Zig Forumsshitter has an opinion

>Zig Forumsshitter has an opinion

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You seem upset im concerned

If you're not racist you're delusional.

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Hey Bunkerchan loser you're not supposed to be raiding this board. It's already full of people as pathetic as you.

If youre not posting about race youre not saying anything im interested in

They aren't even intellectually honest enough to be called delusional, more like if you're not racist you have an agenda

Show us on the doll where Pol touched you

>everyone's face when Zig Forums posts outside their containment board

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Hey buddu if you want to engage in good faith arguments about race relations you are in the wrong place

>everyones face when people hate Zig Forums think they belong

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>peaceful thread
>Zig Forumstard brings unrelated politic garbage into it
I do agree on their views about the jews, trump dickriders can go fuck themselves though

>ask Zig Forums to provide source
>"wel.... truth is subjective, fake news, all science is controlled by people I disagree with"

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but i unironically enjoy hating jews and blacks. makes things more interesting

>say that people owning lots of wealth is bad for society
>Zig Forumsshitter cartwheels into the thread spouting "DIE COMMIE" even though they'd agree if the argument was packaged with the intellectual equivalent of a happy meal

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black people stupidity (at least in america) is mainly the result of the jewish media promoting degeneracy in their music and media while before being the man that kept them down (they blame whitey instead of jews because white skin must mean they're white to them)
imo, africans from africa seem like completely different humans

>le based blacks meme


not what i meant but there's no denying they'd be much better behaved if not for the soulless big nosed fucks

>ask a Zig Forumsfriend why they believe in pseudoscientific theories of race
>admits they had a bad experience and is searching for reasons with extreme confirmation bias

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Africa is a shithole too, we just only take intelligent immigrants and fuck africa over more. Not that it means blacks aren't inferior but that whole brain drain thing is real.

They disagree with common sense and call out my communist trojan horse arguments

>Zig Forums's collective brain when you ask if the jews are powerful or weak

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>lol north korea and their state propaganda
>Honestly, we shouldn't tax billionaires.

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>Zig Forums when you point out there is no biological definition of race and any statistical difference between any two "races" is a result of material conditions rather than genetics

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Everything you do gives corporate more power while everything Zig Forums wants would give people more power. You idiots get used by identity politics to cede power.

Holy fuck shit you leftist faggots are stupid. I'm imagining the tranny hands that wrote this.

>Zig Forums when you say the word "unions"

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Racists are, controlling for other factors, dumber, less educated and less wealthy than the general population, including african Americans. I guess it makes sense that they would cling to group identity to pretend other white people want them around.

Vague Definitions man


All they know is propaganda, receiving and distributing it. Couldn't actually argue to save their lives.

Makes sense now that the same delusions that lead to robots being miserable are the same delusions that make them believe in leftist nonsense. As if nigs can't be racist. Ugh fucking moron. You should kill yourself.

You sure you want to go down this road when you'll just end up backpedaling?

what? this makes absolutely no sense
have you made a strawman of pol in your brain?

Shut your mouth you revolting loser. You're my bitch to bully tonight. Your parents never loved you and wish they had aborted you. You're worthless trash and no one will ever love you :)

Thats why youre here right, to correct the record?