Why dont robots just settIe for a 4.75 gf?

why dont robots just settIe for a 4.75 gf?

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a what


because they have lost all touch with reality

what makes that a 4.75?
i rate girls like videogame reviewers, even if they are total trash they still get at least a 6 or 7.

this is why you have the driest dick in the western hemisphere

This would literally solve all their problems but they think that themselves, probably a 3 at best deserve 8+/10 model types.

>tell an ugly girl she is cute and is at least an 8.8
>muh dicks suddenly wet.

man its so hot when a clearly below average girl still tries to look good and be normie. this girl can save me bros...

she is out of my Ieague

Most of those points come from her being skinny. Reminder that 75% of women are overweight or obese.
>inb4 americans
We aren't even the most obese country.

her titties don't fit the shirt, that shirt is for tiny little breasts

Because I look better than her. Even with my heli pad forehead.

Lmao what makes it that its a fucking man

>hammer and sickle on her poster
commie girls are an automatic 0/10

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That's a 3.5, not a 4.75. Bad facial aesthetics, could be boosted to a 5 with makeup. She will get a 6/10, attractive guy.

If she was 350lbs, then you might have a shot with her

shes not even that skinny lol

>this is considered white in america

Any of yall know if I can sub to some whores onlyfans, yoink all her pictures, and then do a chargeback?

bruh your actually legendary ive fucked plenty of fat ugly women as a normalnigger and i have the same system

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why are there never any women around me that are this based

its not reaI

Girls like that only date whites
>That hammer and sickle
Pic related

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excellent blojack (black wojack for the kids out there)

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That creature is a 1/10 not a 4.
And settling means you are trying to fuck and be in love with pill bottles and synthetic oxytocin/vasopressin intranasally as well as hoping the bitch is willing to get her hormones put at the "raging teenage" level instead of the level of a woman nearing 30 (or above) to begin with.

If Commies didn't hate ME I'd find her hot...

Wait this chick openly said "I hate niggers" on Tinder? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!?? WHY CAN YOU NOT BE MORE THAN A MYTH!!??

you = bIackpilled, zero pussy
me = whitepilled and would fuck

Excuse you, it's "nigjak", bakane frog poster.

a 4.75 woman will only accept dating a 7.75 man.

And satisfy her hypergamy? The ugly whores should stay in their lane, but they'll go for men too good for them anyway and cry when they (shockingly) get rejected.

>why dont robots just settIe for a 4.75 gf?
I tried, turned out she had a bf.

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Because it is about connection not looks. If an ugly chick was based I'd be down but they aren't they are normies like yourself.

If I get rejected by a pretty girl, it doesn't reflect badly on me because I'm probably just dragnetting for hotties anyway
If I get rejected by an ugly girl, it says that I am both of lower status than the ugly girl, and that I have low standards. (both turnoffs for girls)
it's not worth the risk
