>pretend bf liked the postcard i sent him
what should i mail him next?
Pretend bf liked the postcard i sent him
A pair of your dirty panties.
mail him a ziplock bag of some trimmed pussy hair
he's not attracted to me so i think that would just gross him out. maybe if i send him a stacy's panties he'll appreciate it?
basically the same reply.
Stealing a Stacy's panties and sending them to him would be a nice gesture.
You can be my pretend boyfriend. I'll take a pair of your panties.
i dont have any irl friends to ask so i guess i can purchase some from an ethot and get them mailed to him. do you know any reputable sellers?
i'm not a boy but i hope you find a pretend bf soon
hes not attracted to you? did he say he wasnt? is it because you are a tranny? tell me about this situation because it sounds weird.
>hes not attracted to you?
>did he say he wasnt?
in many words, yes.
>is it because you are a tranny?
no i was born with a vagina
>tell me about this situation because it sounds weird.
meet guy, befriend guy, want to marry guy, he only likes stacy, continue being friends with guy, create tulpa version of guy that lives in my head as my pretend bf while still being friends with guy
Are you by any chance a black chick named Olivia
>i'm not a boy
You can pretend to be a boy who looks like a girl.
do you know him irl? that doesnt sound very healthy, why dont you just move on? how long has he been your pretend bf? you need to learn how guys do it when they end up in your situation: they completely ghost them. thats what i did to my oneitis years ago. sure i still think about her from time to time, but it doesnt even affect me.
>be girl
>look like girl
>act like girl
>pretend to be girl
so where does the boy part come in? that's just a gf silly
no, my childhood friend was black and her name was oliviah though. i dont know where she is these days.
Don't be a bigot. Boys can have periods too.
Still playing around with that heartless pretend bf of yours, huh? So many cute real boys that you could have made happy...
>do you know him irl?
>that doesnt sound very healthy, why dont you just move on?
because he's so special in my eyes
>how long has he been your pretend bf?
a month or so
>you need to learn how guys do it when they end up in your situation: they completely ghost them. thats what i did to my oneitis years ago. sure i still think about her from time to time, but it doesnt even affect me.
you're completely right but by nature i am a very emotional person and get attached to people. i can't put my feelings aside easily. i wish i had that level of emotional control but i know it doesn't work for me.
i really don't want to pretend to be a boy, sorry. i am comfortable with my sex (._. )
>a month or so
i guess thats not long enough for you to break yet, but you will break.
>i wish i had that level of emotional control but i know it doesn't work for me.
no one said it was going to be easy, but it needs to be done. he doesnt want you and its going to be very painful for you, theres no real benefit out of this. then again, i dont know the situation but from what you describe he sounds like a douche bag for wanting a Stacy and trying to cuck you.
>Still playing around with that heartless pretend bf of yours, huh?
yes. what should i mail him next?
>So many cute real boys that you could have made happy...
no because it's already been established i am ugly, boring and dumb. can a man be happy with a female with these characteristics?
But you didn't send anything to anyone. It's all in your head. It's not real.
>i dont know the situation but from what you describe he sounds like a douche bag for wanting a Stacy and trying to cuck you.
please don't be hard on my pretend bf. he didn't choose to not be attracted to uggos. that is just how he feels and he cannot be faulted for it.
>i am ugly, boring and dumb
You are one of the only thing on this planet that can bear a living offspring. Do you not understand how valuable that is?
yes i did! he sent me a picture on discord that it arrived! and i will send him many more things! tulpa pretend bf has a real origin.
>i am ugly, boring and dumb
you actually sound pretty chill. what makes you say these things about yourself? and is right, move on and find another robot who would cherish you unlike that Turd whos cucking you rn.
Look. Leave your discord details and I'll be your real bf and show you what you should be treated like. With respect, kindness and understanding.
And maybe just a little bit of psychopathy. Just a little to start with and we'll see where we go from there.
That's not what fembots want. They want someone who is disinterested and doesn't love them back.
If this is what they want then I can't give them that. I care too much. I love too hard. If they can't handle that they can go f*** themselves.
i understand it's very valuable but it's pointless if i can't find someone to marry me and raise the babies with me. i don't want to be a single mother.