>tfw your code is aesthetic af
Tfw your code is aesthetic af
>he says his code is aesthetic
>screenshot is of javascript
But jokes aside user I am happy that you made something you are proud of. There are a lot of gay things about JS but you're forced to use it for web dev usually and it has elegant aspects to it as well. Good for you, you have been more productive than I have today.
Mine is super grimdark and edgy.
fuck off C-fags, javascript has come a long way
user already made the snide javascript remark for me, so I'll just say that I'm glad you're feeling good about what you do
i can't even tell what this does
C++ is so much better than any turd Oracle can push out. Java's one and only redeeming quality is the Swing library which still sucks because pointers are the fucking shit.
>TFW no Indian gf to code javascript, HTML, and CSS with and make shitty websites
>somehow knows enough about C++ to know what pointers are
>still doesn't know Java is not JavaScript
ishgghj how
this is backend javascript, not webpage logic.
>tfw no frontend gf to consume my API
not familiar with javascript but it does look nice
what color scheme is that?
>.then((activeTasks) => {
Only If you dont like to make progeams that work correctly
based linter user
>using more than one character for variables
Your code looks like dog shit. This was a bait and no one who actually writes code to call you out on it showed up right?
No it isn't, promises are shit too
Don't lie you don't actually use that theme
I'm just not saying anything because I don't know enough about JavaScript to say that isn't actually right for some reason but yeah it looked off to me
Why separate that into two .thens?
not when your semicolon usage is inconsistent
>javascript has come a long way
Just use one pass retard
tfw have that but all she does is miss her standups and play wow instead of working
not as aesthetic as my code
I love JavaScript. He's the best!
Based, I fucking hate standups
>user talks about computer science at the party again
>Every ovary in a 1000 meter radius shrivels into dust
>No one gets laid
So many fucking CS majors on r9k, no wonder you all have issues.
nobody rants about cs to women you sperg. you read too many greentexts
>beautify extension
>retard java colors
what would you be using instead
vim or emacs of course