User, I have a confession to make. I have a fetish that I haven't told you about since we started dating

>user, I have a confession to make. I have a fetish that I haven't told you about since we started dating.
>I want to be so fat that I'm bedbound. Will you please be my feeder? I started dating you because you were fine with me being fat and hoped you would be okay with this.

How do you respond?

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No lol but lord knows there's men out there for women like this.

I'm into weight gain too but this situation is too contrived and destroys mu suspension of disbelief

>How do you respond?
No. It's unhealthy and I don't care that your THICCCCC af but getting to that state is severely unhealthy and I won't encourage toxic behaviors.
And then if she tries to leave me when I invested my heart and love into her I'd lock her ass up.

break up with her

i don't want to be in a relationship with someone who gets off to what amounts to a slow and painful suicide

>How do you respond?
kill yourself fatty

Sure babe, just let me finish this level real quick

id say nothing and just give her this look.

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No. I dream about this sort of stuff, but I would not want to take care of a woman like that

Attached: give_me_a_lift__nude__by_dangobango-dasj89w.png (2988x2147, 1.96M)

I am not okay with it. You are mentally ill. Enjoy mold and skin tags growing under your fat flaps.

>I want you to be my live-in caregiver for free
no fuck off

it's a great fantasy but in real life where you have to deal with all the practical concerns it just doesn't work. too bad, but it can't be helped

so you fatten her up and then when she starts getting too gross you just abandon her.

Honestly, I could not leave a girl, especially if I made her that obese. I would never forgive my self.

I would prefer to stop her from getting too big to begin with.

checked yeah see ya whale

in the 2d world this is the absolute best fetish but in real life the hygine issues would turn you off so fucking fast you'd likely projectile vomit on the spot

I pinch myself and wake up from the nightmare.

>own a small retail store
>buy 150 dollars of chocolate bars because i get hungry
>hire cute 4'10 90lb girl
>let her run the store for a few days
>asks me why i have so much chocolate
>complains to me about gaining 3lbs
fucking retard

>Sure honey but I cannot afford that much food as a lowly NEET
There, problem solved, she cant gain weight if I have no money to overfeed her.

Fuck it lets go. I'm not paying for your fetish-shit though.

You let her eat your own chocolate stash? Why?

>The user shuffled awkwardly, his member engorging rapidly
>"Get in the car" he said with a commanding tone "we're going to McDonald's!"

i cant tell if this fetish is becoming more popular or it's just the same autist posting about it every day

tfw my ex went from 160-265 for me and i broke up with her ._.

that was 4 years ago and from fb stalking, it seems like she hasnt lost any of it :l

Sounds pretty hot bro, Why'd you break up?


How did you get her into it? How long did it take her to get that fat?

do fembots like cowgirl?
damn its amazing.
i just want a belly gf who loves cowgirl

Just keep fucking punching the face until my hand begins to be wet and dry again.

i had been in back to back long term relationships for 8 years at that point, and while i loved her, i still had shit in my life i wanted to explore and didnt see myself marrying her. hardest shit i've ever had to do :/

i brought it up super tactfully after sex while massaging her feet when we were discussing kinks. she already knew i liked chubby girls. told her i'd never bring it up again, i think she's beautiful no matter what, and how she feels about own body is far more important than anything, but i think it's hot when a girl puts on 5-10 lbs for someone.

her initial reaction was thinking, and later told me she was like, "absolutely no way," eventually as we had sex more and got more comfortable touching her soft spots, i started doing light fat talk and she would get wet from it. eventually she started finding it super hot, i never fed her or pressured her, but she loved food and liked being able to let became the focus of every time we had sex and by the end of the relationship she told me she couldn't orgasm while touching herself without jiggling her belly or thighs.

gain occurred over 4 years

God that's incredible.

girls are hella chill about this stuff imo

i've had 3 gfs that knew about my WG kink, 2 actively gained and were into it. one dabbled but wasn't feeling it, but we still were together for 5 years when she knew in the beginning

just gotta make sure they know you're not some sociopath that's gonna compulsively try to fatten them up against their wishes if they prefer being thin

How did they go about actively gaining?
Eating less healthy food or just larger quantities of simple carbs or deliberately sitting down with a whole lot and trying to eat as much as possible?

I assume they just ate more of what they normally would
why is chad the charismatic extrovert on Zig Forums?