from 2009
Lol, that's literally all you copers have. It's obvious you know I'm right or else you could provide evidence of zoomer Latinas liking white guys

>discredting evidence for no reason
>asking for different evidence without presenting your own to refute what was already shown
>using cope for the 50th
You're either a low effort troll or room temp IQ piso.

Video evidence from 2020>useless boomer shit from 2009

no, but the real Mexican thots like crackers

Do Mexican-American girls like white guys at all?

No they're BBC Only

Attached: thot bbc (1).webm (1920x1080, 1.91M)