Where does the average robot live?

Where does the average robot live?

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they moved to argentina

This, we are all in argentina now

Small deprived town in a first world country

I was thinking of moving to Argentina but was told not to because their economy will collapse soon. Is this true?

Depends on what you mean.
One average is probably somewhere in the North Atlantic Ocean since most of the robots here live in the US and Europe.

>robot that lives in germany here.

Cornfield in Illinois
Its a pretty depressing place to live but I mostly just compare to japan so that may be why

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canadian west coast on my end
nobody lives here online

tampa, shit sucks.

Not surprising. You guys literally invented autism

Why were you thinking of moving there? Do you have a fetish for brown spanish-speaking goblins?

Try being a Newfie online. All I get is the occasional "lol your accent is funny" reply

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No, I'm tired of living in America, so I'm going somewhere more white

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Ironically I know/knew some art bitch from Newf.
She'd never stop going on about how desolate it was and how incest was sky high.
Idk who the fuck moves to such places for anything other than retirement.

It's desolate outside of St. John's and Corner Brook, or surrounding areas. Pretty comfortable if you live in/around either town.

Can't speak about incest, as all normalfags I know who are in relationships, are not in incestuous ones. I like it here, though. The scenery is great. I'd rather look at the ocean than kms of wheat fields or whatever SK or Manitoba has

Friend I knew was more rural, forget the exact area, it wasn't far from the Dildo place though.

Northern NS is like this too. There was a notorious family called the "Golers" who were the maritime's equivalent to Deliverance.

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Explains it lmao. I like the area, but it's "rural fishing town" af

some sht bong town called northampton.
britfeel was gonna do a meetup here because its in the middle of the country. Wonder what happened.

Literally everybody I've encountered online from Nova Scotia has multiple screws loose
esp this one tranny who faked having MPD

I live in a medium sized city in Georgia. Its decent here.

Hey I'm in St Pete lol, I fear Tampa

Vast majority of r9k posters live in the Anglosphere or Europe. Hence why this board belongs to the whites. Everyone else is an outlier.

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Definitely the rust belt. Literally nothing to do and nothing the place offers. You basically spend your free time online because everyone you know moved out after high school. Depressing place for a depressed disenfranchised youth

I love watching videos of driving through towns in the rust belt. truly god awful.

explain what is wrong with Tampa. I was considering moving there

Nordcuck reporting in

I know, walking past decaying factories and mines that once gave birth to a booming towns that industrialized America only to turn into shoddy ghost towns is devastating.

This is from the city I was born in. Had to move away because all the niggers and spics flooded in and caused the crime to soar and economy to drop. Hard to believe this was one of the richest cities in America youtu.be/mwCo5IJcvns

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I live in Wisconsin. but then again there was some other user from Wisconsin looking for fembots in another thread and by what he said he's better than me in every way, so I don't know.

Well I could tell you but then I would get a three day ban for racism.

Lithuania here

You can almost tell it used to be a bustling place but it's well and truly dead now. One of the better one's I've seen actually, thanks user.

You don't know where you live?

well I meant it as I don't know what that says about whether America's Dairyland is a representative location for robots or not. but I also sometimes feel like I'm watching my life like it was a movie, so in one metaphorical sense of the phrase I don't really know where I live.

Dunno about the average but I live in a small to medium sized apartment in western europe. Living alone actually is really comfy. Would still prefer to have someone to share my life with.

how u feel a femanon lives in ur town?