I have some meme things I want >not be bigoted tradfag etc so I stopped searching on boards cause most men here are
>be non autistic while with me being an autistic (my tism gets worse when I'm around other autists)
> be germanic or rushki cause I like the langs
So how do I meet a goy like that? I never had a BF and I certainly don't want men from irl but Idk how to get an e BF. I live in the of nowhere also fml Ploz gib me an e BF tutorial
>not be bigoted tradfag etc so I stopped searching on boards cause most men here are
no shit. literally any site on the web is gonna give you anti racist boyfriends. why would you choose the one place that gives you the opposite. yes go on reddit or any other dating website ever. /r/foreveralonedating and /r/meetafriend. your inbox will be full of guys who arent trad. just write what you want there and boom. if you get into a ldr you can meet up via train if its not too far away. theres even guys who are ok with only online relationships if you want only an e-bf. t. woman who tried dating on there.
Hunter Anderson
>not be bigoted tradfag etc so I stopped searching on boards cause most men here are lost me there. Go to reddit.
Jaxson Lopez
>Ploz gib me an e BF tutorial get the fuck outta here normie.
Jacob Perez
Yeah I know just posting here cause boards, does that actually work? Sounds too good to be true
>not be bigoted tradfag etc so I stopped searching on boards cause most men here are No half-functioning man is going to support sexual degeneracy and mental illnesses. You're looking for a bottom-of-the-barrel, low IQ beta. >be non autistic while with me being an autistic (my tism gets worse when I'm around other autists) So you want to have the cake and eat too, typical female. >be germanic or rushki cause I like the langs Literally me.
Isaac Powell
Weak bait but will work on nur9k
Ryan Collins
Excuse me dear fembot, but I think I would be the best possible match for you. I might not be anything you want to but if you just talk to me I'm sure I can prove that we are a perfect match. I've always dreamed of a fembot gf so you sound like a perfect dream girl for me. Would you please share your contact info so we can start dating?
Samuel Lee
If you go on literally any dating place and present yourself as female your inbox will flood with messages. You can't actually be this retarded.
Angel Turner
Shut up its actually really hard for me cause I'm really autistic I'm 21 and if it was that easy I would have a BF by now I hate it when neurotypical malecels say this
Christopher Myers
What the hell is being a trad-fag?
Not wanting to date a Zig Forumstard its obvious, but given the context, you are looking for a dude that its ok with you 3 digits body count.
Also: > germanic or russian > "because I like the languages" This its the female equivalent of an user looking to date asian girls because he likes anime.
Ryder Allen
I don't mean it unironically. If you go on any dating site and are a girl, your inbox will got so many messages you literally will not be able to read them all. Of course the ultra majority of them are people just trying to have casual sex BUT you said you aren't interested in a traditional relationship. Why not just download tinder, match with any boy you think is cute and copy and paste the words "come and fuck me, here is my address: x". Some will be sketched out by that, but most tinder guys will be more than happy to oblige.
Chase Ward
Good (?) news, your inbox will be flooded no matter if you're autistic or not. It might be hard to find an e-bf you like after that but it's too early to worry about that. Also not everyone on Zig Forums is a "bigoted tradfag" if by that you mean a Zig Forumsfag. I'm not.
Angel Edwards
You'll never know where the one is, there is no "place" to search. literally join video game voice chats, talk to random anons in interesting threads, if you have a cool convo; add them to pm later, maybe try smaller cozier discords, like if your friends have a discord for a certain clan.
Yeah I would prefer a BF, plus would not go near ppl who live in the same country if you forced me.
I don't want to debate that is why I ignore such posts but my personal preference is someone who doesn't unironically use the term bodycount, I'm a lefty like that
Dammit I need to try, I never shared my interests (drawing, langs) with anyone . It's even harder since I don't enjoy vidya and music(or honestly movies and anime
Jose Ortiz
I'm in Europe too, germanic (I think..) language speaking part.. What country are you from and how would you describe yourself in a few short words?
Julian Sanchez
>plus would not go near ppl who live in the same country if you forced me. You are literally a person in your country. Do you hate yourself? If so, I would recommend working on yourself a lot more and getting better mentally before you actually try to start a relationship with some one. Now begone. /thread
Hudson Garcia
>trying to meet generic guy the fuck is this, a practice bf? you don't get that time you spent "practicing" back. you'll learn about relationships regardless.
Ryan Parker
Try R4R and either lurk until you.find s guy you like or put a post up and deal with 100+ messages, dick picks, incels crying and sifting through shit to find maybe 1 person to talk to.
ForeverAloneDating is just full of desperate people and MakeNewFriendsHere will fizzle out after a few messages. It shouldn't be too difficult to find someone meeting you criteria but at the same point are there other things you want that you don't mention? Will you ghost if things get too serious, stop replying if you disagree on one topic or decide you're too scared to continue messaging.
You won't find anyone on this site though. To ask you a question though, where do you hang out online? I want to meet an autistic female robot that I can take care of but don't know where to start looking.
Hunter Morales
I'm not bigotted and I'm only slightly autistic. Are you interested in being my e-gf?
Mason Evans
Protip: saying 'rushki' (gibberish, nothing to do with Russian) and 'langs' instead of 'languages' makes you sound underage.
Anyway just: 1) meet some fellow kids on /soc/ 2) get your head out of your ass about hating your country (or move), and meet people IRL when you feel ready
Just set up a Tinder and go global or something.
Austin Clark
Most of the advice here is bad. An autist is not going to do well in the sea of normies you find elsewhere. It's easy enough to find someone here.
I wish I could just move but it ain't feasible. I agree I kinda sound immature I need to work on that.
Hard to say, I like artsy stuff, A WOMANLET jk djdjjdjd, I can kinda introverted, would vist drachenlord
Agree and working on it, other than the country stuff fug that
Yeah I understand your descriptions, I have to work on feeling less bad about rejecting ppl and getting rejected and just try it out I guess
Try crystal lel
Robert Reyes
I'm a 21 year old Russian/Spanish mix. Non autistic just slightly ADHD. Liberal scum. I'm like a 6, kind but slightly narcissistic, have piercings, skinni, good taste in music, have actual hobbies, have a job, go to school. Let's date (unless you're fat)
Xavier Smith
This place is just like any other place. Just a giant pile of heaping steaming shit with a few decent people mixed in and a lot of lurkers. The rare decent person here who has actually managed to deal with their issues successfully and be a net positive to OP's life isn't going to get be able to get anywhere near OP even if they wanted to.
Jace Martin
Debtland? So.. Greece, maybe? Well, either way I like the way you write. If you give out some throwaway contact I'll send you something!
Luis Campbell
do you lurk kc?
Lancelot#9582 west slavic bernd here also kinda hot
Kayden Davis
>I wish I could just move but it ain't feasible.
It's very feasible, you live in the EU (if Debtland is Greece), you have huge mobility. If you're still a student, look into ERASMUS and other exchange programs, they're fantastic. Maybe you can't move literally right now due to your financial or family situation, but it's something you can plan for in the future if you really don't like it there. I don't know what's so bad about Greece and Greeks though. Can't be the worst environment for an autistic leftie artsy girl in the world. You should remember that you're not the only artsy leftie in that country.
Jack Cook
I looked you up on an archive, you're literally 17. Fuck off.
Justin Davis
What on earth is crystal? You shouldn't feel bad about rejections, a rejection is far better than leading someone on or toying with them.