You were in school, slaving away on your assignments, stressing constantly...

You were in school, slaving away on your assignments, stressing constantly, wondering if at any moment you would fail your classes. Many nights spent reading, studying, and contemplating suicide to maybe finally get that sweet sweet slave certificate. And where was I during all of this? Comfy in my bed, laughing at you.

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People want to make a good income apparently

For what? So they can have more days on this earth to slave away?

>for what
wife (golddigger, prostitue basically)

You can have all of those things without a certificate. But with being a meet you actually have time to enjoy things.

being neet sucks

Working must constantly suck huh. All that work to come home and have maybe four hours at best of time to yourself before going to sleep to repeat the same process all over again the next day. This is the reality of most of the suckers that got memed into college.

not everyone is convinced on what you say.
ive been neet and a wagie
being wagie isnt fun but its better than neet, personally

Explain how working a 9 to 5 is better than staying home and relaxing.

Being a NEET will basically make you an emotional wreck since you won't leave the house and you won't meet new people
You will be basically stuck

my routine last summer was

>work mon to sun 8am to 6pm
>come home shower
>get high for 2 hours or 3

my weed high is relaxtion for 8 hours condensed into 2 hours

Being a slave to the wage will basically make you an emotional wreck since you will barely leave the work place and you are constantly working with the same people everyday.
You're basically stuck.

Having no money sucks, being neet is king

>Needs weed to cope and compensate for the hours lost.
Now imagine smoking weed but not needing to work.

chads get sex
neets have money support

i work for a living. im not lucky like you.
tfw no golddigger gf
never had a gf

>Now imagine smoking weed but not needing to work.
no need to imagine it nigger
im doing it now

1 G nigga
85% pure thc

its nice living in leafland
i just bought this yesterday

contain two ingredients: cannabis distillate and botanical terpenes.

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looks like op left his shit thread
gonna be vaping this bitch soon

Fuck you stupid nigger. I didn't reply because it had nothing to do with wage slaving.

oh shit op is back and his real self is showing

why are neets so mad and egotistical.
i know your neet and people work for a living but why do you care that people work for a living?

If you are neet, wouldnt you keep that info to yourself and enjoy the neet life?

ive been neet before like i told you and a wagie... i prefer being wagie

not everyone is rich neets or leeching off their parents

i work for a living but ur nigger neet brain cant comprehend that and it seems difficult for you.

okay so you are a neet. so what? go do cool things with your free time rich neet chad.

not sure even if u are a rich neet desu

Just keep your ego in check and dont scream im neet at the top of your lungs. no one cares, real world is different. but you grew up with the internet and neetdom so idk

no one in schoold gave a shit about their grades and stuff because they had their job in their back pockets all along

>S-stop reminding me how shitty the wage life is
No. Imagine being a wagie.

NEET life is shit
Wagie life is shit
Life in general is shit

You are bad at making points
I was severely depressed as a neet
Being a wagie made me a bit happier

Thats just me.

>wondering if at any moment you would fail your classes
No I wasn't. Shit's so easy you have to go out of your way to fail. Believe me, I tried, and I still passed.

>Life in general is shit
Everyone already knows this, you just choose to work because you're a masochist and just don't know it yet.

Homeless people dont work.
whats your point?

are you a rich neet or welfare neet

Mommy and daddy wage slaved to give me an easy life.

it took 25 posts to say this simple statement?

yes my mommy leeches off my dad and her dad

she never worked a day in her life
she either sleeps all day or cries here and there

she never worked
she is a NEET and 51 years old
Without my dad or her own dad supporting her


what would happen if mommy n daddy die?
gonna apply for welfare? look for sugar daddies? gonna beg like homeless people in downtown?

gonna wage slave like me like your mommy and daddy?

no. why would you. Mommy and daddy made you spineless like my own mother

I'm getting the inheritance, I'm the only child.

I never did anything in school except tests and still got my bitch cert, the fuck are you talking about nigga?

I wouldn't know because I never needed to do that.

yeah okay. no finanical problems so you became spineless like my mom.

you are no different than a whore with sugar daddies.

man your thread is really shit.
working isnt that bad but your like my mom so you wouldnt understand what it truly feels like.

there are women who suck bosses dick and do nothing at work all day. they basically NEET at the workplace.

I pity you, I truly do. Maybe if you work hard enough your kids can be like me.

i dont need to do anything you tell me
first of all
second or all
if i have kids or was a millionaire, wouldnt give my kids a cent because

they might end up spineless like you who don't anything about hard work.

i pity you. dont pity me. i live a simple life. i dont need your lifestyle.

If you were truly happy being a rich neet, you wouldnt come on this depressed board.

i sense lot of bullshit from you. you basically remind me of my mom so i dont like you at all.

there are rich parents that dont give their kids shit. keep in mind. they do it for a reason. so their kids dont become like you.

im a wage slave and i love it 70% of the time
when i was neet, it was horrible.

but you are a Rich neet with no spine.
ive met rich neets and rich neets with no spine and daddy and mommy spoiled you toooooo much.

It's okay. Let it all out. I know wage slaving can be hard sometimes even to the point where you have to convince yourself that you enjoy work.

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