What was the "event" at your school?

What was the "event" at your school?

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A girl in my friend group cheated on her boyfriend with a guy on a class trip and then claimed it was rape so he wouldn't be mad. The case blew up and literally my high school was on national news with brian williams talking about how rape isn't being taken seriously enough. In the end the guy she fucked on the trip got kicked out of school and had his whole life ruined even though he was a really nice guy, she told all of us it was all her moms fault and I was the only one who was mad.

Someone wrote a threat on the bathroom wall and the school went apeshit over it. They searched everyone's backpacks and didn't let us hang out in the parking lot before school anymore. They also wouldn't let anyone see any teachers before school, I failed a test because of that. Someone also killed themselves the year before and the school pretended to care about mental health for the rest of the year.

Oh and she got a massive settlement and is set for life, really a huge red pill for me

my school had its own wikipedia page detailing all the dumbass shit that's happened to it. it's built overtop a graveyard too, and potentially an indian burial ground somewhere too

>saw a fight where a kid got beat so bad the hallway smelled like iron, blood everywhere, he had permanent brain damage after and had to de special ed classes, kid who beat him got sent to jail then transferred to prison
>girl tried to kill herself by jumping off a two story flight of concrete stairs, broke both of her legs and an ambulance had to come
>kid called in a bomb threat to get out of a test
>kid made a "kill list" and left it in a class on accident
>kid anonymously made threats to shoot up the school
>mexican kids stabbed people on multiple occasions
Really a multitude of events. I only went there three years too. Awful school.

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>that time the lesbian stud in our school was killed over a stolen gun dispute during the weekend and on monday EVERYONE pretended they were her bestfriend

>that time that dumbass brought a gun to school and took pictures of him holding it in the bathroom to look cool on instagram and an entire fucking swat team raided our school all afternoon

>that time the nerdy fat girl and her band geek boyfriend got caught fucking in an empty conference room

>that time that stupid kid got caught trying to sell weed in school and was arrested

user are you just repeating plot points from life is strange

Huge fire destroyed a part of the school. Can't even remember the year now, but it must have been around 2004.

The FBLA and agriculture teacher brought the cute girls (no fat chicks) back from club and tried to get them drunk and even brought one into his room to awkwardly force himself on her. She said no and he made them all leave. The police arrested him and started an investigation. Teacher posted bail, then shot himself in the local graveyard.
The type of shit that happens in rural nowhereville.

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>she got caught
I'll never understand how people are so stupid when selling. I used to and dressed like a normal person and didn't do drugs at school and blab about it and never got in trouble.

BETTER post that link

This sounds almost like the girls angry dad bundled the teacher into a truck drove him to the local graveyard and shot him then wiped the prints and put the gun in the teachers hand

went and looked at the page, they removed all the shit that went down kek
here's an old version: en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=New_Westminster_Secondary_School&diff=938513309&oldid=938513237

If she got a settlement it means it was probably likely that she wasn't lying.

>be random dude in hs
>hs is boring as shit
>decides to jump over our shitty fences during lunch to skip classes
>chills in nearby park
>gets fucking drivebyed by some fucking gang
His funeral was alright I guess

All the nigs at my school chimped out and started a riot

A kid fucking splooged in some frosting for cupcakes and when the teacher ate the cupcakes to give a grade she ate cum. The boys did not get any penalty besides a suspension and having to be put on the sex offender list. Pretty sure it made national news.

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Someone ratted him out from what i remember

A girl downed at the beach during a school trip. After that, the school never ever did field trips again, not even to museums.

I broke 3 computers by OCing them to max.
Also 3 teachers sexually assaulted students.

I could see this happening, but apparently there was an eyewitness to the suicide, so do with that info as you will.

The 50ish year old art teacher was banging the football players.

That's why you set up the deal before school, only sell to that one person, and have nothing on you when you get called into the office or the police come in to search you. Deny everything, ask what proof they have. Business through snapchat or phone calls only so you don't have evidence of message history.

I wish that would have happened at my school, I fucking hated field trips.

Kid died on school trip by drowning and the teacher leading a school trip stepped on a babys skull

greentext my guy?

Even as grown women, stupid liberal women prefer high school jocks. Lmao.

>>that time that stupid kid got caught trying to sell weed in school and was arrested
That was me lol and it was middle school.

I was the event. I committed an act of schoolyard terrorism.

A guy raped a girl. Got called out and "bullied" hard for it, and the next week he brought a retractable knife (longer than what was legal to conceal carry where I lived) knife and tried to stab the guy leading the charge against him. I was really good friends with the guy heading it up and I did participate a lot. It got the school of its ass and expelled him.

But did he really rape her though, I remember girls would make false accusations all the time to save face.

My school was much less interesting. Right behind a freeze-dried fish factory, and that's all it smelt of, while you were outside. Crackheads would often wander around the cul-de-sac that gave entrance to the high school. It was a Catholic school and there were rumors that one theology teacher was an atheist, which he would neither confirm nor deny publicly. He taught us about Michel Foucault. There was some secret area that I was given access to by a nerdy desperate drama student, it was just a recliner in a strangely sectioned room of the school, only accessible through a vent.

you sound like you went to a highschool with

>Mr S the math teacher had 2 relationships with 16 year old students
>Mr S, autism department, impregnated a student
>Mrs H, history teacher, repeatedly had sex with the 17 year olds. This was never reported but we knew it happened.
Not the most interesting

Ok we get it bro you deal drugs now shut the fuck up and finish your math homework

Whoa, that's cool user. I went to San Dimas High School, so I always got to brag about being at the same school as Bill and Ted.

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A freshman girl (Mexican) got assfucked in a stairwell by another Mexican boy. They had it on tape from the security cam in the stairwell.

Somewhere around 500. It was a private Catholic school. Some kid also got caught with a hit list and got expelled, I was probably on it, made fun of him during a science class we had together.

Kids had sex in the toilets so much that they put cameras in to stop it. Cameras got removed for obvious reasons.

I graduated uni a while ago, kek. Just elaborating on how it's done. Nice little jab you got in there though, feel better about yourself now? I hope so.

The first day back from winter break in 2018 some dude was caught and recorded eating his girl friend out on the lower part of the main stairwell of the school. I went to an extremely ghetto school and shit like this was a common occurrence. Needless to say they were both expelled. The shit got so popular that some other kid made a song about it, he got expelled too lol.

link to the song: soundcloud.com/jds_bangin/stairwell

She was in my friend group dude I regularly saw this girl, she told me personally it wasn't really rape and it was all her mom and step dads fault and seriously he was a nice guy.

Found an article about it that is really dishonest since it acts like he didn't get kicked out of school when he did and doesn't mention the settlement. Pisses me off in so many other ways too jesus I had no idea how far she took this crap. After she moved to arizona she ran away from her parents and came right back here and started living on a weed farm.


I guess the settlement was because her parents proved the chaperones were negligent for giving us privacy.