>be angry with society
>a woman provides you with a display of physical affection
>realize that all you needed was love and human contact
does this happen often to you?
Be angry with society
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I usually only get mad when my friends intentionally make me mad so I yell, and they do it because they like when I yell. Other than that only my family makes me mad, I couldn't give a fuck about any one else to make me care enough to be mad. I'll get autistically cringe sometimes but that's not genuine anger.
>drink water and listen to music
i already do that, now let me fuck
dont you ever feel the need to be loved? dont you think it will be less violence if females loved lonely guys?
If all incels were given sex the world would be a better place.
this is true, imagine all the victims of mass shootings and terrorist attacks that could've been saved if one girl would've smiled at that one incel at the right time
If this is the case for you, you are not a robot. Anytime I come into contact with a female positive or negative I am repulsed by their mechanisms of behaviour.
I honestly can't believe how fucking 2 dimensional your thinking must be if positive female interaction can entirely change your worldview.
how long is that feeling going to last ? Will she always be there to supply you with that feel? Sounds like a temporary fix to a bigger problem.
when was the last time you got your cute lips kissed?
I thought this was inappropriate, creepy, and sexual abuse? Or does this only apply to chads?
You're blue pilled beyond oblivion if you think these webms represent some kind of positive female behaviour.
These are nothing but venus fly traps and you a dim-witted fly. stop posting on my board
The nature of women is ruse and you are a pride fool
>Rolled up her shirt instead of changing into one of the belly shirts she certainly has even though she's in her own bedroom
The difference between a zoomer and a boomer is that the boomer got to see this kind of thing in person. The zoomer has to make do with Tik-tok.
my reality
>sorry i had to get throu-
>gets slapped, pinned down by chads and then coppers arrest me and i get registered as an SO
Never because
>a woman provides you with a display of physical affection
Doesn't happen
when I watch these webms all I think about is how glorious it would feel to put a vice grip around their necks and watch the life slip from their eyes
I wanna make that fat bitch pregnant so bad.
>mfw i pull out my ar 15 planned for the mosque shooting and kill the coppers and people watching plus myself
live on bro
No, that's not all i need, i've been in relationships before and being loved and all is nice but the high wears off and i'm left just as angry and resentful as before, the difference is that you have someone that keeps you grounded and offers you some sort of stability, but the anger never trult went away for me and it eventually caused my relationship to end.
I'm like this but with catboy ASMR
are you all zoomers? I'm 27 and these tiktoks do nothing but repulse me
I'll be 30 next week and these TikToks gave me a boner.
Sorry, but all these WEBMs make me homicidal. I cant stand these shallow, narcissistic, sex doll looking pieces of trash. I fucking hate them with every fiber of my body.
i don't need drugs
i need a loving gf to cuddle me
Im only a year younger and they make me hard as fuck.
I hate to say it, but zoomer girls are fucking hot. So trashy and broken, but so erotic.
>when was the last time you got your cute lips kissed?
>assuming people on Zig Forums aren't kissless virgins
>realize that all you needed was love and human contact
I fucking wish lol
These zoomer girls repulse me, the only way I would have sex with one is hate fucking. Smack their fucking make up out of their faces and punch them in the fucking belly while doing that. At the end knock them out with a haymaker and then leave.
>Or does this only apply to chads?
Of course it does, people like us never get a pass on anything
Bruh, Bianca Devins really grew up lmao
>Or does this only apply to chads?
First day on the internet?
>all I think about is how glorious it would feel to put a vice grip around their necks and watch the life slip from their eyes
Same. I never understood EoE until recently. It all makes sense now.
Never even though that *IS* all I really need to hate everyone/society less.
Yes, but they have to be good females. Hysterical, nutjob feminists/fatasses won't work....
Truth, though none of us claim entitlement or force of arms is involved or need to be, it's not like the average dude that failed in the genetic lotto doesn't still TRY or want to earn. Cosmetic medicine EXISTS (and psychiatry is already state subsidized anyway despite being pseudoscientfiic horseshit and an abysmal failure) and likewise, sugar babies exist as well.
I find her pretty for sure...
Would (you) like it if a greasy fat dude held your hips?
only the first part.
You're too far gone, seether. Kill yourself, unironically.
I am not him, but these girls are actually repulsive. May look "pretty", but I can smell their mental issues from miles away.
Is having a gf really that big of a life improvement?
so its only okay when chad does it? you admit to hate ugly people and want to ruin their lives just for being ugly?
>be angry with society
>a woman provides me with a display of physical affection
>feel nothing
yes, it is, not having a gf its literally the only thing that excludes you from a good job, a nice family and a healthy social life with friends.