Dear femanons, do you think the men on here are justified in not liking you or not?
Dear femanons, do you think the men on here are justified in not liking you or not?
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i understand the hatred sometimes because i feel it myself for some vapid, annoying women. but mainly i think they're way too polarized in their assumptions
how do you mean "polarized" in this context of assumptions?
I forgot the picture i wanted to put here
madonna whore complex sorta thing where they view some women as saintly but the majority as whores who deserve death
that's not the madonna whore complex:
> "a Madonna-whore complex is the inability to maintain sexual arousal within a committed, loving relationship"
ah sorry, i was meaning more along the lines of this
>"men who see women as either saintly Madonnas or debased prostitutes."
but hopefully i got my point across
What if they hate all w*men?
I wasn't under the impression men on here viewed any subset of women as saintly. Which ones are you thinking of?
eh i kind of get it, i probably would too after a lifetime of being abused by women/society in general. i have built up resentment for the majority of men so i'm kind of the same thing but flip-flopped
anime waifus and such, sometimes japanese/asian women
I think it's okay for anyone to not like or hate me for any reason. How they choose to conduct themselves is their choice.
ahh you mean they idolize this coping mechanism these men have with drawings.I think i understand what you men.
why do you think life is like this?
not a femanon I just visit for fun but
the views here are really unhealthy especially since theyre being circulated in this hivemind where everythings anonymous and anecdotal and theres no input from an opposing perspective
I understand (not that i agree with) where most of the hate comes from as well as the other prevailing ways of thought here but it would do everyone some good to interact with a more digerse (or in case you dont like the word, broader) group of people to expand your mindset
I hope everyone on here finds happiness soon!
i mean sure they have a legal right to dislike you but that's not the same as being justified in doing it. But if you feel that way then i guess that answers my question. Thanks user.
People just want to be happy. We are hardwired to seek social interaction and feel attraction to people. When we do not have access to people, concepts and fiction become more appealing.
read the SINGLE sentence prompt one more time and then leave.
i don;t mean why men cope, i mean why life pushes them to cope.
>why do you think life is like this?
it's easier for people to deal in absolutes than to deal with nuance. i do the same sometimes by blaming whole groups for the actions of a few. it's very difficult not to, humans are a tribal people.
What assumption is there in that you can all get guys? Literally you can date us and there's more of us than you, it's that simple you can't be lonely.
Im female but i dont consider myself a part of the community to be called a femanon I'm just hoping my little comment could be relevant to someone out there reading
>What assumption is there in that you can all get guys?
i actually agree, i can get sex and relationships pretty easily if i really wanted to. i think this is a good example of a polarized assumption though, because you assume that sex/partners are the only important aspects to a healthy life which just isnt true
>it's that simple you can't be lonely.
it's quite easy to feel lonely even when in a relationship.
>diverse and broad perspectives
Just insulting our intelligence desu, if we are wrong then prove it, more perspectives in the form of diversity should never matter.
Justification I guess in my opinion doesn't matter. If someone chooses to dislike me, it is their loss of a potential friend. I think I am a good friend, I try to help people. I don't mind making large sacrifices for others who may not care about me as much.
I am a little religious, maybe nutty but I'm ok with it. My answer would be that God (or the Universe or whatever force) wants to see us go through horrible mindbreaking tragedy so that we can grow again, stronger and more resilient. If you are strong enough when you are older you will be able to have the balls to try new things, protect those in your care if they are in danger.
Zig Forums isn't a hivemind, it just has a present consensus you find distasteful. A hivemind is when a way of thinking is enforced. plenty of people dispute and debate the anti-female sentiment, you totally have the floor if you want to justify a pro-women stance. The fact that other users have opposition to that sentiment does not make it a hivemind. It's being intentionally limited from speaking against some identifiable notion of authority literally being forced to agree or be silent that would make it a hivemind.
Being a female gives you privilege in so much more than sex through your sexual power though, and also we still struggle with connecting and feeling lonely even with relationships(just not romantic) too. If you want to talk about nonsexual issues the least you could do is not announce your gender rather than attention whoring without even showing us tits, and yes anytime you reveal your gender here you are attention whoring and yes that is a flaw of men but still you should respect us.
It's kind of a hivemind, just not an echo chamber while the rest of the internet is ironically
I keep reading the word femanon as "freemason"
>It's kind of a hivemind
It's probably one of the most aggressively confrontational forums out there. No single thought does not go un-evaluated or opposed on here. That is the exact opposite of a hivemind and if you keep arguing it is one without justifying it i and everyone else will continue to write you off.
I dont mean diverse in the way that youre insinuating; just different in an amount that woukdnt be trampled over by other larger prevailing voices
i suppose consensus would be a better word to use then, and in that case many other communities that are accused of hivemind behavior would also just be a popular consensus i suppose thus eliminating use of the word based on technicalities (this is just off topic rambling sorry)
social dysfunctions that make everyone believe in unethical practices don't seem like a test from god, it seems more like a dysfunction of people who leave him than anything.
You would not say philistines were given a challenge by god, they were just dysfunctional people who renounced him. When jezebel worships a bronze bull penis that's what i would consider a test from god. Neither would i consider the social dynamics of post modern hookup culture or spirituality.
ey alright man, if you say so. i hope you find peace some day
updating to add that the prevailing consensus and echo chamber(forgot the term for a bit) would be better
consider something like r3ddit. R3ddit has a downvoting system that will place increasingly long wait times to stop you from talking depending on how many people upvote or downvote you. Moderators are extremely plentiful and abuse their power often, generally creating an agreed upon list of political stances you have to agree with before getting banned.
Similarly twitter just now openly pulls and modifies your posts if they don't like what you're talking about. This is on top of the open and actualized threats they make for having the wrong opinions.
On Zig Forums the rules are that you stay anonymous and the mods aren't here for anything except illegal posts that would get the site taken down. They aren't visible the don't have names and they seem to barely read posts once every 24 hours.
ideas aren't enforced here, you as an individual have all the power to say whatever you want. That's the appeal of Zig Forums: the freedom to say whatever you want. to flirt with ideas people don't want to let you have.
Tell me what is the most fucked up thing you ever thought?
If you mean if i understand hate for fema one specifically, in a way I understand the hatred towards us because many men see this place as a safe space that is supposed to be women free but they make the mistake of giving us a lot of attention (even if it's negative) and don't migrate to places that would strictly prohibit female presence. I think robots secretly want us here but just refuse to admit it. Maybe they just want to take their frustrations out on us idk. I don't think that their hatred for women in general is justified but i can understand it because that'd what negative experiences or lack of experiences with the opposite gender can cause and I'm guilty of that myself