I'm convinced that men here will never understand what it means to be female. They'll never understand that they have the possibility to do nearly anything without society looking down on them. They have the ability to improve themselves by putting in the slightest amount of effort. And they get to live without caring about when and where they do things, what they're wearing, their image, any of that.
All of you men here won't ever come to terms with those facts, because doing so would take away your excuse for being pathetic and miserable
I'm convinced that men here will never understand what it means to be female...
Nobody asked you roast, get fucked
>never understand what it means to be female.
Neither will you.
Why don't you just shut up and let me fuck your stinky pussy? Women literally don't have to do anything besides lay down and spread their legs what the fuck do you have to be envious of lmao
>They have the ability to improve themselves by putting in the slightest amount of effort.
Kek, women are delusional.
I'd rather know exactly what my purpose in life is and have my most difficult trials be looking attractive and cleaning up blood than be expected to work my ass off or die alone
I want to understand females better but you girls don't help
I'm convinced that you're a tranny.
You're probably right...
But at the same time you can't comprehend the pressure society places on men to be successful. It's not ok to be content with where you are in life in a comfy job if you could be making more. A woman generally would never ever date a man that earns less than her while a man never even considers that fact and he's just expected to provide.
Yeah sure being a male has its advantages but life is miserable for both sometimes just not in the same way.
retarded gay rhetoric thread
not a single example or argument made to support their point
>And they get to live without caring about when and where they do things, what they're wearing, their image, any of that.
Why can't you do that?
>sexist men dont care about women
Women dont care about us either lel, what do you expect retard?
I'm not OP but I can probably answer that.
The way society views women is based mostly on their looks. Look at how people reacted when they realized X or Y female artist put on a couple of pounds.
Compared to men who's value isn't automatically assumed based on their looks. Most billionaires right now dress like they just came out of walmart. Your value in society as a man isn't estimated within the first 3 seconds of someone looking at you.
yea sure, why the fuck are you here then go back to crystal cafe no one cares about you except for the hole between your legs
What are you talking about? Women can do all of that and more and still be supported/encouraged/admired by society. Women get to be themselves, they get to be anything they want, and still be successful and loved. Men have to fit a pretty specific mold or they're considered losers or creepy. Anything that would make a woman be socially ostracised applies far more severely to men as well. Honestly curious how you got these ideas of yours.
Admitting you're a foid on r9k should be an instant permaban. This is a disgrace honestly.
literally just ask wdym
im not but if that helps you sleep at night, sure
you cant comprehend the pressure society places on women to always be at our best presentation wise
thanks for explaining for me
nah, wrong. you just dont hear about the inverse bc of gender bias
Even if that were true at least men have that much excuse to be miserable, you whores don't even need to improve yourselves
Most retarded trips I've ever encountered sorry. It's proven well and beyond women care about men's looks just as much if not more than men care about a woman's looks.
>literally just ask wdym
That's what I do and then they ghost me
>be a woman
>decide to freeze your eggs and have kids at 50
>you go gurl!
>decide to be massively overweight
>you go gurl!
>decide to masturbate on camera as your full time job
>you go gurl!
>decide to divorce your husband and force your 4 year old son to transition
>you go gurl!
>decide to ride the train wearing nothing but sweats and your filthy half blonde-half roots hair in a messy top knot so you can buy an $8 hangover starbucks frapp
>you go gurl!
>say or do literally anything, no matter how retarded
>you go gurl!
>decide to dabble in the arts
>get thrown to the head of the pack
yeah, being a girl is so haaaaaaard.
women have incredibly low fucking standards compared to men though. like to most rational men anything above like 70kg is considered a fatty and immediately eliminated out of the dating range.
a woman might overlook being a bit overweight if you're funny. they might overlook your balding pattern if you're tall. they might overlook your age if you're successful.
most men will not even consider talking to a woman if she's overweight to find out that maybe she's funny or successful.
You're going against all evidence gathered on this subject over the past decade lmao.
>you cant comprehend the pressure society places on women to always be at our best presentation wise
So in other words, you COULD live like that, but you CHOOSE not to, because you want stuff. And you calculate that if you present yourself in a certain way, you will have an easier time getting that stuff.
It's always the same roastie bullshit. Your ability to instrumentalize your sexuality to get stuff makes life EASIER for you, not harder. But you're so fucking spoiled that you try to find a way to twist even the ways things are easier for you into excuses to complain.
>anything above like 70kg is considered a fatty
On any woman below 5' 8" that absolutely *is* a fatty.
You can get any STEM career you want with ease, employers will literally pay you to get educated.
You can very easily start a Twitch channel and be making $100k per year in subs and donations in a short amount of time, even if you don't show your face, just having a women's voice is enough. Pay an artist $12 to make a cute chibi avatar for your channel thumbnail and you will make a lot of money.
If you're so inclined you could get any job in the military that you want, they literally prioritise female recruitment due to political pressure.
Idk man, seems like you're projecting hard.
that data proves exactly what i said though.
female attractiveness is solely based on their looks.
male attractiveness is more than just looks.
i've watched girls go through tinder and swipe left on giga chads because of what they wrote in their bio.
check'd. Irrefutable.
if truly a fembot i sympathize with the female plot. there are certainly sturggles that a female goes through that a guy doesnt deal with. but that also doesnt mean that guys dont go through their own issues as well. no matter who you are life is a challenge and nothing will change that.
empirically untrue. You are fake news
You low IQ fags are worse than fembots honestly
simp more
oh go get TOPPED fag. the most cringe thing is thinking that because of your sex you dont face challenges daily.
>i've watched girls go through tinder and swipe left on giga chads because of what they wrote in their bio.
That doesn't mean that gigachads don't slay no matter what's in their bio, simp retard
classic insecure faggot response.
>maybe she's funny
First post best post. Also, /thread.
The most cringe thing is you without a doubt
I can't find that study anywhere, can you link it? I feel like the sample pool for those has to be very small because I've seen completely contradictory information in the past.
yup mhm okay
I agree completely, thank you for not just blindly hating!
He's blind alright
You have fucking autism simp ass nigger. Crawl back into your hole and eat yourself to death.
mhm. I don't usually validate posts like this but i found this one to be pretty neutral. i feel like she's right. of course ill be called simp, faggot, or whatever. but the reality is that as a male i inherently cant understand what its like to be a female. i can certainly assume that a girl has challenges in life to don't correlate to men. we're different and there's no way to change that.
>thread overwhelemed by cringe incel takes from people that can't are emotionally incapable of empathizing
wow who would've gussed r9k has autists and sociopaths
I would empathize if the OP wasn't a complete fucking liar. Imagine living in a 1st world country as a woman and thinking that men are "privileged".
bro social pressures on women are especially bad in first world countries.
you will literally get nowhere in life if you're a fat or unattractive woman.