/r9gay/ #1212

Happy togther edition.


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>tfw no winter is coming fbf

what if you were mom from binding of isaac

27. If God appeared to you in a series of vivid and moving dreams and told you to leave everything behind, travel alone to the Red Sea and become a fisherman, what would you do? What if you were told to sacrifice your child?

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Imagine being gay, ya buncha homos. I'm gonna eat sugar cookies alone and cum into a glass of orange juice then pour it down the toilet now ya fuckin queers.

I would check to see if I missed an antipsychotic dose

god would know i don't have a child

I'd find it more likely I turned into a schizo than God actually speaking to me

>cum into a glass of orange juice then pour it down the toilet
what did he mean by this

I ain't explainin' shit to some fag who's too dumb to understand it anyways, it's only because I'm all outta pomegranate juice anyways why else fucking faggot lol.

oh it needs attention

that being said I guess it would be nice to have a guy help me shop for PC components but it's not that big of a deal no sense in fucking someone in ass just so they show you the best keyboard switches out there for gaming + typing lololol imagine being such a fag lol

hello anons I am trying to do math and I am so fucking dumb, how is everyone else doing tonight

Top tip: semen is not suitable as a thermal paste

>tfw finally found condoms that fit me after tons of trial and error

just bend over and stop with the theatrics

>how is everyone else doing tonight
I'm doing fine, how about you other than the math.

haha! you guys are FAGGOTS! hahahahaha

LOL imagine ever trying this no fucking tard it goes in the OJ hahaha fucker then in toilet lol

steer clear ofmy rear, you dumb queer, if anyone's ass get's fucked, it's YOURS but I'm not into that shit buddy so not gonna give you any "gifts" tonight queer boy

I don't think I'm gay but I haven't stopped thinking about rubbing my dick against another guys dick for like a month now

pretty good! I just hate math. I cant cheat on it so im just flipping through various calculators....so not fun, what about you user? doing anything fun? or just surfing the web

>just surfing the web
Yeah, pretty much this 2bh... How hard is your math?

tfw want a BF, but every dude on dating apps is so pushy and gross x.x - I just want to cuddle and watch anime

>tfw no diaper wearing femboy bf

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not that bad really....i mean it shouldnt be, it's just stats! but i am really bad at math anyway, so

>ywn suck on a femboy's boobs
why live?

>tfw no bf to play older games with and play my music for that's also in the US
What a shame.

what games user? hopefully nothing too lame.

Older FPS's, platformers, maybe some RPG's and stuff. I am up for some newer multiplayer stuff too, but all my favorite games are on the older end of things for the most part. What kinda games are your favorites?

sorry user i am a zoomer retard. The oldest games I play are like red alert and tf:c, I mainly play (games that have multiplayer, anyway): minecraft, OW, CS, league, hots, uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk i could be brought into other games, im not too much of a bitch. but if you want to play like multiplayer zork and listen to throat singing then i may not be the best user for you

feel like I'm losing my mind
why do I have to have such a boring life
someone tell me something I can do that might help NOW

>multiplayer zork and listen to throat singing
What the fuck did he mean by this?
I'm just going to assume this is a low effort shitpost.

>what did he mean by this
it's called a joke retard, dont take it personal
(assuming you are OP, otherwise youre still stupid)

anyone else leave drawings and love notes for their bf for when they wake up?

It's a dumb joke, imo. Sorry I was expecting a normal level headed response.

>it's called a joke retard, dont take it personal
>(assuming you are OP, otherwise youre still stupid)

I said I was a retarded zoomer, shouldve been prepared

I know Im malding, but I was honest! and up front! I tried to be funny!

and then you were rude again. what's your fucking problem guy?

Yeah, guess I should of.


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