Mental Illness Thread

I always act like a good girl when involuntarily committed because i want out asap. Last time i was trapped there for a suicide attempt and acted out the first day because i was super pissed that i was alive and wanted to kill the bitch psychiatrist who talked to me first. Luckily ive never been in longer than a week because when i need to, im really good at acting like everything is fine.

the last hospital i was at actually bought cigarettes for the patients which was cool, i dont normally smoke but i did when i was trapped there. It was nice to sit outside with the fellow crazies and puff on a cig and talk about making meth or whatever, broke up the monotony a bit

Attached: mento illness.png (451x451, 250.21K)

Like talking therapies? I know they have a long waiting list

But if they thought your case was properly urgent then they would section you. That's what has happened to me. I wish it hadn't, of course, because being sectioned is shit. Well, the being drugged against your will part is the shit part.

let me cum inside you please

sure why not

actually reminds me that last hospital visit there was this creepy psychotic dude who kept asking me to kiss him

also a guy showed me his dick once in the hospital

no they took me 3 months to get into, then when i said im still hurting myself they told me i was high risk and put me on the community wait list which ive been on 4 6mon

damn wasn't expecting a yes honestly didn't plan this far ahead. now im actually horny wanna lewd on discord?

not really but thanks for the offer, user

so close welp guess i gotta go wank to porn now got any more stories from the loony bin

>any more stories
I watched some lady get held down and injected for rambling too loudly in the common area

listened to some tweakers talk about how to make meth

some guy whispered in my ear that he "knew that i was a pedo" and was going to "beat me to death" the second the nurses weren't in sight which was very scary as the guy was like 6'4'' and like 260lbs and little ol me is just ends up sobbing in front of the nurses wondering why my new friend thinks im a pedo and wants to kill me
turns out he was truly psychotic and thought i was his mom for a moment there or something, got moved to another ward after i told the nurses tho

Spent 2 weeks in a mental health unit in Sweden, had been seeing a psychiatrist/therapist 2x a week for around 6 months prior.

Was admitted for chopping my finger off, during my stay I just took my normal medication before being diagnosed with treatment resistant depression (not a surprise, as I've been in and out of treatment for 15 years).

Only think I was iffy about is that they had me start doing ECT twice a week, I've done 6 treatments so far with the most recent 2 as a free man - travelling to the hospital for treatment then heading home once I wake up.

Seeing a psychiatrist tomorrow to see if I'm fit for work (no chance) and probably to recommend an additional 12-18 treatments of ECT and fingers crossed they'll give me some ketamine.