How do you feel about reincarnation? Does the thought of it horrify or excite you?
How do you feel about reincarnation? Does the thought of it horrify or excite you?
I'm going to fucking pissed If I get sent back here.
I don't believe in that shit lmfao. Even if it is true I don't think it'd matter because I'd have no recollection of my previous life and therefore wouldn't even really be myself.
Its pretty boring, what's the point of this life if I'm just going to be reincarnated as something else?
Being reincarnated back on this earth to age and die again sounds pretty bad, but I hear you can be reincarnated in higher realms where age and death aren't such insufferable afflictions.
If it is true at least I have no memory of previous life. It's like I never knew it happened.
But even devas aren't immortal, once your time in the deva realm is up you go straight to the hell realm for countless eons as your good karma is all used up
I don't really get how using up good karma lands you in hell. It's not like it's getting transmuted into bad karma. If anything, the soul should simply fall back down to earth realm.
reincarnation is just a simplified model of the infathomly complex reality which we cannot experience consciously with our relatively plant tier brain power
I think reincarnation is inevitable. Right now I'm having the experience of being me "I AM", eventually I will die, I will be you and you will be me. It's inevitable. On an infinite timeline anything that's possible becomes inevitable. There may not be an infinite amount of time in this universe but I believe there is more than just this universe, this universe is part of a larger framework.
Afterlife? This IS the afterlife. You're in it now. It's just more of this. Forever. We'll eventually experience everything, all of us. The lowest depths of humiliation, abuse and hell along with the highest heights of pleasure, comfort and heaven.
I don't feel anything about this, no excitement or anxiety. It's just the way it is, from what I can tell. If you think about it long enough I think you'll reach similar conclusions.
I want to be reincarnated into some kind of isekai world. Become powerful, become rich, have a harem and have a big family. Otherwise I would love a world where I have magical powers, really I hate materialism and wish that metaphysics were real.
true. the reality devs should probably fix that bug
It has been said samsara == nirvana, for one who's enlightened.
Ignorance ("dukkha") is the problem...everything else is as it should be.
All a Buddha could do, is to turn the wheel (teach dhamma). No job, or service/charity, in this world comes close.
I'm totally blackpilled about this world. It seems that it slides more and more into a totalitarian dystopian world like in Brave New World or 1984. Really this build back better stuff scares me. That's why I wish that when I die I would be reincarnated into a better world, with a better world. Outside of our own totalitarian earth. Just a world where you can experience what was promised 20 years ago.
This is so perfect. Really I love this pictute.
It just seems highly unlikely so I don't give it much thought ether way.
I don't trust anyone else's version of religion/philosophy/afterlife theory. If they say there is an end or final level then I doubt them even more.
If you look around and study nature you can infer many things about the nature of God and this reality. Every end is just another beginning. Even the stars die and are reborn. Everything alive is at war, even trees compete with each other for sunlight and nutrients. This is how things grow. Everything is growing and enhancing due to this competition, this eternal war. Without it, everything would be static and unchanging. So there is no such thing as perfection, it is imaginary. If something is perfect it would also be static and therefore imperfect.
I cannot rationalize a final state. Once we reach the end we'll be right back where we started. I could be wrong but I don't think so. Your answer is far more comforting but to me seems less realistic.
tfw reborn as a preta
I'm not even sure I believe we are alive lmao, people get way to optimistic with this afterlife shit, id like to see some more pessimistic thought on the subject that goes even deeper than nothing happens.
Have you read the Bhagavad Gita, Op?
The Vedas tell us birth, death and rebirth are inevitable and we should approach them without fear
We are like the dreamer who reams then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire Universe. From the unreal leads us to the real, from the darkness lead us to light, from death unto immortality.
thomas Iigotti conspiracy against the human race
"reincarnation" is not real. The source of consciousness is the universe itself. Water filled the glass of our bodies taking the form we call "I". Break the glass and the water goes back into the ocean. Everything is one and the same. Phenomenon precedes objects. Is this post the atoms in your computer or the energy flowing through it?
Birth isn't the start, death isn't the end. Everything moves on. We are just waves of the universal ocean flowing towards an unknown goal.
fucking this, I want to get out and go to a different or higher plane
I've heard so many theories and ideas about what happens but the one that scares me the most is just nothing, someone said to me once "can you remember what it was like before you were born? well that's what it's like when you die"
and I would hate that
there's no evidence, only "near death" stories of people who haven't actually died and beliefs of people who are still here, it's still interesting but I can't bring myself to actually believe it
I get the feeling that we'll never know, until it's actually time for us to go.
this thread reminds me of a film I watched where some scientist discovered the existance of an afterlife of some sort, and then people just started killing themselves in droves
would you kys yourself if someone discovered that there was something after death?
I was going to post more or less this but you posted it before I could. This is the problem I feel with how many Buddhists look at reincarnation. I do not believe in reincarnation, I believe in a shifting of forms, that will continue on for eternity because this is as far as we can tell, objectively true through the lens of what we can prove. People believe in reincarnation the same reason they believe in the Abrahamic version of heaven and hell, they want to believe that their actions will cause them to have a better reality in the future, these same people are clinging to a future yet claiming to be wise and free from clinging, there's a part in the back of their brain where they believe virtuously living their life will give them some grand payoff in the end. That's not living in the moment, that's living in an inconceivable future.
As your body rots, you'll feel it, but be powerless to do anything. You won't lose sensation as parts are lost. You will still feel every sensation as microscopic pieces of you are eaten and ingested by microbes. You'll feel every atom aftr it is lost to the wind. The trillions of parts of you will scream in agony as they disperse and you will feel every single one of them. Your consciousness will be pulled apart as you cannot imagine. You will never know peace. The pain will only get worse every second you are dead.
It's kind of perplexing and it makes me think of what's beyond the material world, and what's the purpose of humans. Are we like bytes of information for a fourth dimensional being, similar to how the cells and micro organism exist in a 2D world without ever knowing their true purpose in the grander scheme of things?
Either way the reincarnation of who I am, is an impossibility because if that were so, I wouldn't be me, I"d be me and the thousand other reincarnation which would automatically not make me, me. The only experience I'm able to recall is my own, and even that if extremely fleeting. Hmmmm that brings up an interesting question. If the experience of who I am is fleeting, does that mean the real me, is the me in the present moment?
If that's the case, then the data is not who I am, but a resource that's harvested by other entities. I am an NPC but unironically holy shit
> are clinging to a future yet claiming to be wise and free from clinging
I believe it is because of our attachment to our egos, or the "I", that is brought on by our instinct to survive. We were never biologically meant to know too far ahead into the future to the point we can predict our own deaths. We cling too much to this point in time we cant even perceive in our current form.
I also have that problem with Buddhists.. At least there is the focus on the now with the them, to accept that this life is temporary, while abrahamic religions focus too much on the future ignoring the present. They want to believe they can stop the natural cycle. Every rain droplets fall to the ground, doesn`t matter their size.
It is very hard to accept that things continue to flow throughout eternity without a fixed form.
Today I am me, tomorrow I am the soil, the rain, the wind and so on.
>Kills self
>Comes back as something else even shittier
the cycle continues
The human phenomenon is but the sum of densely coiled layers of illusion, each of which winds itself upon the supreme insanity that there are persons of any kind
When all there can be is mindless mirrors laughing and screaming as they parade about in an endless dream