Wh*te women:
>tattoos, bright dyed hair
>high standards
Asian women:
>no tattoos/bright dyed hair
>loves bwc
Why don't you have an Asian gf yet, r9k?
Wh*te women:
>tattoos, bright dyed hair
>high standards
Asian women:
>no tattoos/bright dyed hair
>loves bwc
Why don't you have an Asian gf yet, r9k?
1. i cannot find them
2. even if i found one i have no chance
Asian women will do anything for bwc. Its easy to get a qt asian gf
I really have a difficult time imaging the type of people that make these posts. Is it the same type of people that make the degenerate BBC posts and raids?
Either way, I honestly can't imagine making them out to be good people.
I'm trying to help you to stop being a racist white angry incel
more likely but still rare
>no tattoos/bright dyed hair
hair depends, tattoos generally true
really depends
>loves bwc
have sex incel
incorrect. they're mostly apolitical, which is objectively better than any position when looking for a partner anyway.
>to help you to stop being a racist
Never going to happen, and if that is ironically what you're trying to do it just makes it worse. Most of the userbase on this website isn't even white anymore. Asians can stick to asians. Like sticky rice!
>have sex incel
pic rel.
>Never going to happen
Asian women prefer white men to their own, its easy to get a qt asian.
>>Asian women:
Niggers, you constantly talk shit about "bro Asian women are whores for white men!!! BASED" while believing their virgins? Come the fuck on, who actually believes that they're virgins? Only pencil dick losers do.
>>no tattoos/bright dyes hair
Confirmed for never having been around Asian women. They LOVE to dye their hair. The only ones that usually don't are the ones that just got into college. That changes quick. Not having tattoos is uncommon, more of a 90-10's thing.
Maybe by onlyfans whore standards, but they're not exactly modest. They thrive on attention, and they'll do anything they can to get some attention while still appearing "modest"
>>loves bwc
There is no such thing as BWC, just a couple of white guys on pornhub with big dicks, the rest of you are as deluded as the BBC niggers with 5 inchers. Most still prefer white guys but that breed is dying out. Slowly, but it is. Snag the white cock lovers while you can.
They're not. The men are conservative, the girls YOU'LL end up dating are literal whores for white guys. They don't usually have a political opinion, they just say whatever to please white guys. They used to hate niggers but there's a movement happening where a lot of Asian women are turning againts their sisters. Zig Forums shills use this to spin various narratives like faggot OP is.
Date someone for their personality, and a bit for their attractiveness. But not because she has slits for eyes, you'll end up unhappy unless you're one of those tards who's all
tl:dr don't be an autist. Seek happiness with someone who loves you for you and likewise. You deserve it.
I don't care what they prefer, I care what I prefer.
You're thinking about westernised 2nd/3rd generation asian women. Real asian women are nothing like the things you listed.
This is why you will be a bitter racist incel virgin for the rest of your life.
>This is why you will be a bitter racist incel virgin for the rest of your life.
Why am I not surprised some one is trying to pull out extreme levels of cope in their cope thread.
>I honestly can't imagine making them out to be good people.
Still stands.
False. The "real asian women" is a myth perpetuated by mentally ill bugsimps desperate to validate the weeb pedestal they put Asian women on. Stop seeing the world through your fantasy and you'll realize that all women are the same. Stop browsing twitter and ig for obscure jp accounts heavily SNOWfiltered and start working on your mental health.
t. Engaged to an Asian woman
>Real asian women are nothing like the things you listed.
there's the excuses, look man the vast majority of asian women obsessed with white men are souless whores and low tier partners unless you just want some slant eyed slave that has no independent thought.
The good asian women would be those who have personality and like you for you, not the colour of your skin or their future children's
>Engaged to an Asian woman
so why are you engaged to an asian then?
yeah, every single white woman has an onlyfans you disgusting yellow fevered incel.
Do you think the slutty bpd wh*te whores are better people?
Knew her for 4 years, gave her a chance. She tolerates my autism just like how I tolerate her autism. She didn't have to do that bullshit fake persona white guys fawn over with me, grew as a person and we became good friends. One thing led to another and we're engaged.
slavic women superior
Honestly yeah, have you seen how autistic Asia is? How many FOB gooks have you dated or fucked? I can safely guess 0. You will NEVER get laid.
Based. I hope you have lots of hapa children
mega cope cringe
I'm not white. Kill yourself, yellow fevered loser.
Stay mad while I fuck your women, ricecel.
You clearly don't, since you keep making these threads. You will always be a 4 inch dissapointment to Asian women. I would know, since they always complain about losers like you to me.
White women are the only ones attractive enough for me.
Reminder: your wife prefers white guys and only uses you for betabuxx. Remember this next time, ricecel.
Imagine finding this attractive.
Go away.
go back to Zig Forums retard
your comment was not original.
>no tattoos/bright dyed hair
>posts an asian girl with brightly-dyed hair
Nigga, do you even know what bright means?
>tattoos, bright dyed hair
>high standards
Westernized Asian women, have you ever seen one?
That is why you get an actual asian girl, not a westernised whore.
Yes. It's OP's pic