all slightly pudgy femanons need be impregnated immediately
All slightly pudgy femanons need be impregnated immediately
>Missed the similar pudgy femanon thread yesterday
you're welcome
now where are the pudgy feamanons that feel bad about being pudgy even though its top tier breeding body
wtf why dont pudgy femanons want to be loved
These threads are usually all larp and no tummy pics. So its kinda homo kinda sucks dick ngl.
the impregnation would ruin the chubbyness though
like posting pics is ever smart
I think some of you guys would get a kick out of my gf
fuck I meant ex, haven't talked to her in months, just recently found my folder of her.
woah, post moar! sauce! name! sauace? post moar! sauce!xDDDD
although we broke her, I'm not gonna dox her name, face or discord. I'll send pics tho.
I meant up not her, fucking typos man
post nudes obviously
no they need to be fisted and have their wombs ruined :)
I prefer when I build it up to it, no point in spoiling the fun immediately
Sweet Vishnu...
> getting older
> constantly fantasize with impregnating a younger fembot
Fuck it, I really need it.
why'd you break up? seems like a bad choice desu not nutting in that. unless youre the girl self posting.
I'm happy some of you guys like our pudginess. Makes me feel a little better.
how the fuck did you not get this girl pregnant?
tfw made a cute pudgy femanon happy
it was a LDR and desu with you you, it's mostly on my end. We were both basically attention starved and liked each other enough to want to be togheter, but after the honeymoon feeling passed, it became boring. We were too different to really mesh. She was a Kpop stan all the way through and was doing dancing. While I was (am) into guro and super nerdy shit. I was prone to severe mood swings. I don't hate her, it just we didn't connect after that. Oh and her tits were super unappealing to me. While together, due to lock down she got weight pass the point I was comfortable with and just broke things off. She lived in europe while I was in america. Talking to her became a chore and when she rarely was in the mood for lewd stuff. happened like 3 times for 7 months that we were togheter. She's not a bad person or a slut, I wholeheartedly believe she deserves the best guy in the world. That person just isn't me
also sorry for the horrible grammar, I'm starving and kinda let my emotions speak, meaning it's a fucking jumbled mess
They still chad only boyo stop being a cuck simp
I want to press my pp against your big butt while I molest your pudgy belly to show you how hard you make me
bless your chubby chasing heart
fucking snuggle me right now
In desperate need of a snuggle right now.
But hoping the loneliness builds character.
Ive been lonely for awhile now and its kinda fucked my brain up. Hope you get tumby rubs and a place to call home with someone cause this lonely cowboy shit sucks.
okay im back from eating lunch.
Ow my heart. I literally feel myself becoming bitter. Sometimes I will say something bad to myself and then I feel my heart ache. I try to be optimistic though and imagine there is something better. I hope the same for you as well, user. May you find a place and a person to call home.
>Ive been lonely for awhile now and its kinda fucked my brain up.
For how long.
oh my god what are you two lovebirds waiting for?! add each other and talk more! Maybe you could be each other's home
how'd you fuck it up bud?
I already explained it