How do I force my e-bf to get lewd with me more often?
How do I force my e-bf to get lewd with me more often?
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Demand that he cum for you on video. Or alternatively, you gotta show him hotter stuff. I think you should show it to me first though, so I can gauge whether it's hot or not :^)
Why are men so gross? And then you people call women whores. Men like this unironically need to be castrated.
Lady (male), chill, I just wanna shitpost. Not get into gynocentric debates. Why cant women into fun?
Purely for research purposes tho, we would never save these pictures. That would be a breach of your privacy!
>How do I force my e-bf to get lewd with me more often?
>Why are men so gross? And then you people call women whores. Men like this unironically need to be castrated.
Well then make up your fucking mind!
Ay bby wan sum fuk?
Maybe getting lewd for her is watching castrations?? My man, we ARE on r9k after all, this girl is probably beyond fucked
I'm not OP, and cheating is what makes men gross. Even joking about it is gross. Men in general are gross.
I already demanded that but it doesn't work when I'm the only horny one atm. What kind of hotter stuff could i make?
That was a different femanon. Not me (OP). Can't say i don't see her point but i also know that it was not a serious offer
well user, I like my girls how I like my movies: fucked up.
user gave her some advice and then made cheeky little joke, fucking calm down. Yes, I agree all men are gross but holy fuck get your head out of your ass once a while.
what is in it for me to answer your fucking stupid question?
did he started really horny and slowly lost it, or was he always more stable?
The first one. He used to be much more horny
Gotta see what your e-bf is into and go from there. Also, if your e-bf is never horny and doesnt get turned on from lewd things you send, then maybe he's asexual or just not attracted to you. You should really talk with him about it in earnest
Well, I've got some bad news for you OP either...
A) He founds you boring now
B) He's cheating on you
C) He's really fucking depressed
not trying to be mean, just calling it how I sees it.
I'd bet money that you're the most boring exhausting dead fish in bed. You're probably turning it into a job for him like you do with everything else. Plenty of women do this all the time, they're just so fucking lazy and want to be entertained there's no point in habitually fucking them and you just try it a few times and then move onto the next one. If you love your boyfriend try advising him to dump you and go fuck tinder sluts. Now post your tits or get off my board.
shut up you stupid simp, stop trying to solve every problem a girl asks you about. THey're not even supposed to be here. Go to r3ddit and take your annoying whore with you.
I can tell you are really smart.
>thinking OP isn't a guy
How tf am I a simp for trying to be nice and answer's someones question. You MGTOW fucks are straight up closeted fags, fuck off my board.
post your fucking lame tits.
I don't think he's not attracted to me. He used to get very turned on when I sent him stuff and i already know what he's into and appealed to his kinks except doing some hardcore stuff because I didn't feel ready. Now that I know him longer and feel more comfortable I'm ready to do more but it feels like the novelty wore off for him because he's already seen me and we already did some stuff together. I'd like to send him lewd pictures and videos of me randomly but I'm worried that he's not going to react much and I'll just feel awkward and slightly humiliated. That kind of stuff only works on him when he's already in the mood but i just wish I could get him in the mood when I'm horny :/
I don't think he's cheating but i am afraid that he's bored of me. He's also always depressed but that didn't used to affect his libido
Okay it's time you went back to r3ddit.
and you can catch
>pic related
with your face on the way out.
>How tf am I a simp for trying to be nice
he's bored with you or just depressed
I'm not a girl, buddy. Bet you'd love to get topped tho ;)
>Even joking about it is gross
Imagine being such a lame, sensitive cunt. Why are you even in here? 90% of Zig Forums consists of crude humour
Show us your tits or get out.
>blow me
So by "doing stuff" together, do you mean in person? If so, you guys gotta meet up again. Even if you havent met up yet, that's probably the next step. People get bored of online stuff, they need real stimuli. I was in a 3 year online deal and eventually we had to move in together to keep things going. If you love each other, it makes things 10x better
:( Is there a way to make myself not boring again? Or is it just that guys lose interest when they already have nudes and stuff. He didn't lose interest in me in other ways btw. He's just not as sexual anymore
Post your sweaty moobs faggot. You talk like a prison bitch i used to fuck. When was the last time you let daddy press 10 inches into your fucking boipussy?
Leave your s.o.y on r3ddit
From my experience, he probably enjoyed the high that you brought. Kinda like taking morphine to null the pain. It helps and makes you feel great, but eventually it wears off. He used you as a crutch and now doesn't have the same effect as it did in the beginning. I think talking about it with him is the best course of action. If it leads to break up, sucks but it will be healthier in the long run then staying with them. Hope that helped a bit.
fuck your dog on camera and then get the fuck off this board: it's the only way.
Don't you have a BBC cuck thread to go jerk off to somewhere?
Have you tried being more sexually aggressive? I don't mean sending nudes and stuff, I mean actually initiating sex and acting really sluttu around him etc. If this doesn't work then I don't know what will
Bitch we're already in it, now let me fuck your girlfriend.
she should let me fuck his boipussy after i finish yours.