Secret Santa XI - Fembot Edition

40% get the rope edition. Now buying all fembots gifts.

>How does it work?
People will post their Amazon wishlist link according to the instructions below. People who enter the thread may post their list, and it is your decision to gift who you want.
>Does my address get shown?
Your city and state, and shipping name. Refer to the instruction image below. Shipping name can be anything you want.
>How will I know if something has been bought for me?
Items disappear off your list after being purchased. You can also go to your list, press Filter and Sort, then select Purchased.
>Will the information of the gifter be shown to the recipient?
Your first name maybe shown. Amazon by default doesn't share but third party items may.
>Why should I gift something? I'm not gonna get anything in return!
This is a different take on a Secret Santa, where anyone can gift or get from anyone. If you're feeling generous, please do consider giving back to others.
>Last year people bought stuff for others and then cancelled them to epic fucking troll us!
And they did that the previous year, and the year before that too. It happens when you have amazon wishlists, it's disappointing to lose out on a gift, but the item will just go back on your list like they never screwed with you at all.
>How often should I post my list?
Once a day or thread depending on the speed of the general
>Can I post multiple lists?
No. Only 1.
>I am a Tranny/Faggot/It's for my sex doll

Last thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hi robots.

Nigger Friday sales soon boys~

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Hahahahahah you dumb faggots fall for the same trick every year.
GF loved her $500 necklace I got from selling your junk on ebay. She wants matching earrings.
Pay up neck beards

So I'm the robot that was thinking of becoming an hero yesterday and wrote somethings while in my breakdown, here it is I wrote this in spanish so it probably has some strange shit

Unworthy of being loved

What is a man that doesn't know love
where the universal maximum of his species
is reproduction
that is achieved through love

His species evolved above other species
but his species needed to gaslight themselves
because the man who knew the horrors of live
would achieve the maximum

But between that species there was a man
who was unworthy of being loved
because he saw that the purpose of love
was the continuation of his species

It didn't matter if it was homosexual love
In the end he would contribute to other couples to reproduce
It didn't matter if it was heterosexual love
In the end a simple slip could create more suffering

Sadly evolution was smarter than him
Making affection necessary to his species
Leading to acts of violence to the man that didn't received it

He knew that suicide was the only option
But again nature was wiser than him
Making this act of courage something complex and painful

And here is my list if anyone wants it. What happened to draw user?

>still hating dollanon
another trash OP

holy kek thats a based list user

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Music and guitar shit mostly. Much appreciated, Godspeed.

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I hate Thanksgiving. My family doesn't celebrate it and I wish it wasn't a day.

At this point, it's just jealousy

Heh what can I say, I like DMing.
Your list looks based too. I wish I could afford to get into metal/woodworking.

Stop letting retards make these threads

>Marilyn Manson
Do you like In This Moment as well?

Hello, 35 mm user here.

Merry Christmas!

another instance of shitty bait. someone funny try it next time please i'm begging

le lou :)

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Seethe more tranny, could have made a thread yourself.

@reposting. Merry Christmas lads

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original repost

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>i wish i could afford to get into metal/wopodworking

m-me too

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Not when you're so desperate to make them that you make them early every time

Still standing

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Im pretty sure jans delete split generals like this one

The more active one will be kept

First time kiddo, the more you seethe the happier I get. Keep begging though, I'm sure someone will buy you a shitty $5 toy or something.

Hi grass, remember when you got caught samefagging?

Haven't listened to much of them at all sorry, The albums on there are just stuff that'd be neat to have in a physical format.

Remember when you realised Zig Forums had more than 3 people on it? Dunno who the fuck you're talking about mate.

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Boy oh boy I sure would seethe if you bought me a daki boy oh boy

I have to keep signing into amazon, switching back and forth between uk and com, this is bullshit Bezos

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Based and musicpilled, Thanks indefinitely my dude.

See you Saturday.

Any fembots that are lurking, just post your Wishlist and I'll probably buy anything to make the others seethe.

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