Only 1 week left for NNN
Only 1 week left for NNN
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I've nutted more than I have not. Really dropped the ball on this one.
>tfw this is already the longest I have refrained from masturbating in years
Feels good to have some sort of mastery over myself, but I dont see any benefit beyond that
I've coomed the most in November compared to the other months. Got off the antidepressants and feel horny as fuck. Nothing has changed from when I used to go weeks without being horny. NNN is a christian psyop.
>but I dont see any benefit beyond that
That is huge in on itself, it's the first step for most achievements
> The guy on anti-depressants had good avice
>one week left of nnn
>somehow got prostate cancer in the meantime
I don't get it...
>Reddit Nut November
>That is huge in on itself, it's the first step for most achievements
But there is no next step. Its not like will continue to abstain beyond November.
I've nut about three times this month. Maybe next year I'll try.
Not entirely relevant but you need to see this
Based. I usually last until the 24th or 25th, but I haven't felt like fapping all day today, so I'm confident I'm going to go the whole month this time.
haha.... must be nice OP, don't be like me and lose to pic related... that sure would be embarrassing, wouldn't it? I know I deserve to be shamed, I know I do. Don't click on the spoiler, please.
Why did I click it
>tfw still routinely jacking it to anime bbw as if it were any other month
>try nnn
>easier than expected reading into the "benefits"
>better self esteem and mood
>mfw more depressed than ever
i think im going to make it but
because there are no physiological effects beyond a one day jump in testosterone after 7 days of abstinence. everything else is the placebo effect.
>lost the first hour
I really tried bros
>But there is no next step
It's your choice whether or not to take the confidence gained from some level of mastery and apply it to other aspects in life.
why not just quit fapping in general? it's the same as quitting heroin then relapsing. what's the point if you're gonna go back to doing the very thing that's ruining your life
> tfw he doesn't know about semen retention
Over NNN I became both a coomer, jacking off daily, and I became bisexual. Wouldn't recommend it.
> people quit heroin on their first try
Sometimes life is about baby steps
you aren't wrong of course, but i'm getting the energy that many people in this thread are going to forever be coomers if they don't take a different route
>take the confidence gained from some level of mastery and apply it to other aspects in life
I appreciate the advice but I am already pretty confident and a huge normalfag by Zig Forums standards
More like 5 and a half days for me
If you stop fapping dick dies
>he fell for the prostate cancer meme
that's a kike shill study. the real study found that masturbation increases your risk of prostate cancer
what? is this true?
I haven't fapped in over 6 months and I still get boners everyday. also girth increased and length increased a bit too.
my dick even looks good flaccid now
when is my dick supposed to die?
>girth and length increased
Lowes fucking bain. Don't listen to this retard.
it will die tomorrow
Try it yourself. For some reason NOT cooming makes your dick stronger.
my balls also are much larger too and have a good weight to them. Feels good
I didn't really notice any increase in size till taking a piss one day and realized it looks bigger. Measured and I gained .5 inches of length