Shit, why is gay porn so hot? I am straight but shit like pic related is just so damn sexy. Anyone else agree?
Shit, why is gay porn so hot? I am straight but shit like pic related is just so damn sexy. Anyone else agree?
Probably because that's just a girl with a penis. Men don't actually look like this in real life.
Fembois are hot shit and you'd be mad not to fuck one.
your discord raids are pathetic and you will never be a real woman
please fuck off, and take all the newfaggots with you.
Mossad's porn psyop to emasculate and enslave you, stop being a faggot OP
This, that's not even gay porn. It's just a girl with penis. Does this turn you on?
What about pic rel? Pretty much a dude body, but still hot as fuck
Hottest pic in this thread to be honest.
tfw my trans gf had hormonal issues where they produce like 3x lower Test than a low T man, and had high E levels. They literally have the body type like OP's pic. They even have blonde hair, blue eyes, and freckles, are 5'5" too.
Honestly boys who look like girls are the best thing in this world. Also I look like an OL futa
That body is still more akin to a muscular woman than a man
>Does this turn you on?
reminder that men are MUCH better partners than women
God I wish that were me
I want to be a robot's housewife (male) really badly
you have no idea how lucky you are, do me a favour, please. Stay with him and take care of him with all your heart, and don't come here anymore.
i dont believe you, how can such a creature exist?
I have that body and Im a man, gas yourself mascfag
user Im a femboy on hrt with blonde hair blue eyes and freckles. Maybe I could hug you
If you hugged me, Im afraid i would never let go, user.
user forgot to talk about his deep voice, strong jawline and premature baldness. Chances are one of the mentaly ill faggots ropes by 30 and the other one comes back to browse r9k daily. I really hope his tranny gf is not underaged.
Homosexuality is unnatural, you aren't supposed to be attracted to men, and sodomy is gross but some guys are still cute enough that you want to fuck them and that's hot.
What's Zig Forumss current theory on prison gay men?
Cause I'm straight but years of loneliness has resulted me in getting hard from seeing pics like this and also turned on.
I feel like it's more likely some kind of fetish rather than prison gay because the thought of me being with a man like this fills me with disgust but like, I can't deny my physical reaction to seeing this stuff.
>I am straight
Yeah, right. Not anymore, faggot.
What? No boobs and those abs on a woman?
i think you're just a retard who looks at too much porn and doesn't get enough human interaction with the opposite sex
I don't look at porn anymore unless I come across it on Zig Forums, do you those things would be enough to cause my penis to become erect when seeing men in gay porn?
>i don't look at porn anymore
>unless i'm looking at porn on Zig Forums
come on now
It's not hard to stumble upon porn on Zig Forums user but you're right that the wording was really vague, by look I mean specifically search for it.
Too bad femboys and traps only look good if a talented artist draws them. Sure there must be some incredibly hot guys with dick IRL but they are extremely rare and they have a decade at best when they really look cute.
this. don't be trapped straight boys.
disgusting. txaxaxaxa
You are most likely still too manly
People talk about free love and sexual liberation, but the reality is that "free" sex can only occur between people where there is no inherent power imbalance. Heterosexual relations can never achieve this, as one class (male) are members of an oppresor group, and one (female) are oppressed. Can consent be freely given in such a scenario? Can a slave truly consent to sex with her owner?
This is why gay homonsex is the only true form of sex. It is sex pursued for its own sake, and for no other reason than its own end - sexual pleasure. Hetero sex ALWAYS has some added element of power imbalance, differing consequences (it is thebWOMAN that gets pregnant and must deal with it), and heterosexual relationships always have an oppressive ideal (nuclear family, marriage) lingering in the background - as if the goal of the sex is to in fact form a family, an economic unit, produce babies, and fulfil ones function as a productive heterosexual family, grow the economy, provide future babies to further the states aims, etc etc.
Gay sex- necessarily transgressive- of social norms, of the state itself, is the only truly free sex and love there is. No power imbalance, no class division, no oppressor no oppressed. Just two free agents fucking.
lmao. stick something into your pooper, fag.
Is that supposed to be an insult? I'm literally arguing FOR gay sex
>What's Zig Forumss current theory on prison gay men?
lack of real life positive social reaction results in romantic and sexual interest in other males similar to prisoners who have access to pornography but still fall in love with other male prisoners.
>Cause I'm straight but years of loneliness has resulted me in getting hard from seeing pics like this and also turned on.
2d porn is abit of a grey area but again straight guys dont jerk off to gay porn even androg gay porn like in OPs pic.
>I feel like it's more likely some kind of fetish rather than prison gay because the thought of me being with a man like this fills me with disgust but like, I can't deny my physical reaction to seeing this stu
Prisoners do not suddenly wake up and feel gay it is a slow process, at the moment the digust you have is being removed. Similar to if you had a fear you slowly overcome or a bad habit you slowly gained.
Anyway the common way of dealing with it for guys like you is just refering to it as prison, a phase, or just not refering to it at all.
>gay homonsex is the only true form of sex
what a retarded faggot. You'll never experience how sex was meant to be.