fucking lol
women are such a fucking meme
society is doomed
when will we all fucking die already
I hate this world
Fucking lol
>(((We've))) created a generation of men afraid to pursue women
All societies that ever gave women rights were doomed shortly after
I actually want men to stop pursuing me. I wish I was treated like a man. Cherry picked articles don't reflect how most women feel.
Give it time and you wont even get a look.
Jesus fuck im not even a girl and that writing touched me deeply. Brutal.
The comments on that article are strangely vindicating
Even elderly women are still brutalized user. It's not even about how attractive you are to men. Just the fact that you're a woman means you will be treated as something different. I'm not saying this to sound like oh women are oppressed, I know that this can come in the form of privilege, but it still sucks.
Who gives a fuck what women want? They say one thing, and want the other. It's time to stop giving a shit.
>im not even a girl
Yeah you're a fag, user
you could be on this site if you didn't bring up your stupid vagina for attention every 5 minutes you worthless trash.
if it's relevant to discussion then yeah i'll bring it up, like it wouldn't make sense what i wrote if i said i was a dude, there's no way for me to relate to sylvia plath's plight as a guy. or i'd just get called a fag/simp like this guy
then bear that burden of being a fag simp, after all it's apparently easier than being a woman right?
the comments are fucking amazing kek
show us your tits or get the fuck out.
>blow me
yeah but like i said, i still wouldn't relate the same way to the writing
It's called a gun, dumb bitch
Fuck off, i don't care. You're a hypocrite and everything you say comes off flat because you rely on being a girl to subsist even on an anonymous board. You can't handle being held to my standards despite bemoaning how hard it is to do as little as you do and disrespecting how hard it is to just be a guy, despite the fact that whenever someone asks you to try you give up like a pathetic worm. You're a worm. shut up and get off this board. Get your fucking tits out. you have no character and you have no value, you're a parasite and i don't want to see you on here.
you self absorbed trash, rules of the internet women aren't on it, get with the program you entitled cunt.
Surprised to see women and the author actually getting called out.
what this guy said basically >HURR DURR IMMMA GIRL BTW XDD
>I wish I was treated like a man
Get surgery to remove your breasts and get your head completely shaved. You'll probably get treated like a man 1/3 of the time. You don't want to do that? Oh you do prefer being treated like a woman.
God it fucking hurts
I'm not special or different but I'm treated like an anomaly. I want to be the person that no one takes a second look at, the one taken at face value with a smile and brotherly affection, the painfully average NPC who can fit in almost anywhere. And that I would be, if it wasn't for something as meaningless as my gender. No amount of progressiveness will change the fact that women will always be looked at differently.
I swear if I had a dime for every time Zig Forums got mad at a literally who article I'll have enough money to buy a mansion
lol the comments on that article are a goldmine. All of them are basically trashing the article and pointing out that modern feminism is retarded
What kind of relationship do you think random men have? Do you think we can get anywhere and do anything as passive actors and theres no problems or dangers involved?
You have an idealized version of living as a man.
Take the fag pill user, femboys are always chill and upfront
I'll believe it when I see it
Of course, with any kind of fantasy we ignore or trivialize the downsides. For me it's more about the first impressions or thoughts people will have. In a safe neighborhood I don't actually feel especially afraid of walking outside at night. It's just that in many social settings, women will usually be treated differently with no chance of redemption. I don't want special attention, I just want to be treated like everybody else.
Fuck Plath, whiny ass bitch was the original BPD dramawhore. At least Dickinson had a legitimate reason for offing herself. Only poets I hate more than Plath are that pederast Ginsberg and that communist faggot Hemingway.
Women and soi boys actually idolize this tranny
My penis doesnt even work anymore from meds. Literally shut the fuck up all of you.
>communist faggot Hemingway.
I don't get it