Why dont you just settle for a fat doomer NEET girl with giant milkers, user?
Why dont you just settle for a fat doomer NEET girl with giant milkers, user?
she is perfect, i would make love to her for hours on end
who the fuck makes these original posts?
I would very much like a fat doomer NEET girl with giant milkers. the question is why she would ever want me.
Coomer knights
She probably is being followed by a big gorup of mens in her social media
Meanwhile im a genetic aberration with mental problems
Because they will still reject me, even though its my ideal
What does being a doomer even mean nowadays? I'm hoping it's not the "the white race is doomed" political faggotry it used to.
My fat girlfriend lost a bunch of weight and now I'm not as attracted :(
Where am I supposed to find a girl that isnt either narcisstic as fuck that ghosts me because of the fact that they are narcissistic, or girls that are so fucking shy that they ghost me because they are too shy. I swear I had many convos with shy ones, often interested and being flirty, and whenthey realize that I am actually interested in them they all pull out because they are too socially inept. I am not fucking ugly or awkward. Girls are so fucking retarded.
Every doomer is different.
>socially inept
Look at this retard, they were pretending you fucking dongus. Its part of their kawaii persona they ghost you because they talk to hundreds of men
Anyways, if this is a part of their persona I dont care about that dumb shit. Cant they be fucking normal and stop pulling dumb shit.
Because I refuse to settle on looks alone. I need to actually like the person I'm dating or they're just a fuckbuddy.
>women cant be shy
>women can't have low self esteem
is this the new deranged incel belief?
toppest of keks
Because you are not fat. Fatties are easy to get
Because I'm fucking disgusting and nobody would ever settle with me.
You know of any thicc fat doomer NEET girls in Louisiana???
Pic very much related, originale
do I have to be not fat in an objective sense or just noticeably less fat than she is?
Ah yes there's not only an abundance of these women but they're also single and attracted to me.
Depends on how tall you are. Above 6'0 you can be chubby, below you should be lean
Who said I wouldn't?
When you're me, you're not in a position to settle for anything.
post more. I can't tell if she's fat or not, but she has great flooferino hair
I did, I fell in love with her and then ruined it, the reason why I was alone was because I didn't want to change and it's why I'm alone now
Would you not like to touch her big soft titties?
i would but i cant seem to find any
my standards are too high sadly
how do i lower my standards actually frens?
ive never really seen myself as attractive but 6s and under always go for me which must mean im average or something right?
Well I mean, obviously.
the shy ones certainly aren't the ones adding dudes on Zig Forums to find mentalcel chads & posting pics, that's for sure
They dont exist op even if they did she wouldnt be interested in someone like me
source please sir, almost dick beating time
I'm a lolicon, nigga. I want flat chests.
fuck you this is perfect for me
call me desperate but I like chubby girls