Have you ever been gaslighted, robros? Share you experiences with this psychological torture.
>have a gf for for 3 years, late high school and junior year of college
>I'm also hanging out with classmate Chad who scams me on shitty weed
>in last year of the relationship, gf starts behaving weirdly and disrespects me
>Chad behaves weirdly around me as well
>both are dropping hints, independently
>both are noticing my mental decline and mock me
>social circle picks up on this and starts dropping hints as well
>everything is denied with a smirk when I start asking questions
>gf dumps me
>obviously they were fucking behind my back and laughing at me the whole time
Probably the worst trauma of my life, major contribution to my mental illness and schizoid NEET incel status a decade later.
Have you ever been gaslighted, robros? Share you experiences with this psychological torture
>tfw too dumb to be gaslighted
>tfw no gf to gaslight me
I'm sorry you went through that though, that sounds pretty fucking traumatic.
This is one of the most depressing thing I've read on this board
>giving a shit about a cheating whore
lmao, find a new bitch retard
Yeah it takes a vicious sociopath to do this to someone, and I had two of those near me at the time. Never dated again, never will most likely.
I've also been the victim of vicious sociopaths, back in the day as a poor autistic high school kid. I'm unironically a husk of a man lol and barely alive half the time. I'm sorry OP, those pieces of shit will hopefully die in a drunken car crash someday and their faces are gonna look a bit like this when they do.
He dated her for 2 years before that retard, there is a thing called emotions love etc etc but maybe you don't know what those are. Would be traumatic even if he found out the first time she cheated.
>I'm unironically a husk of a man
Yup, can perfectly relate to this. I've had a hard time trusting even one casual male friend I found since, let alone falling in love anytime again.
>those pieces of shit will hopefully die in a drunken car crash
Sadly, these ruthless sadistic narcissists usually make it far in their careers, leaving broken people like us behind.
Living with my parents currently, gaslighted every single day. Lol
why not kill them, user
would that not make the world a better place
Those are signs of being a faggot, not of gaslighting.
Who put that shit together anyway? [Spoiler] probably a fag [\spoiler]
is that the leftie term for someone making you question your sanity? yeah i called my phone carrier telling them i had a problem with my account and they told me that my problem was impossible, like i'm retarded or i'm lying. kinda fucked up, huh.
nice spoiler matey
did you even do anything to them??? Did you anger them somehow??? Whhy would they do that?
It's a term from 1920s' stage play and its 1944 film adaptation called Gaslight. Not necessarily leftist. But yeah it's psychological manipulation to gradually turn someone insane.
See --> Never wronged or hurt them, thought I had a good relationship with her but Chad was clearly taking advanting of me and I should have stopped hanging out with him.
Sociopaths simply enjoy manipulating people, either for benefit or simply cruel amusement.
I feel isolated from friends and family but that's because I never fucking get a break from them
This list makes me realize I was gaslighting a teenage British girl without knowing I was.
yeah but stacys always scream incel
You might be surprised. Yeah, many narcissists end up doing pretty well and having good careers... but it all comes crumbling down, because people will marry narcissists, etc. but living with a narcissist gets very taxing and they destroy all their longterm relationships even when it's narc-on-narc. I bet you one day you'll be better, it took me a long time to get back on my feet, and I'm not even really back on my feet yet just mentally stable again. But I bet you one day you'll meet a nice girl, and then you guys will experience real love that narcs can't ever get.
>can't spoiler tag
Thank you for your kind words user, though I'm not really expecting another romance in my life again. It was a devastating lesson, I still haven't processed it even such a long time after. Glad to hear you're doing better, hoping to get there eventually myself.
Stacy loves to see Chad dominate and torment a beta
Elaborate on your evil, what do you do?
Ive seen chads go from alpha to beta
and ive seen beta go beast mode when chad gets too cocky.
i live for surprises sometimes.
if you just torment a beta, he will kill stacy and chad.
you really think mike tyson came out his whore mothers vagina as an alpha?
are you delusional? i mean a woman
Now this, my friends, is the textbook definition of "based"
Its 'to be gaslit'
>be me
>grow up with relatively easy life
>develop mental illness, bad
>sent away for over a year for therapy after being kicked out of freshman year HS
>come back
>be handsome, well liked
>go to college, still well liked
>hate self severely, depressed, drug problems
>start dating beautiful redhead qt, anime, movies, drunk together, constant sex and love
>hate her for loving me
>gaslight her constantly without knowing it
>all 13 things apply
>I reached out to her after four years a few months ago for the first time, she still sees a therapist related to our relationship, she has gained weight, still single
>almost killed myself the day after the conversation
>Ive also been single ever since
I was a terrible person to her. I belittled and insulted her only to yoyo her back in because I was codependent and miserable. I found out my friends were too afraid of me to confront me on it to. Ive done so much work on myself since then. And Im totally gunshy of relationships and pay for this every day. Im sorry molly. I hated myself too much to ever let you love me. And I wanted you to hate life as much as I did.
That's fucked up dude, this is worse behavior than cheating or even physically assaulting her.
But at least you're self-aware and recognize your mistake. Sociopaths aren't capable of reflection.
I was blacked out for so much of those three years. If you played a film in front of me of everything I said, I would break. I would go back in time and hurt that person.
I have BPD and different chapters of my life are completely opposite. Like living in a fugue state. I have moved to four different states. I have friend groups in each that would call me a best friend of theres. And then I just kind of dissappear. I have panic attacks when I realize I moved on to a new life again. I run a startup and cant afford therapy right now. Its not an excuse, its just a terrifying depressing cycle. But Im aware of it and I try very hard not to subject anyone to it.
In my opinion you shouldn't contact the girl again, for her recovery it's best if you stay away from her life completely. No point apologizing or making up for the damage done now.
That being said, I hope your mental state gets better so you can eventually have a happy new relationship, and nop repeat the same toxic behavior.
You had a gf. You deserve it
I wont again. It took me years to work up the courage because I was afraid. After I texted her asking to speak, she called me drunk four days later. Said she told one of my college friends and they told her to ignore it. She asked why I reached out and immediately apologized, told her I realized I had been mentally and emotionally abusive. And I let her berate me for two hours. After that it was a cordial call. The next morning I told her she could reach out again, I just didnt want her to feel I was calling to make up for everything. I really do want her to be healthy and happy. She didnt respond to that so tahts it. We won't speak again unless she wants to reach out. I actually avoided two very large cities in my state and many of my friends the entire time for fear of having her memories brought up. I no long er have that fear though. I hope she got some closure or understanding.
why didn't you beat him the fuck up
>be bullied and mocked in middle school by virtually everyone
>girls especially treat me like a joke
>get girlfriend in 9th grade, holy fuck it's like a light at the end of the tunnel
>she's amazing; super attractive and kind, loves me with all her heart
>start to gaslight her to the point where she attempts suicide
I had a therapy session today which made me realize that had it not been for her, I might have killed myself by now. Most of my anger and pain can be traced straight back how unwanted I felt in middle school. If she had said "no" rather than "yes" when I asked her out, it might very well have been the last straw for me.
What the fuck is wrong with me
Well fair enough, it seems you've learnt from the experience which ultimatelly is all that matters at this point.