>RNs are average intelligence girls that came to the realization that they don't have any redeeming qualities and never cultivated willpower during their first and only stint at a state university. they proceeded to drop out of the state university and landed on an RN program at their local community college because it allows them to move out of their parent's house
What is the male equivalent of this?
RNs are average intelligence girls that came to the realization that they don't have any redeeming qualities and never...
What's a job that guys do that equates to RN like wiping asses for six figures.
Scat porn.
origi ]
Im pretty sure RN's are smart (for the most part). They just didn't have the money/time/grades to become a doctor and they were smart enough not to take on student loans, but they still wanted to work in that field
Male nursing student here. A lot of nurses go through state colleges for a bachelors, but you dont need a bachelors to be an RN. The bachelors just gives you more opportunities and mobility. Military nurses/school nurses (RNs anyway) must have a bachelors.
Nursing is very different from being a doctor, so to say that nurses are just people who would otherwise be a dr is stupid.
Ok goodbye
male equivalent is enlisting in the military
nursing is only different from being a doctor because you have a severely reduced capacity for responsibility in your involvement with the patient's health
you are there to monitor baseline vital signatures, you aren't trusted with your peabrain to handle much more complicated than that
to act like a subordinate position in which you are the doctor's errand boy is "completely different" is moronic and autistic to the industry you are subservient to.
the doctor exists, and he creates the staff needed, or he joins an organization of doctors already established in their business front.
it's a complicated mess to adolescent, immature kids who don't know how the world works, i know. you clearly are lost in the sauce, "student".
every faggot who signs up for college wants to pontificate on the subject they chose in hopes it awards them cool guy points in real life
you aren't shit, kiddo
>Male nursing student
Why would a guy go down such a career path? Shit pay for a gross job and a traditionally feminine one at that - one so much so you have to state you're a male because being a nurse suggests the opposite.
I disagree with the premise. I'd say programmers are the male equivalent to RN in terms of length of education, pay, commonality, and gender split.
unfortunately, beta males exist, and they have to end up somewhere, don't they
Medical school is expensive as fuck. But you can get the school to pay for your nursing tuition if you're smart enough. In that sense it's not a bad career path
Why would I? Because I can be a nurse practitioner and function like a medical doctor. In most states, nurse practitioners have taken the role of family doctors. Also doctors and nurses do different things. Who do you think actually charts and administers medicine? A doctor is just a rubber stamp. Unless theyre a surgeon or a specialist, they are useless. If you want to be hands on in medicine, be a nurse or surgeon/specialist. Otherwise you just sit there and sign off on someone else's work.
>programmer pay=RN pay
HAHAHA bro tf are you on about? Programmers get paid double as much as any RN, plus they don't have to clean up literal shit for a living.
>average RN pay 47k-88k
>average programmer pay 39k-88k
>clean up shit
RNs dont do that user, that's an aide's job
Programmer pay isn't that great because now everyone and their mom can program. And programmer =/= software engineer
Computer Science
That or general sales
Everyone can cook yet not everyone can be a chef bro
You guys really need to accept the comfiness of software engineering. You make a bunch of money if you want to and work hard, yet you can earn a good living doing literally the easiest job in existence.
Just googled it. Was the averages in my area. There's also a difference between a software engineer and a programmer
Unironically I fell for the 'do what you love' meme. I love medicine too much to abandon it, Im sorry user...
really? whats the difference?
shit's S tier if you like it. suicide-tier if you find out you don't like it that much half-way through your studies though.
I don't work in medicine or anything but I've heard that you have a lot more interaction with patients, which is rewarding for some people I guess.
Okay, so like I said and you conveniently ignored in my post, programmers and software engineers aren't the same thing
Do you feel fulfilled user? There's only so much satisfaction that being a mindless code monkey can really bring
>A programmer - also called a computer programmer - is the "software contractor." They're responsible for taking the software engineer's guidelines and developing the programs and software.
In every company I've ever worked for (Google, Amazon, et al.), programmer and software engineer were used interchangeably. My offiicial job title was software engineer, and I had no one producing code under my command.
I don't use my job to feel fullfilled, that's for utter losers. In my mind, my job's one and only purpose is to make me money.
you clearly don't work in tech. see above.
Lame. If you're going to spend eight hours a day doing something, it might as well be something interesting and rewarding
you omit the fact that I spend 6 of those 8 hours watching youtube and I make over 300k a year.
Watching youtube for six hours is interesting and rewarding?
t. real nigga
yes, I get rewarded about $1000 for those 6 hours.
really depends on what I decide to watch
Welding, agriculture, bio med tech, lab tech, mechanic, communications, hr
NP>MD/DO>PA>RN>Anything Else
and most of the shit wiping has been passed on to lower level MAs and PCNAs/STNAs