This is what an autistic girl looks like

this is what an autistic girl looks like.
this is what you wanted right

Attached: 1604946982519.jpg (451x451, 37.14K)

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every time

why the fuck is she running around her house?

and they still attention whore like normalfag girls, are they really any different? i think women are women regardless of autism, just normalfags

Cause if you're a moderately cute girl guys will watch you even if you're doing nothing.

this is why I watch. autism girl butt

Attached: Img-1606331338327.jpg (2120x1136, 757.08K)


behold, the new autistic cringe ass queen of Zig Forums

Attached: holliestar33-20201026-0001.jpg (1080x1080, 183.14K)

This is what all that noise was? God I hate my neighbors.

Damn i wish I had a gf

Attached: 1600437746275.jpg (640x960, 127.65K)

How old is she? This is important.

She said she's 21.

ugly and cringy

this bitch got a tattoo of pic related on her arm.

Attached: e0a.gif (2952x3047, 1.18M)

male pandering, fake autism

Whats her endgoal? She doesn't have a donation link or onlyfans or whatever

>She doesn't have a donation link or onlyfans or whatever

Not yet.

there is no end goal. she's legit autistic I'm telling you.

she said she has tons of money on paypal and does tiktoks etc. probably trying to get more male followers and attention.

just another slut

Is she on drugs or manic or what

Ok nvm she is just a fake roastie, she wants to "get on the rv"

Wow an egirl on the boards this is it guys we've reach peak r9k this is the beginning of a golden age

"quirky" autist girls are too common now, they've lost their value
normal girls who aren't sluts are the new gems


We'll be dead someday and won't be tortured with such thoughts.

yeah I saw like 4 views immediately drop after that.

What a retarded attention whore

Wow she's so cute and perfect her attention span is as low as mine

>women will literally pretend to be disabled just to get views on youtube
christ, what a narcissistic generation we've come upon

pls what's the timestamp?!?

I don't care how fucking autistic she is she's fucking hot, cuta and adorable, I want to cuddle her to sleep every night and threat her like my queen


LOL dropped.

What the fuck even was this livestream. Also how can you tell she was faking?

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would breed if not an attention seeking dumbass


what the hell...this girl just met up with my ex boyfriend. they probably had sex

timestamp; she fucks dogs.

Found it for you, king

why does she stand/lean so weird

Attached: Untitled.png (669x847, 775.37K)

her dog is a female. Lesbian beastiality!!??!!!

Knew I saw this girl before. Apparently shes easy to get in bed and suicide baits

Attached: A2D1DFC1-F1EB-4CAC-953F-7B6E13755786.jpg (828x705, 300.55K)

I hate women who try to act like anime girls, they're no different from trannies

Suicide baits? Wait, what does she do?

wrong one.

Weak hamstrings. That is what causes leans. She needs to do deadlifts or horse stance.

Don't you simps have enough egirls to fawn over already?
Can you guys just stop with these.