This image fucking pisses me off

This image fucking pisses me off.
Shit like this makes me hate women so fucking much.

Attached: 89_Ej2iBNVUYAADxWV.jpg (3480x2470, 1.01M)

Why? It's just some ho.

Why did you save it then? Lol

Why would you care about some dumb whore of Babylon? Porn is not real life, never let yourself be effected by the actions of some dumb thot. Dumb thots have existed for centuries, fucking literally everything in sight. Stupid user. Grow up, stop seething. Or you will be destroyed by it!

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>This image fucking pisses me off.
>Shit like this makes me hate women so fucking much

user open a window or something, get some fresh air

Who's the girl? I want to dedicate my 18th fap of the day to her.

shes so pretty i have to fuck fat trash because no one else would look at me i hate this life

too many white women fucking black guys so casually yet they make their own men go through every hoop imaginable just to get a whiff of pussy not even a pump

>This image fucking pisses me off.
Me too. Why did you have to inflict it on me?

Is that Bella Thorne? Is that what roasties are mad about on onlyfans, that she actually fucks dudes?

There is literally millions of bitches that look like that. She's not special and she's not better than you.

I don't think he is really upset about it lol

i have never had sex with a girl who was under 200 pounds

That's not bad at all brother. You're doing just fine.

its just a whore keep moving fag
theres always going to be guys fucking dogs chicks getting fucked by horses its the current year weimar edition fucking animals isnt anything new
if you get angry by it its a reflection of yourself
she had a horrible childhood and not only will she have a horrible life after hitting the wall in her 30s but she will go to hell aswell
tldr spend your time making money and trying to find a good girl at church

I want to lick her face! cute! their primal needs satisfied!

>but she will go to hell aswell
lol wtf did you get that from

what is annoying about this image I have no reaction

>big dick
Don't be so jealous, get over yourself.

That's Lauren Phoenix, a pornstar. That's what pornstars do, they fuck.

>iq of 90
>likely to commit crime while spooning

I meant to say Lauren Phillips. Her name is Lauren Phillips. Phoenix is a different pornstar.

>there are plenty of black men who are legitimately scientists and Docotors and chess players and lawyers
and I do not mean people passed through schools because of their skin colour.
I had sex with a black doctor and he was very smart and kind.
grow up. Averages are averages, a lot of people are better than that.

>Lauren Phillips
No it's Jia Lissa

it's not like she'd fuck you anyways, incel

Must be for some promotional scene or something. Isn't Jia Lissa an actual dyke in real life?

anybody can fuck a cute whore with enough money. this is from Blackraw the jewish owned pornsite that has been confirmed to post here, pays their whores the most. pay a KKK member enough money and they'll fuck a black guy too/

mfw when I came fucking my dildo as my white boi friend told me about black cock and being a little whore for it.

Yes I am a trap.

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>confirmed to post here
probably to troll incels I doubt there is a huge event.
trannies like me do that for them.

This is true but nature will sort itself out. Single mothers and cat ladies are the future women choose for themselves being whores while they're young and relevant, it's not just about them fucking black guys. If she fucks a bunch of huwhite guys she's still a used up whore.

>I had sex with a black doctor
Even in this larp you're a whore, bravo.

Even if we say those stereotypes are true. Why would she give a shit?
If you saw a hot black girl with perfect ass and tits, great body, pretty face, would you care if she commits crime after you fuck her or if she's dumb as fuck?

Why do you care of a porn whore ?

Are you retarded or something?

Attached: 1589395841300.jpg (881x1024, 76.37K)

>If she fucks a bunch of huwhite guys she's still a used up whore.

>be user
>fuck a smart black dctor
>get called larp
>get called whore
why is it being a whore to fuck a smart guy with a respected job? drop the fucking pretences, you dont care about iq, or crime, you are just racist for reasons you cannot even explain.