version of the "ye olde gentlemans club"
version of the "ye olde gentlemans club"
that emotion when
something you are lacking is
a robot boyfriend
i have familiarized myself quite aptly with the emotion of which you speak, anonymous
Fuck it, this'll do
Thanks, based dead meme user
i havent seen this picture in a long time, i like it.
the populace seems to be of the conviction that such a parley is of considerable difficulty, i have found quite the opposite
the barbaric method of speaking adopted by the "pi-rate" i have found considerably more challenging
thine appetite for user's cock doth be a mighty endeavor to satiate
dat there be funny, user
i'm glad my haiku reached your heart
now for a lune
i want death
eat shit and die bitch
fuck fuck fuck
dat there only be the way we parley, user
there surely be no threats here, if we gaze away from yer stench yaryaryar
oh this one is depressing
28. What is your most treasured memory?
T. daddy issues incoming
Yeah, pretty much. Shan't bother writing it out.
when i was young and my dad didn't leave me, h-haha...
Depression and alcoholism have fucked up my memory to the point I'm not really sure what the answer to this is, which I think is actually more depressing than whatever the real answer is
someone be uttering TREASURE?????
I remember the time when my best friend in highschool walked with me from school, suddenly he jumps on my back and I gave him a piggyback ride. We had fun and we took turns trying to see who could survive the longest walking with someone on our backs.
The first time I felt loved and genuinely accepted as a person.
The one time I was truly unshackled and loved for it.
I don't wanna give any details and won't.
Mommy issues are the patrician's choice of parental-oriented mental hang-ups.
honestly captcha, i hope you die a very slow and painful drawn-out death unironically
in a cruel twist of the irony of fate, i use captcha to shittalk captcha
i have hope i think
pretty cute
life is suffering
to survive is to find meaning in the suffering
fuck niggers
both literally and figuratively, wear a condom
you dirty lil sluts, i bet most of you in this thread probably finger yer selves
>being intimate with a black person
kind of disgusting user...
I am going to finger myself when no nut is over.
As a black person myself, I wholeheartedly agree
Is that really so dirty? Wouldn't do it if it didn't feel lovely.
mean image user
Metal Slimes are all cunts and should be exterminated by me for those sick exp gains.
fingering yerself is not fapping imho, just contain ur nut
u dirty lil slut, i knew you liked it aswell, tsk tsk tsk....
"Like a sir" I loved this meme in school
Do you not like doing it?
i've come this far
not going to throw it away with only a few days left
were not talking about me user, were talking about you and how much of a dirty lil slut you are :)
i like it, but it feels wierd, i cant cum, so it just continues on endlessly until i wank
I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that particular topic...
I know what you mean, that's happened to me a lot before, but other times it's been all too easy to push over the edge from that alone.
Going to see if nofap makes it easier, because it's ultimately so much more rewarding.
>but other times it's been all too easy to push over the edge from that alone.
i didnt know this was even possible
I wish I could get into all this "oh you're such a dirty little slut" talk but it never does anything for me.
I get that the degradation is why it turns others on but it always just makes me cringe whenever I hear it.
>I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that particular topic...
im sorry user
fuck, who am i kidding, i dont even like it, i just thought others did
That's cute, user. But don't change yourself based on others' wants.