Beyond all that, read Evola's The Yoga of Power and The Doctrine of Awakening, might you provide some answers
The middle way
*provide you
Of what? If you actually read the texts these insights are literally past life recall
This is western lies. Eastern monasteries are very dogmatic, and nowhere does the Buddha say not to pick and choose what you do and don't believe. Post Sutta
"Secular buddhism"
Ridiculous. The jhanas are religious through and through. The whole concept of buddhism as a practice is specifically to end the cycle of rebirth/karma fruition (religious ideas)
Its like saying secular Christianity, where what you do is pray
>reddit spacing
>shit opinions
Who woulda thunk it
Dont need your stupid indian music chanted by a nonhuman infidel in annoying tone and female voice
Using meditation techniques to become more centered, calm, controlled and compassionate doesn't require any religious belief that's all I'm saying, the channel i linked talks about some of the criticisms you have, check it out
never asked you to listen
If you ever end up in Hell, pray you remember to call upon Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. He will appear, he will teach you to endure the great strife of your environment with equanimity, and you will exhaust and purify your karma much sooner than you would have otherwise. Through his guidance, you will ascend back to the human realm sooner than not. Even if you can't remember, your karma will be purified and exhausted eventually by enduring the hells.
So remember this phrase:
Nam mo Dye When Dee-ah Tum Bow That
Do: go drink your urine in a dark cave
that's the buddhism way
anything else
>It's time to stop worrying about bobs and vagene
femboys here we come!