I'm a failure

I'm a failure.
I can't finish college
I can't get a girlfriend
I can barely even look people in the eyes
I have Avoidant personality, OCD, and depression. I'm not particularly mean, but I'm not a good person either. I've become jaded, bitter, and cynical. And admist all this, all I do is pity myself. I never change. I want someone to put me out of my misery, as I'm too weak to carry it out myself. I'm so pathetic. I've squandered every opportunity I've had. I'm tired of this.

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Go to a ghetto and call someone a nigger. Your mental health is harmful for others so do it ASAP OP

believe in Jesus or do drugs or both

Lots of people are failures. Lots of girls are failures and even some normies. Take some chances and don't be afraid of humiliation. After all, if you really are a total failure, you have nothing to lose. What can they take from you with rejection that you haven't taken from yourself already?

I get what you're implying user, but it wouldn't work
I can't just force myself to believe in something.

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Truly mind boggling cognitive dissonance

yeah I feel you.
i an also just a burden to society
im sure if I try I could do something with my life
but im just to much of a beta to act upon all the chances life has given me .
I just sit alone in my messy room and waste my time with games and stuff.

I'm 24 and never had a real romantic relationship nor any reallife friends since I never leave my room if not necessary.

>Take some chances and don't be afraid of humiliation. After all, if you really are a total failure, you have nothing to lose.
I try to do this but it's not just about myself. I feel like I just bother people when I talk to them. I feel like they just tolerate me and put up fake smiles. I don't want to subject anyone to me.

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it should be your one choice to believe or not but you can at least try it

>I'm a failure.
>I can't finish college
>I can't get a girlfriend
>I can barely even look people in the eyes
>I have Avoidant personality, OCD, and depression

literally all of those apply to me as well

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You care too much about social stuff why should you work for this neo-liberal society

I never asked "why" about anything. You can be aware of something, but still have difficulty fixing it. I know my mindset is a problem but it's not an easy thing to break out of.
>I just sit alone in my messy room and waste my time with games and stuff.
These days, I just sleep and feel bad for myself. A disgusting cycle of self pity.

Trust me, it doesn't work for me. If I could I would.
based OCD bro

The problem is SOMEONE in society has to be like this. The complete failure every one else can point the finger at and make fun of/put down/warn others about.

There's not a lot that can honestly be done short of accepting what you are or suicide.

I'm in the same boat OP. Abandon your emotions if you can, a normal life just wasn't meant for us.

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Fuck people. You don't owe them, and particularly strangers, jack shit. Stop feeling sorry because they experienced a mild inconvenience. I'm burdened by their bullshit every day and they never apologize. If the faggots have to deal with our obnoxious behavior for a while then so be it. What are they gonna do? Call the cops?

Don't worry about what they think. They can't do shit to you.

it works for everyone you have to wait or you're not trying hard enough. I mean I became Cristian when I was 16. but take your time becoming Cristian has no use if you force yourself

This only focus on the lord his opinion is the only one you should worry about

>Gaslighting normalshits who don't know what they are talking about and depressedfags

I dont know , I just dont want to feel like shit , thats all.

Actually im an trained electrician but I hated the work so much and got bullied because I was so clumsy and unmotivated.

I got sent to those massive construction site to work with some third worldcountry people and just got paid a little more than minimum wage in my country.

I drove 1-4h to work depending on my current workplace.
I was a temporary worker who got sent to different companies.
some of them treated me alright but some also made sure that I know that im just disposable workforce

sounds like shit desu I just got out of my depression and got a job but the job is making me depressed again so I quit and am a neet again feeling much happier

yeah OCD sucks

good lord you are fucking unbearable, user

does your little tic tac weiner get big when I tell you that? off yourself in the dank hole from which you came

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but right now sin got the better of me and I'm high on 3-mmc


the fuck do you tell the most extreme and pathetic failures at the bottom of society? "hurdur go clean up your room bucko and then it'll work out"

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I mean what you're saying makes sense but I have difficulty actually applying this mindset. When I'm in a situation, I just force myself to stay quiet. I only talk when others initiate. One time some girl told me I have cute eyebrows (I remember this specifically because I've only been complimented twice in my life) and I just thanked her and stop talking. The next day she tried speaking to me again. And then again the next day. Each time I didn't speak much. I never initiated. She eventually stopped talking to me and I never spoke to her again. This was all because I didn't have confidence in approaching anyone. I've been trying for years but it never works for me. If I could just not give a fuck I would.

I'm only doing slightly better than you guys I tried self-improvement but it didn't work but at least I have some friend IRL also you should become religous

>What can they take from you with rejection that you haven't taken from yourself already?

The last shred of hope that you are a human being that's worth some thing.

take benzos they help with socializing

Nobody is more harmful than fags like you

Yes it does. How do you cope?
I know user, I promise.
I've already tried medication. Didn't feel anything different at all. Doctor said she believes my fast metabolism didn't allow the medication to it's full effect.

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>If I could just not give a fuck I would.
Find a way. These people don't give a shit if you live or die. What do you owe them? And if your life is already ruined, what else can they take from you? If you fuck up it is okay. Nothing more will happen if you make a social mistake. You will not be crushed forever for an errant remark. People will think of you poorly perhaps, but how different is that than not thinking of you at all?

And who gives a shit what they think anyway? Sure you can be polite, but there are limits to what they deserve from you. You're not garbage. People like us deserve better than to just serve others and die alone. Fuck that.

I've been living with the severe OCD for like 5 years since I was 14. I've dealt with it better and many systems have gone away. some still remain though like I can't read books, because I just reread sentences over and over

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>fail at social interactions
>fail at learning skills
>fail at trying anything new
>fail at enjoying leisure activities
>even fail constantly at games
I just tried playing Sengoku Rance and ate shit, nothing I did seemed to work so I just quit and got angry at myself for being such a massive faggot failure. Fuck I hate being alive, I fucking hate it. There's literally no point in doing anything if I can't even beat, let alone enjoy, a stupid game.

>People will think of you poorly perhaps, but how different is that than not thinking of you at all?
Actually a really good point user.
I'll try my best to stop caring user. It's not like I've ever been told I'm particularly annoying, I just feel like I make everything awkward. You're right though, I just need to stop thinking and start socializing. It doesn't really matter anymore.